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Questions tagged [shell]

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ROS2: ament_environment_hooks not sourcing .sh and .bash files

I'm using ROS2 Humble. I have a package which at its top-level has .sh and .bash scripts I'd like sourced during colcon build to help setup my environment. In ROS1, ...
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Rostest and C++: Test node does not exist or is not executable

Hi! I'm trying to integrate my workspace with GitLab CI and have been encountering this issue in the CI shell: ...
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How do I ensure the shell doesn't set ROS Melodic env variables anymore? (Linux)

I used to source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash from my .profile; every console I open is a login console, anyway. As a first step ...
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start and kill rosbag record from bash shell script

Let's say we want to record a rosbag, and run a python script from a bash script. ...
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How to write a shell script to start everything?

I am very new to shell script. Is this possible to write a script basically starts for example gazebo, rviz and slam? I tried to execute command by python by you can only execute one at a time, ...
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How to run ROS command from a python script?

Hello! I need some help as I was trying to write a python script which could run some ROS commands, such as $rostopic list and $rostopic echo(while some nodes are running). I tried something like the ...
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Should I write a bash script in my package for setting Environment Variable $ROS_HOME?

I have a node that takes images with OpenCV, saves files under the /home/user0/Images/. When I run this node via rosrun, it ...
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Assign value of a rosparam to a node param in a launch file

I would like to configure the "mongodb_store" as it uses for database_path a directory path that it is stored in a parameter of the ROS server. The path is stored as "/rosplan/...
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Taking Gazebo screenshots using a ROS node

I'm using Gazebo to make some experiments. I want to take photos of Gazebo simulation in certain moments (decided by my ROS node). Gazebo has a screen capture utility by itself, it can be activated ...
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Why shell is crashing using "source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash" after standard installation approach with ubuntu 16.04 xenial?

Hey everyone, recently i tried to install ros with the standard installation method from with the follwing steps: 1) ...
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using stdout of a node in a launch file

I would like to use the output of a command in a launch file. Think of the back quote notatie is the shell: hostname So for example something like ...
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Shell bash used in a roslaunch[SOLVED]

Hi! I am having a problem when trying to execute a comand from a roslaunch file which I dont have when running it directly from the shell. When I execute ...
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How to archive log directory from shell script?

I have a shell script that starts a roslaunch file. I use a shell script, because I provide some arguments before I start the roslaunch. I'd like to also archive ...
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How to pass an argument to roslaunch file from shell script?

I have a shell script that takes some input from the user in the form of arguments and executes a launch file with some nodes. One of these nodes is a rosbag record....
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How often do I need to source "setup.bash"?

Hello all, I know this is really noob question but here it goes. I saw (while studying the tutorials) that I need to source the devel/setup.bash at every new shell. I would like to ask, what exactly ...
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how can I "shell programming" in launch file?

Hi! I alwasy run some command in terminal like: sudo chmod 777 /dev/USB0 sudo chmod 777 /dev/ACM0 but how can i do this in launch file, when i ask ...
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rosparam load into shell script

Hello, I would like to run move_stack from the binary. So what i am actually trying to do is to load the parameters into a shell script. The shell script looks like this: `#!/bin/bash clear echo "...
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Run Script on Starting rqt_gui Shell Plugin

I've been looking to automate a setup for rqt_gui, and I was wondering if there was any way to run a script on startup of an rqt_gui Shell plugin object. I know the shell currently acts normally and ...
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Shell Script and C Program in ROS

Hi, I have been using ROS now for quiet a good time and have been able to achieve several applications. However, recently i came up with a new requirement of having the capability to make ROS run ...
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Run shell command from launch script

Hello, i need to run some system commands ( configurating drivers and similar stuff ) at startup and thought about doing so by including them into the .launch script of my project. Is this a good idea,...
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