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TF2 Question about frame conversion

I modeled the following robot with an urdf file. Thanks to a robot state publisher, i have access to the static tfs between camera_link and base_link. I'm using orb_slam3 library as SLAM algorithm. ...
Kevin_dans_son_garage_du_63's user avatar
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Error when initializing tf2_ros::buffer in ROS2 Foxy

does anyone know why i cant initialize an instance of tf2_ros::buffer in ROS2 Foxy? test_file.cpp : ...
Bryan's user avatar
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2D LIDAR and Camera D435i Fusion

I have a question about data fusion. Can I use the tf2 tool to fuse LIDAR and camera data ?
imen sirine's user avatar
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ROS2, Create3, Node subscribes to topic /tf but cannot receive data

In ROS2 for the iRobot Create3. I created a node and subscribed to the topics /tf and tf_static. It seems to work because I can compile it and subscribed to other topics without any problems. But /tf ...
michael86's user avatar
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3 answers

tf-prefix problem in turtlebot3 (ROS2 Foxy)

I am trying to namespace the topic, nodes and tf frames of a turtlebot3 to use it for multirobot experiment. So, i created a file to just publish the robot description at first using the ...
nitish's user avatar
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Duplicate tf messages with robot_state_publisher and coded tfs

From what I understand, robot_state_publisher reads the urdf and publishes the default frames to the ...
Yato's user avatar
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Transform vision msgs array from sensor coordinates to world coordinates

I want to transform a detectionarray3d msgs from sensor coordinates to world coordinates. I know the transform function of the tf2 library, which should fulfill this step. ...
Hem92j's user avatar
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TransformListener x10 higher CPU load in rclpy than rclpp

System info Operating System: Docker + Ubuntu 20.04, 10th gen i7 Docker + Ubuntu 20.04, jetson AGX Xavier ROS2 Version: Foxy binaries Steps to reproduce issue Make sure the system is publishing ...
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Segmentation fault on tf2_ros

I am using slam_toolbox with arm64 architecture. But I encount SIGSEGV. How do I fix this error? backtrace: ...
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ROS2 Eloquent TF listener (tf_echo) values freeze/resume on a cycle unexpectedly

Ubuntu 18.04 ROS2 Eloquent TF C++ ###My pipeline: I have a robot which uses sensors to detect the rotation, extension of its joints. It has revolute, prismatic, and fixed joints in a URDF file. Yes, ...
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2 answers

[ROS2] tf2 broadcaster

Hello, I'm currently working on a differential drive robot with ROS2 and encountering some errors with a rclcpp transform broadcaster. I hope i can get some answers as to what I am doing wrong. I'm ...
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transform pose in tf2

Ubuntu 18.04 ROS2 Eloquent (installed by binaries) I am trying to transform a PoseStamped in the target frame in python. Below would how my code look like: ...
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2 answers

[ROS2]Are there any examples of tf2 broadcast or listener

Hello comrades, I`m just trying to get odometry from t265 from realsense2_lib examples. After compiling and running this code below, I get that target frame does not exist. Thanks in advance. ...
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Support for ROS2 Dashing along with python3

I have built the geometry library for my project using colcon for ROS2 Dashing and Python 3 and sourced it using ...
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