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GPS (Global Positioning System) is an outdoor localization system that measures time of flight of a radio signal from a number of satellites in earth orbit.

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Satellite Pseudoranges

Also, if you use the utm_odometry_node in the gps_common package, you'll get UTM coordinates for each of your GPS positions. … Offhand, I don't know of any existing ROS nodes that extract that information from GPS units. You might want to go the route suggested by @ahendrix. …
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Seeking guidance on rtk gps topic names, message types

Quick question: Am I correct in assuming the rtk-fixed GPS messages go as nav_msgs/odometry into a robot_localization_node after passing through a navsat_transform_node? Thanks! …
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robot_localization 2nd instance not publishing map->odom transform

Did you compile this from source or use the package manager? When Groovy was EOL'd, I stopped updating its source and releases. Having said that, if you pull down the Hydro or Indigo versions, it oug …
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GPS Coordinates to Map Coordinates

Third - and this is critical - if you need to fuse the GPS data using ekf_localization_node, do not use the set_pose topic/service for feeding in the GPS data to ekf_localization_node. … , and as it is shown in my ekf_template.launch file I haven't included the GPS. …
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ekf_localization compute heading from gps motion?

Note, however, that some GPS devices provide heading based on differentiated positions, and their ROS drivers would likely fill out those fields in the messages they produce. …
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navsat robot_localization

While I can generate a made-up bag file with the right GPS coordinates to test this situation, if you happen to have one that you can share, I'd like to use it. …
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How to find a good covariance matrix in robot_localizaiton

But I still believe that it is possible to compute the absolute velocity(what I need) by absolute positions(GPS). is it right? …
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robot_localization with mocap data as alternative to GPS/NavSatFix?

The state estimation nodes in r_l don't care about GPS data; the tutorials just use GPS data as a means of showing how to work with two state estimation node instances (one each for the map and odom frames … This node is not required for operation of the state estimation nodes, and only serves to allow users to work with GPS devices. …
automatom's user avatar
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Robot Localization GPS go down

If you lose GPS signal, then yes, you will continue to get a state estimate in your map instance of the EKF using just the odometry and IMU data. …
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robot_localization with odometry\imu\gps

In the meantime, what was your first GPS message? If you set a datum, navsat_transform_node assumes that datum is your robot's "initial" GPS reading. … So if your first GPS reading was tens of meters away from 31.2630568333, 121.616275333, then the output will reflect that. …
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ROS Answers SE migration: GPS in EKF

Integration of GPS with robot_pose_ekf proved to be difficult for me when I tried it as well. … The former can be used in place of robot_pose_ekf, and the latter allows for integration of GPS data. The tutorials page contains a tutorial that details how to integrate a GPS sensor. …
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TF Lookup would require extrapolation into the future

For @jcerruti, I'm wondering if the issue is the third parameter, which is pulled directly from the message's header (in your case, the GPS data message header). … Could your GPS driver be pulling that directly from the GPS unit, and not from your machine? Just a thought. @mikepurvis, what sensor data message is causing this? …
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Discrete jumps in odom frame for robot_localization with GPS

What are the covariances of the state estimate and GPS measurements? … I'll be adding new parameters to handle GPS data and still comply with REP-105. …
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Setting Up Navigation Stack with only Odomtery

Depending on your GPS, there will likely be some extra effort required to get its data integrated. Those nodes will generate a odom->base_link transform for you. … However, if you really want to follow the ROS spec (particularly REP-105), you'll need to maintain all three frames (map, odom, and base_link), and only fuse GPS data with the estimate in the map frame …
automatom's user avatar
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robot_localization using UTM grid as map

I'm very suspicious of your GPS data. … Can you post the value of /odometry/gps? …
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