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Problem with Nav2 and RVIZ

I'm trying to set up Nav2 (ROS2 Humble + Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS) to work in a simulation environment. When I start the nav2 launch file, I see this on RVIZ, if from the Nav2 launch file I remove the ...
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move_base pointcloud data format

Hi I'm getting the error ...
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Odometry with Cartographer

I am running ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. I am working on getting the navigation stack working and I am stuck with the Odometry input. I am currently working with an Ouster LIDAR alongside with an IMU....
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Navigation Stack and Odometry issue

Hello everyone, I try to get the navigation Stack with gmapping running on my robot. The odometry and Gmapping are very good as long as I move the robot with my keyboard. As soon as I give the first ...
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Tf timeout with multiple machines

Hi! I try to get the navigation stack running on my robot. I've got ROS running on the robot and on an PC used for visualization in Rviz and, if possible, for calculation like gmapping. Nodes i need: ...
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How to use a ready map (floor plan) for the navigation stack without executing the gmapping?

Hello to all, I'm going to need your help and experience in the following topic. So far, in every single navigation stack tutorial/example that I found, everybody assumes that we have to use the ...
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Wiki stack/package overview

I upload many documentation for a project. But i have one problem. Hi, I also want have the overview of the packages in the wiki with are cohere with each other. Because my bad english one example. At ...
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Guide for managing a ros project with Git

I've been searching around through the documentation/forum posts and haven't really found a good walk-through explaining how to set up version control of a ros project using Git. I'll explain what I ...
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navigation stack with teb_local_planner planning path through wall

Hello! I'm currently trying to use teb_local_planner to get my robot to navigate through the willow garage simulation. However, I have the issue that in specific situations the local path planning ...
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navigation stack and static map

what is the importance of static map in navigation stack?? and what if it doesn't exist?? Originally posted by Moon on ROS Answers with karma: 19 on 2017-05-06 Post score: 0
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Modifying ros navigation map with image editor

Hello, I recently used gmapping on a robot I built to scan a room using a kinect sensor and converting pointcloud to scan. The room was scanned with some noise so I edited the map using photoshop (on ...
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[navigation stack] strange angular velocity

Hi all I follow the navigation tutorials to get the navigation stack with teb_local_planner running on my tricycle robot. The path in Rviz displayed as well. But the robot doesn't follow the path. The ...
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Add object to map with bumpersensor

Hi there, I am using navigation stack for my navigation. I use Kinect combined with depthimage to laserscan to get an accurate laserscan. The only problem with the Kinect of course is that it uses ...
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i dont find echo /opt/ros/kinetic/stacks

when installing ROS i write $ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in the command line but i dont find /opt/ros/kinetic/stacks Originally posted by mam on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2016-11-28 Post score: 0
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Messagefilter dropped 100% of messages

When launching the navigation stack (gmapping and movebase) I will frequently receive the following message: ...
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Is there a way to use the navigation stack without stopping at goals?

This question was asked by someone else in 2013, but never answered. So giving it another shot as I'm sure there are other people besides me with similar question. Using ROS Indigo, we have an indoor ...
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Raytrace not clearing the costmap

Hi, I am using navigation stack for 2d navigation of UAV. I am using Hokuyo Lidar for obstacle detection. When the laser scan sees an obstacle it marks the points in costmap as obstacle. However if ...
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Navigation stack Holonomic: true not working

Though i set navigation stack holonomic parameter to true it doesn't generate y velocity. Any suggestions I am using ROS indigo and Ubuntu 14.04. Thank you EDIT: Here are the launch files & output ...
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How can I make my local plan path in navigation stack longer?

Hy, I have a pretty large robot which I'm trying to navigate using ROS Navigation stack. It is about 1.2m long and 0.8m wide. The problem is, when moving, the robot trajectory is oscillating around ...
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Robot doesn't Follow its path and particle cloud spreads out

Hi Everyone, Has anyone had an experience with the robot following the path and going off it from time to time? It causes my robot to run into the walls and Im struggling with finding the solution to ...
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controller frequency in navigation stack

Hy, I'm having problems with navigation of my robot. I am using ROS navigation stack. The thing is my robot is driving like a snake around calculated global plan (it's like it can't drive straight). I ...
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Navigation Stack: Invalid argument passed to canTransform argument source_frame in tf2 frame_ids cannot be empty

Hi, I am trying to get the navigation stack working. I am publishing odometry data, tf data and laser scan to Navigation stack. But I get "Invalid argument passed to canTransform argument ...
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simple FIFO stack (queue) for MoveIt in ROS

Hi, I want to use a simple queue (FIFO stack) to give a list of waypoints to MoveIt. I looked at the tutorial : Callbacks_and_Spinning and the class CallbackQueue but it looks like we can use it only ...
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robot hits the obstacles and turns around occasionally using navigation stack

Hi everyone, I am using the navigation stack on my own wheeled robot. at first i used a converter to convert 220 v to 14.7 v to run my robot. using this power my robot navigated nicely in the ...
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Navigation and mapping using gmapping on drone

Hi I am using the Structure Sensor (Depth sensor) on the Parrot AR.Drone using gmapping slam How do I run the navigation stack and how will the maps be generated Originally posted by Francis Dom on ...
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unable to find goal using ros-navigation

hi, i want to navigate P3AT (in USARSim @windows PC1) from ROS (Fuerte @UBUNTU PC2). i am using ros navigation stack for auto navigation. but after setting goal in rviz, robot just roam around left - ...
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How to install packages as subdirectory of metapackage?

So, currently I have packages that install their binaries to catkin_ws/install/lib/package_name I made a metapackage to contain these directories. Now I would like them to install like this: install/...
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i keep getting: [rospack] Error: stack/package tum_ardrone not found

Hello, I am quite new to ROS and ubuntu but whatever i try i am keep getting the error so i hope someone can help me out! I need to install 2 packages: ardrone_autonomy tum_ardrone i followed these ...
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I keep getting:[rospack] Error: stack/package tum_ardrone not found

Hello, I am quite new to ROS and ubuntu but whatever i try i am keep getting the error so i hope someone can help me out! I need to install 2 packages: ardrone_autonomy tum_ardrone i followed these ...
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Navigation Package Dependencies

Hello, My question is a repeat of this question. I'm trying to set up the navigation stack on a robot possessing only odometry sensors (wheel encoder, IMU published to ...
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Satisfying build dependencies of a stack

Say I want to build from source a collection of packages united into a stack (like navigation or image_pipline). Such stacks ...
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problem with move_base

I am trying to control a bot with a lidar. When i run the launch files to switch on the lidar and obtain the cmd_vel values from rosserial based on odometry data, the cmd_vel is being published by the ...
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Navigation Stack, AMCL or EKF

According to ROS wiki: "amcl takes in a laser-based map, laser scans, and transform messages, and outputs pose estimates." "The Robot Pose EKF package is used to estimate the 3D pose of ...
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Navigation stack with "different" sensors

Hi all. If this question has been asked somewhere else, please direct me instead of repeating =). Essentially I'm tasked with making a p3-at base navigate a course such that it can't go over "...
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ROS Navigation Stack, Hydro and Indigo

Is there any difference between ROS Navigation Stack in Hydro and Indigo? Thanks Originally posted by ROSCMBOT on ROS Answers with karma: 651 on 2014-08-14 Post score: 0
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Virtual Corridor for Robot Navigation, Updating CostMap

Hello, I'm asking this question again, in case there were some new thoughts from the ROS community I'm trying to add a "virtual" corridor along the waypoints generated by the global planner (...
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ROS Navigation: Global and Local Planner

Hello, Is there a way to modify the local planner so that the robot would always move within a certain distance of the Global Path. And in this case, if an obstacle appeared on the map and covered the ...
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ROS Navigation Stack, Changing Global Planner

Hello, How can I change the default Global Planner (Dijkstra) to A* or SBPL. The tutorial says for example: "The global planner can be used with move_base simply by setting the "...
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ROS Navigation Stack, Global Planner, Waypoints

The tutorial on Global Planner says: "The global planner is responsible for generating a high level plan for the navigation stack to follow. Given a goal that is arbitrarily far away from the ...
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navigation stack robot in-place rotations

Hi guys, I know this might be an old topic that the robot using navigation stack keeps turning on spot and since I've not been able to searched for a suitable solution for this, I raised the question ...
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ROS Navigation Stack: Global Planner

Hello, The tutorial for Navigation Stack states, since the Global Planner assumes circular robots, it produces waypoints that are optimistic for the actual robot footprint, and therefore the generated ...
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Need advice regarding setup of a new robot platform

Greetings! I am soon starting up my new hobby project: a SLAM-robot with no clear goal yet (part from navigation). All the parts have arrived but I need some advice regarding what stack to start with, ...
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roscreate-stack: command not found [Hydro]

Hi everyone, It's been a while i've been on ROS (from electric, and now on hydro). I can't seem to get roscreate-stack to work. It simply says: ...
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One-liner to find path to ROS stack or package

I was wondering if there was a clean way to find the path to a given ROS stack or package from the command line on Hydro, whether it is installed or just in the ...
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stacks in ROS hydro; roswtf missing /opt/ros/hydro/stacks

Observations: roswtf gives me an error stating that Not all paths in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH point to an existing directory; the missing one is ...
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Installing Stacks in Hydro

Sorry if this is a total noob question, but I can't seem to find a straightforward answer anywhere. I have ROS install on my mac, and I'm trying to get some new stacks. What is the correct way to ...
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No 'ros' stack detected in candidates, ¿where is the stack?

Hi. Sorry for disturbing you, i'm trying to install ROSGroovy in Slackware 14.0. How can this be solved? (Over-)Writing /home/user/ros/.rosinstall (Over-)Writing, setup.bash, and setup.zsh in ...
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Error: stack/package not found

Hello, I have just added a new package to my workspace, but ROS can not see the package and give the error : I know I have to source it, but I just do not know how... ...
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Navigation stack 2D

Hi I have a patrolbot which the navigation under ROS is implemented. And well, it seems to be as if the navigation is working properly. Just one issue 1.-when I set the '2d pose estimate' under rviz ...
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how to create a stack in fuerte?

Hi all, I would like to create a stack and am currently using ros fuerte. Since roscreate-stack is no longer supported, I would like to forward these questions from the ros-release mailing list here: ...
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