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4 votes

ROS2 AMCL vs robot_localization

robot_localization is somewhat poorly named - at this point it is mostly an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), usually it is used to merge multiple sources of odometry information (most commonly, IMU and ...
Mike Ferguson's user avatar
4 votes

Autonomous Mapping help!

I think there is a bit of misconception with what SLAM does, just remember that SLAM stands for; Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, what you want is to explore the map (autonomously of course) so ...
Harley Lara's user avatar
3 votes

ROS1 dependency in nav2 tutorial?

gazebo_ros is still used in ROS2. The source code is available here : gazebo_ros ros2 branch ...
Antoine Van Malleghem's user avatar
3 votes

ROS2 Map not received when using nav2_bringup

The nav2 map server is the one that puts the map into the /map topic, the map is published once during launch and not continuously published. If you would like to see the map again you could use the ...
akchobby's user avatar
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3 votes

nav2-smac-planner package not available on foxy

Posted the same question on github and Steve Macenski replied: Its called just the Smac Planner in Foxy
guidout's user avatar
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2 votes

ROS2 Nav2 Not Starting with namespace

You can try this approach that my fellow student used here:
ljaniec's user avatar
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2 votes

Global plan update frequency Nav 2 [ROS 2]

Yes, look at the behavior tree XML you're using. You can set the rate there (or even make it a blackboard parameter so it can be adjusted on the fly). What's nice about this is that you can not only ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
2 votes

Achieving Smooth Navigation with Nav2 Waypoint Follower

Try NavThroughPoses. The WPF stops at each pose, that's what it does and what it is documented to do. If you would not like your robot to stop at the given waypoints, then WPF is not the right ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
2 votes

Nav2 obstacle avoidance not working in Humble

I think I found the issue, in the topic param for global_costmap I had merged_laser/scan, I changed it to /merged_laser/scan and ...
Diego Carvajal's user avatar
2 votes

Dynamical footprint in Nav2

The "easy" solution would be to use a footprint that covers the robot in any configuration - the downside is that footprint is likely quite large and if you are planning in confined areas, ...
Mike Ferguson's user avatar
2 votes

ROS2 Map not received when using nav2_bringup

I have found the mistake, I have renamed my yaml and png map files and forgot to adjust the new png name in the yaml file. Thank you very much for the help still akchobby!
DJ1NN's user avatar
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2 votes

clear costmap where a laser beam does not exist

Can you provide an image of what you're talking about? Obstacle persistence is one of the most important parts of perception so you don't end up in oscillatory behavior. For example, once a blocked ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
2 votes

Why TEB controller is not available in ros2 humble?

There was a recent post on the ROS Discourse, about a new MPPI controller. That post mentions: I would be inundated with messages regarding TEB if I did not address it here. While TEB is quite a ...
JRTG's user avatar
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2 votes

Need MPPI Tuning help : robot turns while trying to follow straight line global path

Its not possible to run the controller with just that single critic. Nothing is driving the robot forward (PathFollow), among other things. You need to look critically (he he he...) at the critics to ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any way to change the color of line (trajectory) that appears in the SLAM once the robot starts moving using ROS2 and Nav2?

I think you will find the answer here: rviz/DisplayTypes/Path Name Description Valid Values Default Color The color of the line ([0-255], [0-255], [0-255]) (25, 255, 0) Alpha The amount of ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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1 vote

Nav 2 - Max speed blocked way under the max vel specified

Its hard to help answer any of these types of questions without reproducable examples. There's no hard limit at 1.8947... in the code, so there's clearly something not configured properly that's ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Why TEB controller is not available in ros2 humble?

If you still like to work with TEB, you can clone "ros2-master" branch of teb_local_planner, and build it (I cloned teb_local_planner to the nav2_ws/src (workspace of navigation2)) git clone ...
user37402's user avatar
1 vote

ROS2 SLAM without Lidar

You will need to provide your own specialized localization solution since you don't have any of the necessary requirements for 2D or 3D lidar SLAM. There are VSLAMs you might want to check out, but I ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Will the Navigation2 GPS WPF be backported to Humble?

No. It relies on items not available in Humble. Please upgrade to Iron or newer to use GPS Waypoint Follower
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Inflation Layer doesn't seem to be working in local costmap specifically

plugins: ["inflation_layer", "obstacle_layer"] These are ordered, so the inflation layer only applies to layers below it. Invert the order ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Local Planner Not Extending Beyond Robot's Footprint Boundaries to Distort Global Planner's Path

After extensive debugging and parameter tuning, I identified the root cause of the issue and made significant improvements to the robot's path planning and obstacle avoidance behavior. Turning Radius: ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
1 vote

How to set up odometry for a custom robot?

Typically, the odometry would be done by modeling where the center of the robot body is based on each leg movement and the forward kinematics. You may need to add some smoothing to this odometry ...
Mike Ferguson's user avatar
1 vote

Challenges with Local Planner in ROS2 Navigation2: Ineffectual Obstacle Avoidance and Potential Self-Detection

Completely answered here: Local Planner Not Extending Beyond Robot's Footprint Boundaries to Distort Global Planner's Path Result: Now, we need fine-tuning to optimize the behavior.
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
1 vote

Navigate through waypoints without stopping and shortcutting

That feels like a controller tuning thing. If you want your robot to not skip over waypoints, don't allow the controller to do so. For example, the RPP controller is specifically designed just to ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

clear costmap where a laser beam does not exist

This problem arises because the laser scan data moves along with the robot, rather than staying aligned with the static map. As a result, the costmap is becoming distorted, leading to inaccurate ...
Tully's user avatar
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1 vote

clear costmap where a laser beam does not exist

I agree with Steve about not clearing an area of costmap just because you can't see it. That said, Steve provides some info in the following on how to do what I think you're aksing. https://answers....
billy's user avatar
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1 vote

Nav2 Cart/Shelf Pick

Most of the times I've seen this done, the robot uses the navigation stack to get "close" to the cart (usually a designated pose in front of the cart), and then uses a custom perception + ...
Mike Ferguson's user avatar
1 vote

Convert ROS2 package from Humble to Foxy

The errors are pretty clear as what you'd need to change to make it work! These are all superficial API updates.
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Nav2, controllers, and Twist commands for ackermann robots

The angular.z field is the body-fixed frame angular velocity, not the steering angle / velocity wrt how Nav2 treats the Twist ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

ROS2 Humble Nav2 - Local and Global costmap not published

Remove the "use_sim_time": "true" from your launch arguments for nav2_bringup and it should work. I had ...
David Brown's user avatar

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