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Problem installing turtlesim package on Windows

Alireza Fazeli's user avatar
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Problems with ROS install

I attempted to install ROS on Windows following the official instructions from the “Installation/Windows - ROS Wiki” page. However, the terminal returned the error: “Unable to connect to source 'https:...
RMA's user avatar
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ROS2 Humble in Windows 10, compiling fails, catkin_pkg missing

I installed ROS2 Humble in Windows 10. Followed the official tutorial. so far, it works, can use rqt and rviz. I am also able ...
michael86's user avatar
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ROS Noetic Windows Install Not Finding Package

I am trying to install ROS Noetic on a Windows PC using the instructions at After installing chocolatey, I am running the following command to install ...
Vallan Sherrod's user avatar
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ROS2 on Windows cannot open serial port when node is started from launch file

I am running ROS2 Foxy on a Windows 10 machine. I have a python node in a package that uses pyserial to read data on a COM port. When I run the node from command line as such, everything works ...
rayan4444's user avatar
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Unable to build ROS 2 from source on Windows. colcon issue

Win11, x64, VS 2022, ROS2 Jazzy I am following the ROS 2 docs on how to build Jazzy on windows from source, when building ROS 2 using colcon build --merge-install ...
LH0001's user avatar
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Cannot communicate over network with ROS in Windows Docker Container

I am trying to communicate between a ROS container running on a Windows 11 machine and a Raspberry Pi over a local network. I can see the topics but cannot see any data on the topic. I am pretty sure ...
user1376339's user avatar
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Failed to install Noetic on Windows

I found this weird error when trying to install Noetic on Windows recently. It seems Nuget can't find the package based on the error message. I can't find similar issues on the board. Does anyone know ...
will2km's user avatar
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Using ros2 launch to run Python nodes on Windows

I'm running into a problem when I try to use ros2 launch (under Jazzy on Windows 10) to run Python nodes. The Windows shell doesn't understand shebangs, so it isn't able to determine that it should ...
egwhoi's user avatar
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How do I access a device inside a procedural proto node in the robot controller when the proto is regenerated mid-simulation?

Context: I've made a procedural proto node that contains several proto sensors. It works basically by having an MFNode field in the definition that I put my proto-gps in (that proto contains basically ...
Pyphais's user avatar
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ros1_bridge build error in windows

I'm trying to build ros1_bridge package in windows 11 My step is 1.Create folder name ros1_bridge_ws/src 2.Download from foxy ...
Dandog's user avatar
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How to Install ROS2 Packages on Windows 10

In the past, I worked with Ubuntu-Ros1. When transitioning to Ros2, I initially wanted to try it on Windows. I installed Ros2 Humble on Windows 10 as a binary and have managed to run basic nodes. ...
aoz_rob's user avatar
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Can I see the logs when Webots crashes?

Wondering if there's something built-in already to show me the error/crash report when Webots crashes unexpectedly? I'm getting intermittent crashes when interacting with custom protos in the scene ...
Pyphais's user avatar
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ROS Noetic Installation requires credentials -Solved [duplicate]

following this guide ( I get to the actual instalation step: ...
Justus's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ament_package' in ROS2 Humble Windows

I'm trying to (colcon) build a new C++ package with a binary ROS2 Humble installation in Windows from a Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt, but each time I run "colcon build" in my ...
Eric Eggers's user avatar
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install micro-ROS on Windows?

I am trying to install micro-ROS on Win10, do you know if it's possible? If yes, can you link me a tutorial? I suspect it might not be possible.
Robowave's user avatar
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Problem while installing ROS-humble with chocolatey on Windows

I am trying to install ROS on windows following the following Isaac Sim installation guide: ...
Kayou's user avatar
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Talker/Listener topic failure ros2

Running and from the demo_nodes of ros2 humble seems to be having an issue. Talker is publishing out, but the listener is not receiving. This issue seems to also impact ros2 ...
Sneaky's user avatar
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ROS2 in .NET for Dummies?

Where can I find a good example of a .NET application running in Windows communicating over ROS2 and how to make it happen? Some kind of unassuming tutorial? I'm ultimately trying to get a Blazor app ...
Eric Eggers's user avatar
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Connection problem between ROS2 in WSL2 and Unity in Windows

I'm trying to build a system which is composed of Unity which has a ros2-for-unity in Windows11 and ROS2 in WSL2. However, I can not pub/sub between ROS2 in WSL2 and Unity in Windows. Ros2-for-unity ...
menomendy's user avatar
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Linux on KUKA controller KR C4/5

I need to configure my RSI interface on the KUKA controller C4. I was following this guide : and ...
dodo's user avatar
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OpenSSL version problem in ROS2 Humble install for Windows

I'm trying to install ROS2 Humble for Windows because I would like to create an environments for Oculus Quest and Unity and Isaac sim and ROS2. I followed this official page but I noticed that OpenSSL ...
Shunichi's user avatar
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ROS2 Humble Installation: Failed to build vision package

I am installing Ros2 humble on windows 11 so that I can make bridge with omniverse In the installation process while building vision_msgs pkg I am getting this error, The installation guide which I ...
mayank dhawan's user avatar
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Iron & Windows: Error code 3221226505 when running ROS 2 node with ros2 run

I am trying implementing the tutorial of "Using quality-of-service settings for lossy networks". When I try to run the showimage node in the image_tools package using the ros2 run command: <...
Eric's user avatar
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Turtlebot3 Gazebo Windows gui error

guy! When I try to open gazebo (in windows) for turtlebot3 it doesnt open absolutely nothing. But when I try to launch a simulation it gives me this error: Segmentation fault (core dumped) [gazebo-2] ...
Ali Maiee's user avatar
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Challenges in Packaging and Distributing a ROS 2 Application with C++ and Python Components

Hi! I am working on a project involving a ROS 2 application that integrates both C++ and Python components. The application is designed to visualize data from automotive radars and is developed using ...
Yernar's user avatar
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Unable to launch the node with admin access on Windows

My setup: Windows 11 ROS2 IRON patch release 3 VS studio 2019 When I execute the launch file on the terminal with admin access, it hangs and shows the following info: ...
Yernar's user avatar
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ROS Docker container on Windows experiencing significant delay in response

I'm tryied to set up a ROS environment on Windows by creating a Docker container with Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic. I've utilized Docker Desktop with network=host ...
Riley C's user avatar
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Connecting simulink/matlab and Ros only work one way, but can't receive messages

I'm trying to connect a Duckiebot with ROS to MATLAB Simulink (unfortunately, I'm compelled to use them), and something strange is happening. I can ping both devices, and I can also send commands from ...
Mariano's user avatar
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Colcon build error : 0 packages finished

I am using ROS2 humble on Windows 10 and it is installed successfully. Now I am going through this tutorial for creating a workspace:
Mary's user avatar
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rviz pre built map from turtlebot3 is only showing a half

I am using WSL ROS noetic, the prebuilt map that is showed by rviz is only a half like on the picture, anyone know why? I tried using the construct workspace also, and it was showing properly. And ...
Pikkuri's user avatar
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Moveit 2 On Windows 11: ROS2-Humble Hawksbill

Has anyone tried installing MoveIt 2 on windows? When I go to the official website it says nothing about compatibility with ROS-humble version. It's very similar to how it doesn't mention anything for ...
Ros wizard's user avatar
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ROS Window Gmapping Install

Is there a way to install gmapping on ros windows? It doesn't seem to be in the chocolatey package list. I also tried to run catkin_make myself, but a ninja error occurred. ============================...
MobileRobotics's user avatar
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ROS 2 Communication Issue between Windows and WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04

I am currently facing an issue with ROS 2 communication between a Windows environment running ROS 2 Foxy and a WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04 environment running ROS 2 Iron. This setup used to work seamlessly a ...
Solène Dietsch's user avatar
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Retrieving data from Windows environment with Rosbridge

By activating Rosbridge from the Ubuntu environment, I can send target location information to the robot via Windows. Is it possible to receive the sent command information from the Ubuntu environment ...
furkancetin's user avatar
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Windows installation Noetic

I try to install ROS on Windows using that instruction: When I had to install Windows Package Manager I get that error: <...
Xavier12358's user avatar
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What is the right way to set up system ROS2 on Windows with Conda Python?

ROS2 Humble, Windows 10 64bit. I'm a ROS beginner, but am fairly familiar with Python. While installing ROS2 for Windows, I followed all the steps for a standard system installation but did not ...
Nicholas Masso's user avatar
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lttng error when ros2 launch

I'm testing a ros2 launch file ros2 launch pcl_ros sample_concatenate_data.launch but I had this error: lttng module version >=2.10.7 required, found None It ...
Felix F Xu's user avatar
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[ros2run]: Process exited with failure 3221226505

No clue what this error code means. System: Windows 10 ROS Humble Github repo with my code (forked from robosavvy's vive_ros): I've tried ...
user avatar
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PC installation system Win11 for ROS?

Hi everyone! Getting started with ROS and looking for the best possible strategy in terms of IT setup. We have dedicated machines in the lab for the duration of the semester, but I wanted to also have ...
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Issue with running on windows with miniconda3 install

After running the following commands (Windows 11, Miniconda3): ...
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ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker crash on Windows 10

Following the tutorial to install ROS 2 Humble on Windows 10, I am stuck at this point where I am unable to start a basic example: ...
Olivier Michel's user avatar
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rviz2 not loading "Entry Point Not Found"(Windows)

I'm not sure if this is a simple error... getting back into ROS after being away for 7 years or so. Maybe I need to setup a PC with Ubuntu again.. but thought I'd try with Windows 10 first. I've ...
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.bashrc analog for windows 10

I am new to ros for windows and for using turtlebot3 I need to set environment the variable set TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle every time in ubuntu, we use to add ...
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LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'm.lib'

I am trying to compile the old PR2 libraries to run on ROS on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 19. One of the dependencies ivcon fails to compile giving the following ...
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Is it possible to use shared memory as IPC with galactic windows 10?

Hi all, According to this repository note it seems that Cyclone DDS does not yet support iceoryx shared memory on windows. Does any of the other implementations support shared memory on windows? ...
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv_bridge' IN windows10 running foxy

I was following this tutorial to implement a simple ros2 image publisher and subscriber. everything was built but ...
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slam_toolbox windows 10

Hi everyone, I installed ROS_foxy on windows10, and trying to get the package slam_toolbox to work What I tried was first to check if there is any existing package inside of choco, using this command: ...
user avatar
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DDS for ROS 2 on Windows Setup

Hi~ I did not succeed in building ROS2 on Win 10 But I followed the direction on ROS 2 on Windows Setup and got foxy "installed".
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Windows Installation Error: The C compiler is not able to compile a simple test program windows

Hello, I'm trying to install Gazebo on my Windows 10 machine and I'm following the official tutorial ( When I try to configure ...
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