# If you want to have a accurate PID coefficient: - Get your statistic actuator data (i.e. <kbd>collecting input voltages</kbd> + <kbd>encoder pulses</kbd> in a const frequently (`0.01sec`) time for `20secs` as a `3`x`2000` matrix) - Get transfer function (TF) of your actuator (using [Ident][1] toolbox in MATLAB). - Finally, use [PIDTool][2] toolbox in MATLAB and upload your transform function. --- # Or in a quick and simple manner: There is a quicker approach called [Ziegler–Nichols][3]: [![enter image description here][4]][4] And in this image demonstrate **PID parameters effects**: [![PID parameters effects][5]][5] [1]: https://www.mathworks.com/videos/introduction-to-system-identification-toolbox-68901.html [2]: https://www.mathworks.com/videos/pid-control-design-with-control-system-toolbox-68748.html [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziegler%E2%80%93Nichols_method [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/CF9m6.jpg [5]: https://i.sstatic.net/387Rz.png