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the extended Kalman filter, a filter for nonlinear state estimation.

3 votes
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Observation Model Jacobian for Fixed Transforms

I also have an EKF that is estimating the robot's velocity. … Normally, the innovation calculation for an EKF looks like this: $$ y_k = z_k - h(x_k) $$ In this case, $h$ would just be the rotation matrix of the rotational offset. …
automatom's user avatar
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EKF filter node not working correcty

If I understand you correctly, your robot's wheels are slipping, but you want the EKF to detect that the robot is not moving forward based on the IMU data. … If so, two things: You are making your wheel encoders publish the odom->base_link transform, but your EKF is also publishing that transform. …
automatom's user avatar
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2 votes

Open source implementations of EKF for 6D pose esimation

It has both an EKF implementation (ekf_localization_node) and a UKF (ukf_localization_node). Feel free to ask questions on the ROS Answers site. …
automatom's user avatar
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ekf_localization_node type error for topic imu0

Your IMU0 configuration is specified incorrectly. You have this: <rosparam param="imu0">[false, false, false, false false, true, false, false, fa …
automatom's user avatar
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Heading estimation with GPS heading

I haven't tried that exactly, but I have worked with multiple source of heading information using robot_localization. You'd have to make sure your GPS driver (or some other node) converts your GPS he …
automatom's user avatar
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How to fix the EKF pose when the robot is definitely not moving?

You're correct, there is no way to handle this situation currently. The process noise covariance matrix is currently assumed to be static, but there are clearly situations where this isn't ideal. Thi …
automatom's user avatar
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Robot_localization ekf vs ukf process noise

However, I'm guessing what you're asking is whether the output estimate error covariance matrices would be the same for the UKF and EKF. … Still tuning Q matrix and hoped that effort would apply to both ekf and ukf. Regards. …
automatom's user avatar
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Frequency Limitation in robot_localization's EKF Node

By default, the EKF will not publish these "corrected" states. … You're forcing the EKF to do an update when there should be no need to. Let's focus on your "local" EKF instance first. …
automatom's user avatar
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ROS Answers SE migration: GPS in EKF

Someone may have a good answer for you, but if it proves too difficult, I recently released the robot_localization package, which contains both an EKF localization node and a UTM transform node. …
automatom's user avatar
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EKF problems with odom

If your GPS has an error of 5 meters, then any EKF is going to more heavily weight the odometry measurement. …
automatom's user avatar
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ekf_localization_node core dumping

Ok, so a few things: I am unable to reproduce the behavior you describe with the latest source (which will hopefully be getting released imminently). The node starts just fine either way and doesn't …
automatom's user avatar
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robot_localization TF problem

Two things. 1. V-REP publishes TF tree: map->odom->base_link->sparton. I checked tf and it's being made correctly. It is ekf_localization_node's job to publish the odom->base_link transform or the …
automatom's user avatar
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robot_localization can't locate node - jade upgrade

It sounds like you have something wrong with your workspaces in general. Try source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash, then run your command. If it works, then your workspace overlay is causing trouble. O …
automatom's user avatar
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Calculate position using robot_localization

As far as the EKF output goes, the ROS nav_msgs/Odometry message specifies that the output pose data is in the world frame (header.frame_id in the message) and the velocities are in the body frame (child_frame_id …
automatom's user avatar
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robot location prediction step

The prediction step uses the current state to generate a predicted state. If you have use_control set to true and do NOT have an IMU present, it will use the controls to set the state's acceleration …
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