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simple ROS script terminating without displaying errors

I took at look at your example and you're correctly noticing that it is not executing. The problem is that python expects the constructor will invoke __init__ while ...
Tully's user avatar
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3 votes

ROS2 Map not received when using nav2_bringup

The nav2 map server is the one that puts the map into the /map topic, the map is published once during launch and not continuously published. If you would like to see the map again you could use the ...
akchobby's user avatar
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2 votes

ROS2 Map not received when using nav2_bringup

I have found the mistake, I have renamed my yaml and png map files and forgot to adjust the new png name in the yaml file. Thank you very much for the help still akchobby!
DJ1NN's user avatar
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1 vote

Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): Unable to parse the value of parameter robot_description as yaml

Solution : delete code comments!! (in srdf file) First I faced error : unable to parse robot_description_semantic. Then I deleted my code comments! Then this unable to parse the value error solved..!...
chanhui.robot's user avatar
1 vote

Turtlebot 2 dimensions

23 cm from center to center. The wheel's width is 2.4 cm.
SOtone's user avatar
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1 vote

Turtlebot 2 dimensions

The specs are listed here: While they don't directly list the distance between wheels,...
Eric Lavigne's user avatar

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