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7 votes

Using brushless motors for very high torque

Your expectations are rather aggressive for a DC motor. First - 40Nm (350in-lbs) is A LOT of torque! Ex: A max rated torque for 1/4-20 bolt is only 75 in-lb (8.5Nm). Second - The mechanical power ...
markshancock's user avatar
5 votes

Struggling to understand Jacobian Inverse Kinematics

You will find it helpful to keep the physical robot and the math separate. The kinematics equations map joint parameters (which are often grouped as a vector $q$) to Cartesian coordinates ($x$,$y$,$z$...
hauptmech's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the equations of a s-curve position path?

The S-Curve profile can have several divisions along the time axis 7 divisions as per this image. This example has a constant positive jerk zone, a constant acceleration zone, a constant negative ...
Akshay Kumar's user avatar
4 votes

How can I draw a line using rotation of two circles?

Made a quick diagram and a couple of calculations in matlab, let me know if it works for you. First of all, I am assuming you are considering your piece of paper as your reference coordinate system (...
Victor Jaramillo's user avatar
3 votes

What are the equations of a s-curve position path?

To come up with a mathematical expression of the position reference $x\left(t\right)$ as a function of time $t$, we can inspect the profile of the acceleration $a\left(t\right)$. It is piece-wise ...
Ugo Pattacini's user avatar
3 votes

2DOF arm with quick movement: Stepper, servo, or DC motor?

Servo mechanisms are not the "popular" RC-Servos (not-only). Servo is a closed-loop control, not only for motors. Even Steppers could or not be servo-motors. RC-servos are in major cases a DC brushed ...
Diego C Nascimento's user avatar
3 votes

Will this have more or less lifting strength

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Each motor/joint in a linear chain of actuators (snake) needs to be capable of supplying the appropriate reaction forces. This mean that, if you have ...
Chuck's user avatar
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3 votes

Specification calculation for choosing a proper stepper motor for Ball Lead / Screw system

When looking for motors, you usually are trying to figure out specific things with specific requirements. Holding Torque Torque at Speed Resolution (for steppers) NEMA size Positional Accuracy vs ...
DrMrstheMonarch's user avatar
2 votes

Why are some motor shafts stiff while others spin freely when not powered?

IMHO it depends on two factors: if there is gear on the servo (so to motor rotates fast, the result is slow precise motion with high force), then moving it manually even little means to rotate the ...
gilhad's user avatar
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2 votes

How to reduce the small free rotation/movement of a stepper motor shaft?

Adding a worm gear to connect the output shaft to the load you are trying to move might solve your problem, since worm gear arrangements are "self locking". Here is a reference for you: http://...
JCDeen's user avatar
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2 votes

How to reduce the small free rotation/movement of a stepper motor shaft?

It's a geared stepper, which means that it's a stepper (64 steps, I gather) followed by a 64:1 (approximately) gearbox. What you're seeing is almost certainly backlash in the gear train (see where I &...
TimWescott's user avatar
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2 votes

Which motor to use for self-balancing-bot?

40 degrees is pretty good. I believe that you need motors with more torque as well as more speed. Which means that you may also need a new motor controller. The motors I don't have the information ...
NomadMaker's user avatar
2 votes

Struggling to understand Jacobian Inverse Kinematics

Without using the Jacobian, inverse kinematics provide joint angles to put the robot at a desired pose. But using inverse kinematics to move from one pose to another does not say anything about the ...
SteveO's user avatar
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2 votes

Why my stepper motor doesn't move when I attach a blade?

I will take a wild guess - your accellerating to fast for the mass of the blade / power of the stepper motor. You can check this by trying to step much slower - perhaps 1 step per second for testing
Robert Sutton's user avatar
2 votes

Encoder attached to output of gearbox of stepper motor

Here is the response from stepperonline about their closed loop stepper controller. Glad to receive your inquiry. You can't install the encoder on the output of the gearbox. This is uncorrect and ...
henradrie's user avatar
2 votes

Stepper drive resolution

G'day, For question 1, your knowledge of the standard convention for notation is correct. However, it's worth noting that the listing for the gearbox ratio isn't 1:64, it's 1/64, which is a slightly ...
J U R A P H's user avatar
2 votes

How to make a CNC machine from scratch?

How does a controller translate a move x 20 units to moving the stepper x amount of steps and keep dimensional accuracy? If the CAD G-code says move 200 mm in the x direction, how to you translate the ...
50k4's user avatar
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2 votes

Stepper Motor: Direct Drive vs. Belt Drive vs. Geared Stepper Motor

Vibration is a matter of optimal motion control problem, not the type of motor that is used (as long as you used more than 16 micro steps for your steppers). You already used AccelStepper which is the ...
Chanoh Park's user avatar
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2 votes

Why use timing belt drives in Stepper Driven Robotic Arm

Even at zero speed, stepper motors have a max torque, called the holding torque. If your design needs even higher torque than that, you could use a bigger (heavier, more expensive) motor. ...
r-bryan's user avatar
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Which part handles the acceleration of stepper motors?

The short answer is all components in the chain you described have some effect on the acceleration. The CAM software defines the waypoint through which the tool center point passes. (Let us ignore the ...
50k4's user avatar
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2 votes

How to attach plate to stepper motor?

Have a Google at double flat drive couplers, sometimes called oval, or dual drive flat. Something like this might do the trick: Also see How can I attach an arm to a double-flat drive stepper motor?
RowanP's user avatar
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2 votes

What type of actuators are needed for a high accuracy, low load weight robotic arm?

Ask yourself if you really need accuracy or precision. Because I think precision is easier to achieve than accuracy for most arms. I am not sure I would be as worried about the actuator as the gear-...
Ben's user avatar
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2 votes

How can such a small motor produce so much torque?

While there are a lot of different ways to evaluate motors, what you're getting at is likely the power output of each. Power (Watts) is defined as (force x distance)/time. So while the servo may have ...
Bahram Banisadr's user avatar
1 vote

How to calculate power supply requirements for Closed Loop Stepper Motors?

So there's a couple of things you need to go through when choosing the power supply for this application. Number one you need to differentiate between the driver capabilities and the motors ...
QuadMcFly's user avatar
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1 vote

How to tell if a stepper motor position is moved by external force?

I am not sure how you are driving your stepper motor. In case you developed your own way, you could connect an analog pin to the wires that drive the stepper motor. These should be able to detect an ...
some guy's user avatar
1 vote

Tamiya Dual Gearbox attached to an Arduino Uno Board

You can not plus the motors T130 motors directly to your arduino because of the current they require. These motors need up to 2.1 A, which you can not get directly from the arduino. The motors ...
N. Bamberg's user avatar
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1 vote

Controlling Stepper or DC motor with L298 or L293 and getting operation similar to Servo for 6 dof arm

You can't do position control without position feedback. You need position feedback. Your comments regarding why you're not going to use position feedback ("cumbersome and inaccurate due to vibration"...
Chuck's user avatar
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1 vote

Motorised Stage for laser

You have several options, and which you select might depend not only on cost, but also on the requirements for your system which you haven’t stated. For example, how much jitter is allowed while the ...
SteveO's user avatar
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1 vote

raspberry pi operating a unipolar stepper motor with a L293D IC

I need the GPIO pins that are not set to HIGH to not become a ground connection. No you don't. There always needs to be something between your motor and the GPIO, as the GPIO cannot handle motor ...
Pete Kirkham's user avatar
1 vote

Using brushless motors for very high torque

R3D34THR4Y, You are on right path. In this video skyentific explains why wide bldc motors are better fit for your problem. He uses OpenTorque Actuator, that was designed and developed by Gabrael ...
Algocrat Labs's user avatar

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