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4 votes

Running Gazebo simulation on a remote linux computer and access the GUI on another computer

Headless rendering has nothing to do with GUI. It specifies whether sensor renderers will use GLX (which requires a running X11 server, but doesn't display anything on it) or EGL (which does not ...
Martin Pecka's user avatar
3 votes

Gazebo vacuum_gripper setup

Quite intimidating, really. The plugin has to be inside the <gazebo> tag...
Steve Brown's user avatar
3 votes

Gazebo plugin location and documentation

They are in the Gazebo Sim github repository: System plugins can be found here, Gui plugins are here, Example worlds using these plugins are here. Documentation of each plugin is written in the ...
JRTG's user avatar
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2 votes

No Gazebo GUI error with gazebo_ros command

I faced the same problem before. It seems like the environment variable need to be added. This works for me. source /usr/share/gazebo/setup.bash
Tang Chuankai's user avatar
2 votes

How to get the joint acceleration in Gazebo?

You will have to calculate that yourself. Since Gazebo already provides a method of getting velocity, all you need to do is get the derivative of this to get the acceleration: $$ a = \frac{v_t - v_{t-...
Nikolai's user avatar
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2 votes

How to easily check how many laser scanner samples are being generated by the ray plugin?

If I understood correctly, you are trying to count how many lasers are being used in the ray plugin just checking the topic published with a LaserScan msg. I think ...
ÁngeLoGa's user avatar
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2 votes

How i can build a drone using ROS2 Humble and Gazebo?

Yes you could use ros2_control, but there is no ros2_controller available for drones -> you have to write your own. But the more challenging task will be to simulate the physics of the drone, lift, ...
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
2 votes

How to install libraries for plugin development for Gazebo Fortress (Ignition)

The trick is to add all subfolders of /usr/include/ignition to the include dirs. VS Code config: ...
David Brown's user avatar
1 vote

Twist coordinate frame when using `gz-sim-odometry-publisher-system`

For anyone who also encounters this issue: The velocity provided in the odometry message by the gz-sim-odometry-publisher-system plugin is given in the robot's body frame, not the world frame. This ...
Iftahnaf's user avatar
1 vote

ODE INTERNAL ERROR 1 Simulating AUV Tutorial

I found the problem The way that the hydrodynamics parameters was represented is different from fossen notation for my version
Wilmer Ariza's user avatar
1 vote

Errors with the Gazebo 11 conda forge implementation on windows

In the official repo there is a .bat file: @REM usernames with spaces cause problems, so we set the partition manually @set IGN_PARTITION=gazebo On Ubuntu 22.04 - ...
user41055's user avatar
1 vote

ArduPilot plugin for gazebo documentation

The plugin in ardupilot_gazebo is used to control joints in the model and send the state of the vehicle back to the controller. Additional plugins are used in the vehicle sdf files to model ...
Rhys Mainwaring's user avatar
1 vote

Does gazebo_ros2_control need to be sourced/built/linked after installation via apt?

If you install gazebo_ros2_control via apt, this should be fine and all dependencies should be installed. Can you follow the steps described
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to modify or extend pre-existing Gazebo Sim plugins?

My solution to this question is slightly different to the solutions I proposed in my question. Instead of creating a new RotorVelocitiesComponent.hh component to ...
CodeAnomaly's user avatar
1 vote

Simulink - Gazebo CoSimulation setup doubts

What do you mean by "the step to perform - packageGazeboPlugin"? This is a function in Robotics System Toolbox (RST), if you have this toolbox installed, you can run this command directly in ...
jc_sysu's user avatar
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1 vote

How to easily check how many laser scanner samples are being generated by the ray plugin?

You can use ros2 topic echo /scan to view the topic on the command line quickly.
Tully's user avatar
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ROS2 Gazebo vacuum_gripper doesn't grip

As you are on Gazebo Classic, I suggest to have a look at the Ariac vacuum gripper plugin. I haven't used it myself, and there is some ARIAC contest specific code in it (e.g. the ...
JRTG's user avatar
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1 vote

Gazebo Garden applying force to model via AddWorldForce fuction not acting as expected

The AddWorldForce needs the entity to have a WorldPose component for it to work. The easiest way to create that component on the ...
azeey's user avatar
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1 vote

How to set GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH correctly and add the plugin into Gazebo_ros?

I have tried this and found it to be effective. If you want others to run your code conveniently, you might consider using relative paths. I achieved this through ros2 humble file. The main ...
LihanChen2004's user avatar
1 vote

Adding joint plugins cause ODE internal error

The error was caused by the collision engine ode . I changed it to the bullet engine, now everything works fine.
Vacoff's user avatar
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undefined symbol: GzPluginHook

You should use #include <gz/plugin/Register.hh> instead of #include <gz/plugin/RegisterMore.hh>. The latter is if ...
azeey's user avatar
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1 vote

error while using diff_drive plugin

The docs you are using might be for a newer version of gazebo. I was getting the same joint errors when using camelCase tags as you have shown. This file works for me: ...
Michael Ribbons's user avatar
1 vote

How to find the plugin which the sensor should use quickly?

There are a lot of example demo worlds here. For Gazebo Fortress, see the corresponding github branch. If you are just starting out with Gazebo, I suggest to use the latest version (Harmonic) instead ...
JRTG's user avatar
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how to use gazebo ackermann plugin ROS2 Humble

I have been dealing with this for 4 months. The steering_wheel_joint is the steering wheel (like a real car) I started removing it but I remember the robot didn't move correctly. You can make a ...
dani santana's user avatar
1 vote

Where can I find the list of SDF tags that can be used for a particular sensor in Gazebo Garden?

TL;DR While writing this answer, I found that the Gazebo Sim sensor parameters are read through the SDFormat library, and hence all parameters are described in the SDFormat Specification, e.g. here ...
JRTG's user avatar
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Why are plugins generally compiled as shared libraries & not as static libraries in Gazebo-classic?

The way it is, there is one gazebo executable and every plugin (being an official plugin installed e.g. from a binary package, or a custom plugin that you compiled yourself) can be loaded at runtime. ...
JRTG's user avatar
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How to publish pose of the lidar/camera/(or any dynamic/static model) in gazebo fortress?

A Gazebo Sim system plugin can only be attached to a <world>, a <model> or a ...
JRTG's user avatar
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Gazebo Garden Detachable Joint with moving object causing massive velocity errors

There's a remark in the tutorial that models should not be colliding when the detachable joint is made. See also this discussion in the pull request. So I think the behavior you experience is due to ...
JRTG's user avatar
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1 vote

Ackermann plugin ROS2 Foxy. How to use it?

I nearly met the same question as you, but I fixed it eventually. With the source code of the Ackermann drive plugin, you can see that the plugin is using the collision geometry radius of the "...
Glens Lee's user avatar
1 vote

Can't find Apply Force Torque plugin in gazebo garden

That functionality was only very recently merged, so probably the packages haven't been updated yet. If you can't wait for the updated packages, you can compile Gazebo from source. This is not ...
JRTG's user avatar
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