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How to debug Gazebo Garden crashing on loading a robot description?

ROS2 Humble Gazebo Garden I'm trying to load a robot description into Gazebo Garden in my Humble install. I'm following the instructions on how to migrate from Gazebo Classic to Garden. The xacros are ...
Karim Virani's user avatar
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ROS2 Xacro/URDF file isn't displaying, Error: No transform from [] to []

I've created a URDF file using a few Xacro files, and for some reason as soon as I added in the caster wheel it started having problems. The chassis and caster both show up, but the caster just spawns ...
FalOn's user avatar
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ros2 launch file syntax error - XacroException: No such file or directory: + - InvalidFrontendLaunchFileError:

I have an issue when trying to execute a python launch file. Whenever I execute the file I get the following error: ...
HDJG's user avatar
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Invoke xacro macro in a launch file

I've been creating this stand alone urdf.xacro file to enact my macros. Is there a way to invoke/call a xacro macro from a python launch file and pass parameters? I've provided the file below. I'm ...
Yato's user avatar
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Is it possible to use expression evalutions ${} to call Xacro namespace macros to create lots of robots efficiently? Want to avoid hard-coding

The below code is incorrect. Is there a way to do this properly to potentially make a macro that creates lots of robots. ...
Yato's user avatar
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How do you pass params into another Xacro file via xacro:include? How does the other Xacro file receive that input?

How do you use xacro:macro and arg to include 2 of the same robot in your URDF? I'm using args for each Xacro file to read the ...
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