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"colcon_core.package_augmentation" Error When Building Python Package With Colcon in ROS2 Humble

My error went away after I ran the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade Running these commands updated the following packages which fixed my issue: python3-colcon-cd python3-colcon-...
Ritish Shailly's user avatar
3 votes

How do you publish on a ROS topic when the message type is not known?

You can use AnyMsg to subscribe to the topic, then use this to acquire information about the topic which can be used to construct a publisher and a new message ...
cst0's user avatar
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2 votes

catkin build fails because PythonInterp cannot be found

"FindPythonInterp.cmake" has been deprecated for a long time, and is removed in more recent cmake versions: The page ...
Mike973's user avatar
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"colcon_core.package_augmentation" Error When Building Python Package With Colcon in ROS2 Humble

I was having the same issue as you and I managed to somewhat fix it. To fix it I built with colcon after a clean terminal -- as in without any sources to any ros2 installations -- and got no warning/...
Francisco Martins Junior's user avatar
2 votes

What is the ROS2 equivalent of rospy.AnyMsg?

rospy.AnyMsg was generally used to subscribe to serialized messages in ROS 1. These would come to the user-specified callback as an array of bytes that the user ...
mjcarroll's user avatar
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1 vote

Footprint Collision Checker Nav2

The footprint collision checker takes in an arbitrary occupancy grid [1] to work with, that can be global, local, or anything really. Its of type PyCostmap [2] which has a constructor that takes in a <...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

How to simultaneously execute 2 turtlesims inthe same window

You are starting two turtlesim nodes, which will have a window each. However, if you just start the first and then call the spawn service on that node, you will get ...
Karl Damkjær Hansen's user avatar
1 vote

No transform from xxx to xxx after installing conda

I believe after you've installed conda, ROS may not be pointing to the default python path (usually on /usr/bin/python3). You can check the python version which is being called: ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
1 vote

How to set/get ROS2 params from another node using Python? Ask and ye shall receive class SetExternalParam(Node): ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a way to publish a ROS AnyMsg in Python?

This is not how AnyMsg is intended to be used, and I wouldn't expect it to be possible to do this. As the error message shows, ...
cst0's user avatar
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Running ros (built from source) with specific Python version

If you build everything from source after the new version of python was setup everything should reference the new version of python. You will need to make sure that you didn't build anything or have ...
Tully's user avatar
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How to disable dynamic reconfigure parameters?

EDIT: I did not see the ros-noetic tag at first. Below answer is for ROS 2. You can easily define rules on parameters, e.g.: Disallow a parameter to be changed, Automatically also change other ...
JRTG's user avatar
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can not mirror the nav2_bringup package

Pull your config file from the humble branch, not the main branch (which targets Rolling). Your issue is API updates made to more recent distributions are not in Humble. Mirror from the humble branch ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

ROS2 Foxy : DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API

Downgrade setuptools when you are using ROS2 foxy. Which is a known issue (mentioned here in the ROS 2 repository) :) pip3 install setuptools==58.2.0
Taeyeon Kim's user avatar

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