Questions tagged [swarm]

Swarm robotics is an approach to the coordination of multirobot systems which consist of large numbers of mostly simple physical robots. It is supposed that a desired collective behavior emerges from the interactions between the robots and interactions of robots with the environment.

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Getting started with Swarm Robotics

I'm a robotics engineer working with industrial robot's installation and commissioning. I would like to start swarm robotics. How can I start with it and progress in it? What are the necessary ...
Gurudev G's user avatar
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Robust Communication Network in Swarm Robotics

I'm looking into best practices to build robust wireless communication networks for a swarm of ground based mobile robots. In particular the mobile robots have cellular connectivity, but some areas ...
Rexcirus's user avatar
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Simulating robotic swarm

I am playing around with swarm robotics and trying to figure out a way to simulate it. Here is my dilemma: I am trying to simulate thousands of agents that will asynchronously communicate with local ...
joethemow's user avatar
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Consensus Algorithm converges then diverges again

I am trying to implement a consensus algorithm to command a swarm of 50 robots. The robots 'communication is modeled by a complete undirected graph. when simulating the process I noticed that the ...
Souhaielrmx's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there solid state directional sensors available?

I have no problem building little robots which are more or less self driving RC cars. Now I want them to be aware of and interact with each other. In simulations they all know the position of all ...
Great Turtle's user avatar
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Formation control for ground vehicles

I am working on a project where I am aiming at connecting multiple vehicles in a formation and allowing hive control of the formation. The robots (husky-like) use ROS and so I was hoping to ...
Grant Dare's user avatar
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How can robots communicate, locate and identify each other?

I'm planning to build some simple robotic boats. They will be travelling some distance alone but should also be able to group and physically connect together to form one boat. When they are near each ...
kramer65's user avatar
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3 answers

Swarm Robot Simulation

Both V-rep and Webots simulator says that they can simulate multiple robots. Is these simulators are capable for simulate swarm robots? Can I simulate the swarm intelligence algorithms like ACO, ...
Arun K S's user avatar
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1 answer

How many robots is considered to be a robotic swarm not a group of robots?

Does the literature on swarm robotics define the smallest number of robots required to make a "swarm". Is it 10, 20 or 100 robots, or does the name depend on something other than the number of robots?...
kiabonov's user avatar
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Doppler effect in long distance communication using 868MHz band for telemetry signals

I am working on a project which involves multiple quadcopters working about 5 km away from the ground control station. The communication is planned to be done using RFD868+ modules on each of the ...
nkhedekar's user avatar
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Using IR LED and photodiode to estimate range and bearing of other Swarm Robots

I'm trying to make swarm robots that use 8 IR LEDs and 8 Photodiodes arranged alternately along the circumference of the circular body to determine the range and bearing of other nearby swarm robots (...
prajwaldp's user avatar
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Sensors, Methods for Finding Other Robots

If I can constrain two robots to a hypothetical box, what sensors or common formal methods exist that would enable the two robots to meet? I am specifically interested in the communication of relative ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Formationing Algorithm for Multiple Robots

I'm looking for an algorithm for formationing multiple robots in 2D simulation. Can you suggest resources about this topic. Also I need suggestions and comments about these topics: Can I recruit ...
acs's user avatar
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What is the difference between Multiple robots and swarm robots?

What is the difference between Multiple robots and swarm robots? What is the key point? Also what is multi agent systems? Do multi agent systems works only for computer simulations or games? These ...
MİLKSOZ's user avatar
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3 votes
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Cheap and efficient 3D sensor?

I'm searching for a cheap (under 100$) and efficient 3D sensor, which detects obstacles and moving objects, for robot applications like quadrotor navigation, swarm robotics, etc. Can you suggest a ...
acs's user avatar
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optimal number of robots for cooperative surveillance

Suppose we need to detect the occurrence of a special event in a large area(e.g. a city). If we need that each point being visited every h hours, how could we find the optimal number of robots for ...
Hossein Abedi's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Localising a robot swarm non-optically

This question is further to Localizing a swarm of robots. In summary: I want to create a swarm of robots which can each measure their own position in a 3x2m room with a 25cm high ceiling, to an ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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9 votes
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Localizing a swarm of robots

I have a 300cm x 300cm room with a 25cm high ceiling (yes twenty five centimeters). It contains 50 small wheeled robots (about 20cm x 20cm). A central computer will orchestrate the movements of the ...
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