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Questions tagged [stereo-camera]

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opencv StereoSGBM disparity parameters

In my setting I am using a stereo camera which has a baseline of b = 0.092m and a focal lenght in pixels of fx = 256.667. So that when I want to constrain my setup to detect points up to a maximum ...
kilianf's user avatar
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why does the maps gets elevated while mapping using stereo camera and rtabmap in gazebo world?

I am doing the visual SLAM using stereo camera in gazebo world. I am using stereo_image_proc and rtabmap_slam package. The problem I am facing is the map gets elevated after a certain time and I get ...
RAKESH YADAV's user avatar
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How to use stereo_image_proc without camera_info topics?

I'm working with 2 csi cameras in a jetson nano with ROS2 humble and I want to do a disparity image. What I'm trying to use is stereo_image_proc disparity node, but it requires to have the camera_info ...
Thiago Blanco's user avatar
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working with stereo camera and rtabmap for 3d mapping

So I am using rtabmap and a ZED stereo for this project based o, 3D mapping. I have the following launch file, I tried to play with with it but no mapping : ...
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rtabmap_ros with Stereo Camera launch file and build a map, not working?

Hi Im using two point Grey Chameleon3 mono camera set up as Master Salve and synchronized so can work as stereo camera. I have a installed ROS driver and able to publish the camera topics . Im using ...
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Best Stereo Camera that ROS Supports?

Dear Users and developers, I am looking to buy a stereo camera, specifically for outdoor self driving car applications such as mapping and localization probably by using ORB-SLAM2. I found that ZED ...
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Matching RGB image with Point Cloud

I have two different sensors,one for capturing an RGB image (from an Intel RealSense SR300), and one for giving me a 3D Point Cloud(from a DUO MC stereo camera). How can I integrate the two? Is it ...
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3D reconstruction with stereo cameras

Dear ROS community! I've started to built a stereo camera system to reconstruct the field of view. I use two Logitech C270 webcameras on a base stand to get the image streams. (Here you can see the ...
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Calculate relative 3D position from points in stereo images?

Hi everybody, I have a (DIY) stereo camera readily calibrated so that it can be used with stereo_image_proc which successfully and beautifully creates a point cloud....
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Image processing pipeline for a stereo camera feed

My first real ROS project involves detecting lines in a video feed coming from a Zed stereo camera. I know how I would do this on a single camera feed; the opencv_apps package does most of the work ...
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6DOF Localization with stereo camera against RGBD dense point cloud

I have a point cloud of an environment generated by a Kinect One using rtabmap. I have a stereo camera, and I'm looking for a ROS package capable of performing full 6DOF localization using the stereo ...
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Noisy Occupancy Map with Zed Camera

Hi, I am trying to create an occupancy grid using a ZED stereo camera along with rtabmap_ros. My results are very noisy and I am wondering if the problem is with the ZED camera, or with my rtabmap_ros ...
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how to use SGBM algorithm in stereo_image_proc

stereo_image_proc by default uses StereoBM algorithm how can we change this to SGBM Originally posted by Azharudeen on ROS Answers with karma: 90 on 2016-01-26 Post score: 0
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do rviz need urdf file for viewing camera feed?

I am trying to create a stereo camera, I know that the feed can be viewed in rviz using image display type.But other than that i ...
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stereo_image_proc rectified and depth image issues

I'm currently using ROS Indigo with Ubuntu 14.04 and am trying to use stereo_image_proc to create an RGB point cloud using a ZED stereo camera. I am currently able to see both the left and right raw ...
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Getting point cloud from image_rect_color using stereo_image_proc

I have a bag publishing left and right camera_info and image_rect_color topics. How can I use stereo_image_proc to get the point cloud? stereo_image_proc/disparity nodelet subscribes to image_rect and ...
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Visual odometry: low numbers of inlier (viso2/fovis)

Hello everyone, Im trying to use viso2_ros (or fovis_ros) for stereo visual odometry. Let's start from the beginning: i have a stereo rig with 2 Photonfocus MV1-D1312-40-GB-12 cameras with Pentax 6....
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Usb_cam ignoring camera_frame_id

I have a launch file for starting a stereo USB camera: ...
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ROS and PCL conversion issue using stereo camera

Hello all, Currently I am trying to use one of existing ROS packages with stereo camera. This package subscribes to <sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> data type of 3D point cloud and converts it into ...
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stereo_calibration - rotation and translation matrix from output?

I did a stereo calibration of two rgb-cameras with the camera_calibration package. ...
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Why does not my image_transport ROS application work with UDP?

I am developing a robotic application that sends raw stereo images (computer A) using the image_transport library. Another application receives them (computer B) and synchronizes the stereo pairs and ...
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How to use humanoid_localization with stereo cameras?

Hi, I started using the humanoid_localization node for localizing my robot using stereo cameras. I give the node a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 as input, but I don't provide any sensor_msgs/LaserScan. ...
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looking for stereo vision howto with 2 USB webcams

Hi! I want to experiment with stereo vision in ROS Groovy using two USB webcams. I found the stereo_image_proc package with the ChoosingGoodStereoParameters tutorial. Unfortunately, it seems to be ...
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Rectification matrix clarification in stereo vision calibration

I have a Point Grey Bumblebee2 that I am trying to integrate into ROS and I am using the camera1394stereo node to read raw images from both cameras. I have calibrated both cameras by hand and am ...
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Unable to access the package in rosws

Hi, Im running on Ubuntu 12.04 and ROS fuerte. I want to calibrate 2 individual cameras as a stereocamera. I created an overlay using rosws in my home folder and then added several packages like ...
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