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What flight firmware stack is most common in aerial robotics research environments?

It is usually a combination of 2 different pieces software. Generally a higher level software which implements most of your autonomy, advanced navigation algorithms, and a lower level software which ...
edwinem's user avatar
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2 votes

LOCALAPPDATA not found in

I had the same issue. Apparently the variable is expected to be set. I suspect that this variable might be used for initial environment sensing, so on Windows it would have been automatically set. I ...
cbugk's user avatar
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1 vote

Cmake Error While Buliding Pixhawk simulator

There's something wrong with the Makefile where this is breaking depending on your exact setup. As a quick fix I would hack out the -Wno-deprecated from the Makefile, and I'll look at fixing this.
dagar's user avatar
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What should GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH be pointing to?

The GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATHmust point to your world folder, models folder and - if required - to your meshes folder. Regarding the error: How do you set the ...
bcn's user avatar
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1 vote

Adding joint plugins cause ODE internal error

The error was caused by the collision engine ode . I changed it to the bullet engine, now everything works fine.
Vacoff's user avatar
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1 vote

Do electromagnets affect magnetometer calibration?

Without knowing the specifics of the sensitivity of your magnetometer and electromagnet, it is impossible to give a concrete yes or no answer. With that, in general any source of magnetic field is ...
mjcarroll's user avatar
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