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How to Ensure Consistent Reference Frames for Comparing Odometer and Camera Angle Data in ROS Noetic?

In my ROS Noetic project of a vehicle with a camera and odometer, I'm planning to compare the vehicle's position from the odometer with the desired angle or direction detected by the camera. However, ...
Donnovan Trejo's user avatar
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TF get the time of last transform

Hello! I want to check if the tf2_ros::Buffer received a valid transform from A to B in the last x seconds (to throw an error in case of time out). So something like ...
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tf not found using python in ros noetic

Hi I have followed the tutorial here to find a transformation between 2 frames using Python in ROS Noetic, but I can't get it even though I'm sure the tf exists because I can find it in the terminal. ...
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tf2_ros lookup_transform giving wrong transformation

Hello everyone, I want to get the transform from tool0 frame to base_link frame of the UR3 robot but I'm having problems. Below ...
Diego Carvajal's user avatar
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need to get tf2_ros to work in python3 environment for Melodic

I need tf2 to work in python3 environment in ROS melodic. I saw a similar question here for ROS kinetic, I need the same thing for melodic. Please help. Originally posted by distro on ROS Answers ...
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ros2 lookupTransform() to get latest transform

Hello all, In foxy tf2_ros::Buffer::lookupTransform(), ...
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creating the map with only Lidar

I am using, ROS Noetic + 20.04. Lidar hardware: rplidar_a3m1 I installed slam_toolbox ...
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[ROS2 Foxy] loading static transform broadcaster arguments from config file

In one of my launch files I have a number of tf2 static transform publisher calls like ...
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TransformListener x10 higher CPU load in rclpy than rclpp

System info Operating System: Docker + Ubuntu 20.04, 10th gen i7 Docker + Ubuntu 20.04, jetson AGX Xavier ROS2 Version: Foxy binaries Steps to reproduce issue Make sure the system is publishing ...
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Segmentation fault on tf2_ros

I am using slam_toolbox with arm64 architecture. But I encount SIGSEGV. How do I fix this error? backtrace: ...
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Get valid frames from `tf2_ros.Buffer` based on `cache_time`

tf2_ros.Buffer offers a cache_time argument in both C++ and Python implementations. C++ doc Python code However, on calling ...
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tf2_ros: AttributeError: 'Buffer' object has no attribute 'destroy_subscription'

Hi there, I'm new to ROS and am working through all the tutorials. Right now, I'm working on the tf2 package's tutorials; however, I'm getting stuck on writing a tf2 listener (see:
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ROS2 Eloquent TF listener (tf_echo) values freeze/resume on a cycle unexpectedly

Ubuntu 18.04 ROS2 Eloquent TF C++ ###My pipeline: I have a robot which uses sensors to detect the rotation, extension of its joints. It has revolute, prismatic, and fixed joints in a URDF file. Yes, ...
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tf2_ros::Buffer.transform() missing timestamp

Hello everyone I use tf2_ros::Buffer.transform() to transform a geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped into a...
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[ROS2] tf2 broadcaster

Hello, I'm currently working on a differential drive robot with ROS2 and encountering some errors with a rclcpp transform broadcaster. I hope i can get some answers as to what I am doing wrong. I'm ...
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Using python modules from ROS2 packages

Hi, I am using ROS2 dashing and I want to work with the geometry2/tf2_ros package which is available at I am sure this is a very basic question, but I am ...
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Configuring TF tree for a system that inherently uses NED (North-East-Down) convention?

I know how to perform transforms between an ENU and NED frame (a simple static flip) but my question here is more of how do I configure the TF tree if the existing codebase assumes everything as NED (...
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TF2 ConnectivityException With Connected TF Tree

I'm getting the following error about missing frames, but when I view the TF tree, it shows as a single connected tree. The same error occurs no matter which two frames I use. I don't have enough ...
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[ROS2]Are there any examples of tf2 broadcast or listener

Hello comrades, I`m just trying to get odometry from t265 from realsense2_lib examples. After compiling and running this code below, I get that target frame does not exist. Thanks in advance. ...
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Support for ROS2 Dashing along with python3

I have built the geometry library for my project using colcon for ROS2 Dashing and Python 3 and sourced it using ...
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Could not find waitForTransform() function in TF2 package of ROS2

We are working on laser_filters package porting to ROS2 in that waitForTransform() method is used but I could not find similar method in ROS2 crystal/bouncy. Originally posted by vandanamandlik on ...
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How to migrate tf data types such as Quaternion, Vector3, Transform to tf2?

There is not much mentioned about tf2 datatypes on tf2_ros documentation at While comparing to, we don't ...
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Is there an easy way to publish a static transform between leaves of two tf2 trees?

This is similar to the question: That was five years ago. Can we do better today? Given a tree: ...
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tf2 Documentation Needs Work

As we get ramped up on our own ROS environment, we've found the tf2 implementation extremely hard to understand. So this is a bit of a plea for folks who understand it well, to improve the tutorials, ...
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TF2 how to translate vector in Python?

Hi everyone, I think I'm experiencing a severe blackout right now... A short one: in Python, how do I translate a 3D vector (a numpy array) from one TF2 frame to another considering position and ...
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class construction error when using tf2_ros::Buffer

Hi all, I am trying to use tf2_ros::Buffer in a simple code. When I put it in the main function, everything works fine. But when put in a class, building error occurs. The code is like this: ...
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transform pointcloud with tf2

Hello, I have two tf2 frames in ROS "World" and "Robot" the world is on position 0, 0, 0 and the Robot is on different position, it is a moving robot, but for now let say he is on ...
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How can I access all static TF2 transforms?

I have two nodes who each publish a single static TF2 transform (each with a different child frame) via tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster.sendTransform upon startup. These are essentially ...
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import tf2/StaticTransformPublisher in Python

I'm following this tutorial[1] and having trouble with importing. [1] ...
DLu's user avatar
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tf2_ros buffer transform PointStamped?

I'd like to transform a PointStamped using a python tf2_ros.Buffer, but so far I'm only getting type exceptions. The following ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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TF Listener for static transforms exclusively

Is there a way to listen to only the static transforms in a TF tree (e.g. base_link --> base_laser_link) without instantiating an entire ...
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Is there a max number of edges allowed between two frames in a TF tree?

I have a pose graph of about 2000 nodes published as static transforms with tf2_ros::StaticTransformBroadcaster. Currently, the poses are chained together as a path,...
Jacob Perron's user avatar
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tf2 stamped datatypes tutorial fails to build

I'm trying to walk through the tf2 tutorials following the instructions here: Trying to build the source ...
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How to substitute TF2 prefix

Hi, I have seen that tf_prefix support is deprecated in TF2. What is the proper way now of having the same functionality? That is, I have two robots, robot1 and robot2, and I want the TF frames to ...
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tf2 tutorial writing broadcaster -- compile error

Hi, I'm following the tutorial at I copy-and-pasted the code, made changes to CMakeLists.txt, but I see this error ...
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TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame openni_depth_optical_frame

Hi, I need to play my bagfile with the -l loop parameter. However after the time is reset, I get a lot of these errors: ...
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tf2, thread, setUsingDedicatedThread, timeout

I'm migrating part of my code to tf2. Big chunk of my code is library that can run online or offline, so I pass at construction time a reference to a tf2_ros::Buffer object. It is then used to lookup ...
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Again a Migration Question From TF to TF2

Hi all, at first, I am sorry if this question might be a duplicate, however I didn't find a clear answer while searching this forum. So I decided to migrate my code from TF to TF2. I encountered lots ...
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tf2 buffer_server timeout and buffer size

I'm starting the buffer_server with rosrun tf2_ros buffer_server I've seen in its source code on github that one can specify the buffer size through the parameter ...
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Error tf2_ros StaticTransformBroadcaster API in Python

Update: In an attempt to get around losing the ability to pub latch transforms in the API in python I have tried doing the following which does not seem to work. Anyone have a way to do this? And in ...
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Is there a good tf2 tutorial?

Hi there, Trying to use tf2 with hydro here, however I just can't get the tutorials to work. For the broadcaster, the C++ tutorial is missing. For the listener, there is a structure that seems to be ...
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tf transformPoint() equivalent on tf2?

It used to be that, with tf, we would use a TransformListener and its transformDATA() methods, e.g. ...
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tf to tf2 SendTransform type error

I am working on some forked code that is setup for tf and on my BeagleBone Black I only have tf2. I have most of the code working but it is erroring out on sendtransform with TypeError: sendTransform()...
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Why cant initialize tf2_ros::TransformListenter in hydro?

When I try to compile node with folowing lines (this is only a part of code): ...
Dr. Denis's user avatar
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Groovy Installation - "Failed to process package 'tf2_ros'" in "catkin_make_isolated" - MacBook OSX

After resolving the dependencies in the installation of groovy on a MacBook Pro with OS 10.8.3, I input the command ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install ...
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Issue building tf2_ros on OSX

I'm running into this problem while trying to build tf2_ros on OSX: ==> make -j4 -l4 in '/Users/Yeison/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated/tf2_ros' Linking CXX shared library /Users/Yeison/ros_catkin_ws/...
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