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ROS2 Xacro/URDF file isn't displaying, Error: No transform from [] to []

I've created a URDF file using a few Xacro files, and for some reason as soon as I added in the caster wheel it started having problems. The chassis and caster both show up, but the caster just spawns ...
FalOn's user avatar
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Separate ros2_control hardware interfaces for the joint's state and command interfaces

I have a 5 DoF manipulator, driven by K-tech CAN motors (controlled with raw CAN frames, by one CAN bus). Each of these motors has a built-in gear, an absolute single-loop encoder and an embedded ...
stanislawix's user avatar
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This robot has a joint named "screw_right_first_2_to_right_first_joint_1" which is not in the gazebo model

While trying to transfer my robot to the Gazebo environment, I get an error like this: ...
furkan's user avatar
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parsing errors when launching two robots from the same urd.xacro file

I'm trying to launch two panda robots from the same urdf file but I'm stuck as is giving me parsing errors when I launch two robots together. If I try to launch one it works but not with two (I ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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ROS Noetic. How can I manage origin of coordinates for each STL model in Rviz?

I'm having troubles with model origin of coordinates location in relation to STL models. All ones are outside the models. I tried to move it to center of mass in SolidWorks, but it didn't fix the ...
BilboBaggins's user avatar
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The xacro files don't seem to work with each other. (ubuntu 20.04 noetic) R

Hello, everyone! An error occurred while configuring the robot arm as an xacro file. The current simple model looks like this: ...
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Unable to parse URDF using command line but can do it in launch file

Hi, I am beginning to learn ROS and have encountered a strange issue. I have created 2 packages called, my_first_cpp_pkg and urdf_example, which contain xacro xmls of their own for URDF creation. I am ...
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[ROS2] Any idea on how to pass parameters (YAML) to a Xacro file via launch python script?

In my launch python script I can load and pass parameters from a .yaml file into my code without any problem: ...
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Xacro Macro Param Not defined

I have a xacro file that has some generic macros for inertia. Currently using this for Noetic but I used the exact file on a previous project in Melodic. The error I get is: name 'm' is not defined ...
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ROS Noetic xacro issue - Cannot load command parameter [robot_description] returned with code [2]

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.13.0-35-generic Architecture: x86-64 ROS distro: ROS Noetic I am trying to launch my turtlebot3 for a school assignment in the gazebo ...
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parameter passed to xacro not changing the default one

I'm trying to make a .xacro file for a UR5e robot, that allows choosing the gripper at launch, which means choosing different macros inside of it and I'm doing it based on the answer here. The setup ...
sniegs's user avatar
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Reading from yaml file in xacro?

Hi I am trying to read the parameters in a yaml file to my URDF using xacro. I understand that the values will be imported as a dictionary. I am able to retrieve the values when the yaml file has a ...
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Universal Robot URDF and xacro structure

Hi all, I am trying to create a custom environment for my UR5e robot and having a little bit of a problem understanding the file structure. I would like to have a fixed, not moving object around 1 ...
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Using xacro for robot description does not work

Hi, I defined a model using the urdf and everything works fine. However, when I replace one of the links with a macro, the link is not built to form the tree. the xacro file: links_joints.xacro` ...
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correct model design for grasping (Moveit)

Hi! I am relative new to ROS and Moveit. I am using ROS noetic. For a research project, I want to realize automated trajectory planning for an FANUC industrial robot for handling pipes with high ...
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How to assign xacro arguments to xacro macro parameters?

I am initialising a macro in my xacro file as ...
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[ros2] Launch file arguments, subsititutions, xacro and node parameters

Hi all, I am having a "fight" with launch-file argument in ROS2 for a few days already. The scenario is the following: Set parameter when calling launch file. Use it as argument for xacro ...
Dr. Denis's user avatar
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how to add image to model.urdf.xacro

I'm trying to add an arcuo-marker (*.png file) to a simple model (box) in urdf. I realize there are quite a few posts related to this but I couldn't make them work for me. Can anyone point me in the ...
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Universal Robot Arms, size changes in the robot description

I am trying to update warthog description, by attaching three universal robot arms(2 UR5, 1 UR3). I am following the second approach pointed here. I was succesfull in adding all the robot ...
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Create a urdf/xacro file from model of FreeCAD

Hello everyone. I have created the following model in FreeCAD of a robot with differencial cinematic system (back wheels do the traction): I would like to create the urdf/xacro files to see it ...
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xacro command not found

I am trying to run a xacro command to generate the latest baxter.srdf file to use with Moveit config. I found the command in a readme file in the ...
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Xacro include breaks including xacro file

I have a xacro file named "diff_wheeled_robot.urdf.xacro" to describe a robot and it works just fine. It is including other xacro files and their xacro macros. Now I want to include another ...
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Converting from URDF to STL

Is there any way to convert URDF files into STL files? I know basically we use CAD software to create stl and convert them into urdf to simulate our robots. But, in my situation, I have only xacro ...
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Help with using parameters in included Xacro Macro

Hello all, I'm trying to do something that I think is very basic but running into all kinds of trouble. System is Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic. I want to define my robot (a drone) with the ...
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Pass parameters to xacro from launch file, or otherwise

Is there an example anywhere of how to actually pass a value from a launch file to the xacro files? I found a number of things here and there, but nothing clear as to what you need to do in the launch ...
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Convert sdf file to urdf.xacro

Hey there I actually have a sdf file given and would like to convert it to an urdf.xacro file. As I have not found any converter for that I would like to do that by hand. Now what I currently have is ...
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robot slips after upgrade to kinetic

Dear all, After upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 and from Indigo to Kinetic I'm experiencing a weird behavior from Gazebo and the HyQ robot model. The complete robot model can be found here. I ...
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Some problems of conversion of xacro to urdf

Hi,everyone. I'm reading the book《mastering ros robotics programming》,and in chapter 2 I'm meeting some problems when I try to convert the xacro file to urdf file in the demo "seven_dof_arm"....
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what is xmlns tag for xacro?

what is xmlns tag for xacro? Here is the tutorial of xacro It is confusing for me to see the below code ...
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Parse error when using a xacro property loaded through a yaml file

Environment: Ubuntu 16, ROS Kinetic. I have a robot_parameters.yaml file with robot parameters: wheel_separation : 0.235 PI : 3.142 In a xacro file I have: ...
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Making a graph of the robot links of Xacro file

Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to make a graph like this from a Xacro file. It is explained that it is possible from URDF with the URDF_to_graphiz. However, it doesn't work with Xacro. ...
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What is wrong with my xacro file that I can't see the color of the box in gazebo?

Here is my xacro file: ...
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create a laser in xacro

Who can give me a simple example my_robot.xacro file that creat a robot which has a laser. I donot knoe how to add a laser and I try to use the .gazebo/models/hoyuko(model),but it is sdf,it maybe ...
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Xacro, ruby : SDF parametrization

Hi, I'm looking to control some parameters of my model through the ros launch file. I know that this used to be handle with xacro in urdf file and ruby allow some features in SDF but I not sure how to ...
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Gazebo model problems

Hi all I want to run my real robot in ros so I already wrote a simple hardware controller. I also created xacro model. First I wanted to simulate robot in gazebo and tried there follow joint ...
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Confused about Xacro and URDF

Hey together, I am a little bit confused about the use case of xacro and urdf. I my case I have an robot equipped with 3 laserscanner and modeled a urdf file for it following the build your URDF ...
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xacro load yaml file with rospack

I'm using xacro's new ability to load a yaml file into a property in order to update a URDF with new calibration data. The file in the example is local. Is there any way to hook this up to rospack so ...
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URDF files can not work on rviz ( ERROR on terminal )

Hello Everyone, I am following ROS/ Tutorials and I came aorund URDF Tutorials but relevant both URDF and XACRO examples I couldnt run , I couldnt stimulate on rviz. After all Trying and all ...
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Spawning multiples robots with 1 URDF/XACRO file

Hello, I'm spawning 2 pioneer robots but I have some plug-ins for the sensors, odom and cmd/vel that are publishing for the same topics. Is there any simple/and efficient way to change the topics ...
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Tips for making an urdf model

Hi, I want to make an urdf model for an existing robot using xacro. It is a simple robot with one arm and a moving base. What physical properties are important to include in the model, and which can ...
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How to pass parameters loaded from a yaml file into a xacro?

If I do this: <rosparam command="load" file="$(find mypkg)/config/example.yaml" /> Can I then use values set in the yaml as arguments ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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xacro arg to xacro:property, or math on xacro args?

Should it be possible to set a xacro property with a value passed in as an argument? <xacro:property name="length" value=$(arg length_arg)" /> ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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How to publish transform from odom to base_link?

I am running a p3at in a gazebo with ros plugins. I need to subscribe to the odometry pose and update broadcast the tf between odom and base_link.How do I do it? Should I define a "odom" ...
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cannot add erratic urdf in gazebo

Hello everyone, I am using gazebo 1.9 with ROS Groovy. I want to add an erratic robot in the willowgarage world. In order to do so I have the follwing launch file: ...
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Adding a link using xacro

Hi, For a model to show in gazebo, I'm using several xacro files written by someone who is no longer available. I need to add a link (camera) to an existing link by means of a fixed joint so I ...
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How to convert *.urdf.xacro files to *.sdf for gazebo?

Dear all, as with the latest gazebo version (1.7.12-s1367893033~precise) in groovy, it seems that our *.urdf.xacro files are finally not supported anymore. I found out about the latest .sdf format (1....
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Please help, converting urdf.xacro to SDF

Hello all. I am having trouble to convert the urdf.xacro files to sdf format, which is used by the newest version of gazebo. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you All! @Norman_Hendrich @hsu, ...
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Specify xacro properties in launch file

I am working on ros-fuerte-gazebo. I have a world in which I want to spawn doors to different rooms. Is there a way to specify the values for <xacro:property> ...
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Specify xacro properties in launch file

Is there a way to specify the values for <xacro:property> tags in launch file ? I want to use a single *.urdf.xacro file ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: ROS fuerte sdf

Hi everybody, I'm trying to switch between ROS electric and ROS fuerte. My problem is in launching the '.launch' file since the shell says that my model is deprecated (originally it was a '.xacro' ...
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