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Questions tagged [vision-opencv]

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CMake detects intended OpenCV+CUDA, but runtime does not use intended OpenCV version

CMakeLists.txt contains ...
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[SOLVED] Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv?

Hi, so I'm making a video publisher that stores frame from webcam as OpenCV image to be HSV-filtered, eroded, and dilated then convert it to a ROS image to be published to a subscriber. The code is ...
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vision_opencv install/build error

I have been trying to install the ROS package called vision_opencv, in order to run some OpenCV 3.2 code with ROS Kinetic on a Parrot 1.0 AR Drone. I tried the ...
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linking problem with vision_opencv

Hi my question is of two folds. First, I am confused as why there are opencv3 and OpenCV-3.1.0-dev packages is in /opt/ros/indigo/share as i have read that opencv 2.4.8 is the default version of ROS ...
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cv_bridge installation error: wrong number of template arguments

I am getting an error when trying to install cv_bridge on Ubilinux (based on Debian 7 Wheezy), with ROS Indigo. The error is quoted below. I already discovered this answer:
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cv_bridge install error on rpi rosindigo

hello! sorry for my bad english. im trying to get this tutorial: ANTDROID to work on my raspberry pi. i followed the instructiones and it crashes istalling cv_bridge also this tutorial: ROS on ...
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How I can run contour_moments.cpp OpenCV example?

I don’t know how to run the file contour_moments.cpp that’s able in this github link: I’m working ...
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How to use opencv-contrib modules in ROS Indigo?

I am using ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04. I installed the OpenCV 3 for ROS with apt-get: sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-opencv3 However, I would like to use modules ...
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how to use the vision_opencv on python script?

hello, i want to use the vision_script on python script. can you show me the example? and how configurate the cmakelist.txt? Originally posted by anthuny shin on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2015-05-...
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How to use a sdk (non-ros header/lib/binaries) in ros package?

I am trying to use a camera sdk to write a camera stream publisher in ros. It's not a uvc camera, so I cannot use usb_cam or other similar nodes to access the camera stream. I've already had the ...
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vision_opencv can't be found by ROS but it's installed

I was trying to make a package using the catkin_create_pkg but later it gives me an error for a package I have. My command was: ...
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Failed to build vision_opencv package under 14.04 (isolated catkin)

I have an isolated catkin_workspace running Hydro (build from source) on an Ubuntu Arm 14.04 running. Now I want to set up opencv support, so I pulled the 'vision_opencv' packages (groovy-devel branch)...
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Is it possible to merge multiple Kinect streams using vision_opencv?

Recently it came to my attention that in the later ROS versions much of the complex image processing/handling has been offloaded to other sources such as OpenCV. The camera_pose_calibration package ...
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a grammar error while installing "vision_opencv"

i use catkin & wstool to install the package: vision_opencv. but there is some errors while i use catkin_make command.i haven't changed anything in the vision_opencv file downloaded form github. ...
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OpenCV CMake Error

I have been using OpenCV without issue for months, but today when I catkin_make my workspace I now get the error: -- +++ processing catkin package: 'clam_vision' -- ==> add_subdirectory(...
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How to make image_proc from source? Missing opencv2 dependency

Hi, I am trying to install image_proc (non-catkin one) from source. However, its dependency opencv2 (electric version) deprecated. Does image_proc need opencv2 dependency anymore? Can I just delete ...
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Install Errors Roboearth Ubuntu 12.04 Fuerte vision_opencv

Hi everyone, I am trying to install Roboearth and I am having all sorts of issues. First I had to update to Ubuntu 12.04 from 11.10 because I had issues with Cmake being out of date. Now I am having ...
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unmet dependency on eigen for vision-opencv, now can't install or upgrade any fuerte packages

I tried to install vision-opencv today, and get failed dependencies due to a newer version of eigen3 (actually orocos depends on eigen, and geometry depends on orocos, and then vision-opencv depends ...
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vision_opencv installation error on beagleboard

Hey I was trying to install vision_opencv from here: on my BeagleBoard xM running Oneiric. Each time i ...
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How to update opencv to latest version?

Hi ! i am new to ros, i installed ros fuerte few days back, the version of opencv installed with ros was 2.4.0, now opencv 2.4.2 has been released, i want to upgrade my current opencv 2.4.0 to opencv ...
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uvc_cam installation problem

Hi, I am working on ubuntu and I am installing pi_face_tracker ( but there is a problem with the Eric Perko's uvc_cam package. First off all, "rosdep ...
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libopencv2.3-dev conflict Ubuntu 11.10 32-bit

I'm just wondering when could the problem be fixed? I'm running a 32-bit Ubuntu 11.10, and the installation of ros-electric-desktop-full always ends up with the following error. xxx@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-...
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Unmet dependencies in ros-electric-desktop-full installation

I come up with the following error while installing ros-electric-desktop-full: Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using ...
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ros with open cv

im trying to create a ros package with an open cv program , but while doing a rosmake command i get an error error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No ...
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Solve conflict between Ubuntu libcv2.1 and ROS libopencv2.3

It looks like a recent update to OpenCV in ROS electric (as a system-wide package pulled in by ros-electric-vision-opencv) causes a conflict with the default Ubuntu library libcv2.1 (+libcvaux2.1 ...
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libopencv2.3-dev is not updated

The libopencv2.3-dev version is not updated in the ubuntu repository. 2.3.1+svn6514+branch23-1~natty is needed for ros-electric-vision-opencv but 2.3.0+svn5720+trunk-5~natty is in the repository. ...
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TypeError: <unknown> is not a numpy array in pi_head_tracking_tutorial

I am asking and answering my own question here to help a few people who have run into a snag when trying my pi_head_tracking_tutorial when running Diamondback. This tutorial uses the Python OpenCV ...
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Speeding up OpenCV on ARM?

Hi all, I'm working with OpenCV on a Gumstix, and it is incredibly slow. For instance, running the "GoodFeaturesToTrack" function in a node runs at 1.5Hz, and requires 85% processor ...
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No accelerated colorspace conversion found

When i try to run some custom node to process some .avi video i have this error : i guess this error is related to opencv , i have tried all the sloutions , even recompiled vision_opencv with FFMPEG ...
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opencv2 sources missing on

Hello, I was trying to get the source for opencv2 from: but it seems to missing most of the files. The only files that appear at ...
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ReIn-like framework for OpenCV+ROS+Python?

Hello, I am working on using ROS + OpenCV via the cv_bridge package to process 2D video images using a sequence of filters. One example is finding the Good Features to Track (GFTT) in a face by first ...
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How to use very latest OpenCV version in ROS?

I am trying to use the very latest version of OpenCV in ROS because I want to integrate a critical bugfix from OpenCV. From what I read OpenCV is integrated by some 'magic' mechanism. Is it simply ...
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OpenCV sample broken after Diamondback upgrade

Hello OpenCV + ROS users, I will submit a ticket for this but I'm wondering if anyone has a quick fix in the meantime. I was using the OpenCV Python sample successfully under Cturtle. ...
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Import movie file (MPEG/AVI/MOV) into rosbag

Is there any way to import an MPEG movie file into a rosbag format? I have some video recorded off of an HD digital camera that I want to do various processing on (camera calibration and ar_pose), but ...
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YUYV/YUV422 in image_transport

Most of USB webcams used in hobby robotics support YUYV coding natively. Currently both OpenCV and ROS by default convert this image to BGR format and this is not most efficient decicion for most ...
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Building ROS node with OpenCV2.2 includes

I am unsure how to use cmake build system properly. I need to use OpenCV2.2 headers from my code but receive errors: ...
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Converting Kinect RGB image to OpenCV gives wrong colours

Hey everyone I have been playing a bit with the kinect camera using the openni driver. When running openni_node.launch and viewing the rgb image using rviz, then everything looks perfect, but when I ...
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Are opencv samples in diamondback debs?

I recently upgraded to diamondback release (installed on Ubuntu 10.04 from apt-get). As I recall, the samples for opencv used to be in the opencv2 package directory -- however, it appears they no ...
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Face Recognition with Kinect

Update: Patrick Goebel has posted a great new package and tutorial for robust face detection. I have posted an answer to this question below (See Pi Robot example of robust face detection with Kinect:)...
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Are there somebodies use OpenCV2.2 with ROS?

I want to translate my previous code by opencv2.2 into ROS, and I have found many differences between opencv and ROS in image type and some other types. So I wander if some one have already developed ...
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error compiling visual_feature_detectors packages -- opencv don't match

Hi,I have installed cturtle using Ubuntu packages (Maverick 64), and have the package ros_cturtle_vision_opencv. I'm trying to install visual_feature_detector from source:
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sync problem in stereo image

modified stereo_camera_model.cpp in image_geometry, now I can receive /stereo/disparity message, but still there is problem in image sync when I want to view by: rosrun image_view stereo_view stereo:=...
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Gumstix, uvc_camera and cv_capture

I've observed something surprising with a small UVC camera on the gumstix overo. If I use the camera_node from uvc_camera, I get barely 2 fps in 640x480. On the other hand, if I make a small ...
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