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gazebo wrong tf alignment

ROS Noetic, ubuntu 20.04 So I was trying simulate a robot in gazebo environment with ROS. The base I used is bunker. I basically added in a VLP-16 and kinect camera similar to how they did it in ...
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Thermal Camera Plugin not defined in SDF error

I'm trying to use the hector_gazebo_thermal_camera in a simulation for my graduation project. It returns the error: Warning [] XML Element[sensor:camera], child of element[link] not ...
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Viewing PointCloud2 in a frame from URDF in Rviz vice openni_depth_optical_frame

I am utilizing ROS Hydro on Ubuntu 12.04 with a Pioneer3-DX and Microsoft Kinect. I am using p2os, openni_launch, and openni_tracker. I have just added the Kinect to the p2os_urdf by adding the code ...
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Does a xacro exist for the kinect

To date, I have put together two robot systems that use a kinect sensor. My current approach is to copy and paste the kinect urdf into each of the system urdf's (this is obviously prone to errors). ...
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