Questions tagged [sensor-fusion]

Sensor fusion is a process by which data from several different sensors are "fused" to compute something more than could be determined by any one sensor alone.

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Pointcloud2 dropping message

My robot consists of an IMU, a LiDAR and a TOF sensor(in form of depth camera), which are all connected to the base_link. I want to visualize all the sensor data and the end goal is to achieve sensor ...
Bozzer's user avatar
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pointcloud fusion of 4 intelrealsese depth camera

I'm having a robot that has intelrealsense 435d depth camera on all the four sides.How can i fuse pointcloud data from each depth camera to make a 360deg pointcloud of the environment around the robot....
sidharth jeyabal's user avatar
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sensor fusion with many sensors and different update rates

It seems like there is no shortage of sensor fusion libraries that can fuse basic common odometric sensors like IMUs and GPS, but none that can fuse from an arbitrary number of sources, especially ...
TheDarkSaint's user avatar
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Running SLAM without encoders

I am new to the concept of SLAM and mapping, however I ordered a robot vehicle platform which I bought here so that I can explore and practice it on the platform. I also got a 2d liDAR, depth camera ...
Daniel Abayomi's user avatar
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/odometry/filtered output arrow not showing in rviz

I am using a VM Box to work on sensor fusion for turtlebot3 on ROS2-Humble. When i run my turltebot launch file and ekf launch runs...and when I launch rviz to visualize the arrows from both ...
Akshay's user avatar
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robot_localization performance with two IMU+GPS combinations

I use the same config file to compare the performance of two different IMU+GPS fusion for the same experiments. The performance of one pair of the IMU+GPS sensor fusion performs great when ...
Ishaan Mahajan's user avatar
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Kalman filter for heading estimation provides oscillating output

I am designing a Kalman filter for heading estimation in 2D using magnetic compass, gyroscope and wheel encoder. The system state is $ X = [h, w] $ and the measurements are $Z = [h_{mag}, g_z,d_h]$, ...
firion's user avatar
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Aligning Point Cloud with IMU Heading in Sensor Fusion Setup

I'm currently working on a sensor fusion setup involving an IMU that provides absolute orientation with respect to True North and an Ouster Lidar generating PointCloud2 data. The IMU publishes to the ...
AnuNarayan R's user avatar
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How odometry data generated from IMU and motor encoders

I am working on an autonomous robot that needs nav_msgs/Odometry to work with ros navigation stack nav_msgs/Odometry ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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Projection of boundig box from lidar frame to camera image

i am trying to project the bounding box in 3d from lidar frame to camera image in 2d. I am doing this work in ignition-gazebo simulation. so, basically there is no real hardware except my pc. there is ...
Hem92j's user avatar
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sensor fusion of lidar and camera detection

I am trying to achieve sensor fusion between two sensors(camera and lidar). I have two separate node(one is publishing detection results using camera, and other is using lidar and they both are ...
Hem92j's user avatar
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What are some resources to learn Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes so I can understand Optimal State Estimation?

I went to grad school for Mechanical Engineering almost 7 years ago, where I avoided any probability/stats coursework like plague and stuck to linear algebra and differential equations for my math ...
ICRed's user avatar
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Fusing pressure/depth sensor/IMU for Nav2

Can I fuse a depth sensor or a pressure sensor's readings with imu to publish /odom (odometry) in Nav2 stack? I don't have wheel encoders in my robot, and I don't know what to use. Any resources?
quark epsi's user avatar
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Finding North direction from magnetometer and accelerometer fusion

I was understanding accelerometer and gyro sensor fusion from this video. At time 3:56, Brian says: To get north, we need to do some cross products. We can start with our measured mag (magnetometer) ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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robot_localization package position output is the same as input absolute pose

Hello my question is whether this type of output is a proper output? I fuse absolute pose from slam and fuse linear velocity from wheel odometry, but the filter output position data is the same as the ...
ruj's user avatar
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Understanding reprojection error / visual residual in ORB-SLAM3

I am trying to understand ORB-SLAM3 paper. It gives visual residual / reprojectio error equation as follows: $$r_{ij}=u_{ij}-\prod(T_{CB}T^{-1}_i\oplus x_j)$$ where, $r_{ij}$ is reprojection error ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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UM7 Orientation Sensor IMU not Publishing at 255 Hz. It is around 20-45 Hz, How to fix?

I really want to ask you about the UM7 Orientation Sensor we purchased. We want so much to use the UM7 in our research. As it is mentioned on the Pololu website, the IMU transmits data using human-...
Matthew Lisondra's user avatar
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Odometry jumping IMU/GPS fusion robot_localization

I am trying to fuse IMU and GPS with the help of robot_localization pkg. I might also fuse encoder data in the future. I get this weird jumping in odometry in rviz. I get that GPS is published every ...
Corund's user avatar
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Differential Drive Controller 'enable_odom_tf: false' doesn't work

I have 2 wheels diff_drive robot that use diff_drive_controller from ros2_control,so this first work as diff_cont (diff_drive_controller name) publish transform from odom to base_link on /tf. Now I ...
Dandog's user avatar
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Sensor fusion with ros2_control

I built 4 wheels robot that uses diff_driver_cont in ros2_control, the controller get encoders reading to calculate interface status and interface command. later, I used robot_localization package to ...
Abdelrahman Mohsen's user avatar
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Estimating gyroscope bias for attitude IMU sensor fusion with an unscented Kalman filter

I'm trying to use a UKF as the attitude estimator for a drone with just a gyroscope and accelerometer as sensors. So far, it's going well and after some tuning appears to perform basically as well as ...
brennanenanen's user avatar
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Modeling EKF for localization of an Autonomous Mobile Robot

I've got an EKF for a simple two-wheeled mobile robot, whose states are the pose and the wheel's angular speeds. I was wondering what were the advantages of having those last two states included ...
frank-resq's user avatar
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Combining Multiple Sensor Data for Costmap Generation in NAV2

I am currently developing an off-road navigation system using NAV2 and various sensing modalities. Our setup includes two 3D Velodyne Lidars and a 2D SICK Lidar, each mounted at different orientations ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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What is the most suitable sensor fusion filter for my application?

I am currently working on a hobby project involving a device that will be attached to a golf driver club. Its primary function is to continuously measure the angles (pitch, roll, yaw) throughout the ...
Gripen's user avatar
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External camera as SLAM sensor/input for navigation

Hi everyone! If this question has been asked somewhere else, please point me there. Consider the following challenge: onboard navigation is not accurate enough. We'd like to enhance it using outboard ...
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Odometry into EKF for localization

I want to fuse a Lidar-Odometry into my EKF where I'm already using encoder, IMU, GPS. The odometry has as output a delta pose, how to put that into the filter? How to deal with the covariances?
frank-resq's user avatar
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Compensate tractor's (vehicle's) tilts in the GNSS-IMU based system

I have the following setup: a tractor with a dual band antenna (from ublox) installed on the vehicle's symmetry axis on the roof (h=3m), approx. 1m ahead of the center of the rear axis (which I ...
pion3k's user avatar
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The choice of using quaternions and using gyro & accel separately in EKF

I am working on realising the self-navigation of a vehicle. I have already written an extended Kalman filter with a state vector using position, velocity, Euler angle, acceleration, and angular ...
chen_441's user avatar
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Do MEMS or optical gyroscope record Earth's rotational and revolutional angular velocities?

I am using a 3 axis gyroscope (Android device) to record angular velocities using a sensor data logger application. When the device is placed stationary, the gyroscope recorded the following values: ...
Akash Sagar's user avatar
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What should I use for a Visual+IMU+GPS fusion? A Madgwick or a Kalman?

I am new to robotics, and recently I am involving in a sensor fusion task using visual input (binocular at present), an IMU, and a GPS module. I have searched for related journal papers for a ...
chen_441's user avatar
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How to deal with asynchronous samples in a kalman filter framework multi-sensor fusion?

I have setup a sensor fusion problem to estimate a classical 2d position + orientation of a wheeled mobile robot in an embedded environment. Sensor measurements include: IMU (6axis accl+gyro) @ 40Hz ...
SystemSigma_'s user avatar
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accelerometer and gyroscope fusion using extended kalman filter

I'm working on my graduation project which is characterizing human body posture. I'm using IMU so I get measurements from the accelerometer and gyroscope and I'm wealing to fuse these two filters so I ...
aymen zougali's user avatar
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Rotate sensor frame to body frame

I'm working with a lsm303agr from ST. Here is the frame attached to the chip Here is the body frame So I have some doubts about the rotations, before to fuse data ...
simon's user avatar
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odom frame keeps moving in ROS GPS robot_localization

I am using two instances of ROS robot_localization package to get the local and global odometry. In the local one, I am fusing IMU and twist messages. It is working fine. But when I use the second ...
Zillur Rahman's user avatar
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Questions about sensor fusion with Lidar - Extended Kalman Filter

I am attempting to teach myself sensor fusion as I suspect I'll need to do this down the road with lidar and some other sensors. In all my research so far it sounds like a version of the extended ...
Mtk59's user avatar
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Nonlinear continuous system function of IMU sensor fusion robot

For my robotics course I have to implement the nonlinear continuous system function for a mobile robot that is equipped with a GPS receiver and an IMU consisting of an accelerometer and a gyroscope. ...
exzoran's user avatar
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SLAM with multiple cameras and asynchronous sensors

I'm pretty sure this is the right place for this question, but if not, please point me in the right direction! Basically, I would like to know how do SLAM using multiple cameras and sensors that are ...
interwebperson's user avatar
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Will there be any interference when distance sensors facing each other?

I'm working a robot racing project using small RC toy cars on a premade track and a main goal for the robots to do is to be able to avoid hitting the wall and the racing opponents. Avoiding wall is no ...
kijew68852's user avatar
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How to fuse IMU with encoders in EKF

Background I have a car-like mobile robot (4 wheels, where the forward ones are steering wheels) and I want to estimate its pose and velocity assuming 2D planar motion. I'm trying to solve this ...
Andrea Eusebi's user avatar
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Get rotation of IMU data snapshot

I received snippets of data of an IMU with 9 DoF in motion. For these I wanted to get their rotation by angles relative to the earth frame. My goal is to receive ...
user9155899's user avatar
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Include information on the environment in map-aware particle filter

I have a robot equipped with some sensors for estimating the movement in a 2D environment (IMU, odometer). The robot is free to move within an area delimited by some walls. The map of the environment (...
firion's user avatar
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IMU Senosr fusion algorithm of gyro and accelerometer during acceleration of vehicle

Hello so we have a car with 10 IMUs mounted at different locations of the car and the idea is the measure the centripetal force at each location of the car and compare it to each other. We also need ...
prince salasi's user avatar
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Compensation of sudden impacts/shocks in adaptive AHRS sensor fusion algorithms

Background I have a 9-DOF MEMS-IMU and trying to estimate the orientation (roll, pitch and yaw) in scenarios (e.g. car crash) where sudden shocks (mainly linear) lead to high external accelerations ...
Acerox41's user avatar
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Why doesn't yaw angle return to its 0 state after rotations?

I'm using STM32F4 mcu with MPU6050 on it. I want to get very accurate yaw angle using gyroscope with Madgwick filter. I tried lots of things: with and without gyro thresholds, with and without ...
crackanddie's user avatar
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Sensor fusion with extended Kalman filter for roll and pitch

I'm trying to implement an extended Kalman filter to fuse accelerometer and gyroscope data to estimate roll ($\phi$) and pitch ($\theta$). I've found a lot of kalman filter questions but couldn't find ...
user7538434's user avatar
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Merging multiple LIDARs real time

Is there a standard practice for merging the pointclouds generated by several LIDARs when there is overlap? For example, if my vehicle has two LIDARS (front and back) I'd rather fuse and deal with a ...
Morten Nissov's user avatar
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Covariance of fused poses. Should it be normalised by the number of poses?

I came across this paper from T. Barfoot and P. Furgale: "Associating Uncertainty With Three-Dimensional Poses for Use in Estimation Problems" Link:
mcamurri's user avatar
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Why does AHRS system with Madgwick filter has so big drift?

I have an MPU9250 on my PCB and I use an AHRS system with a Madgwick filter to get yaw angle. I want to get very accurate and non-drifting yaw angle, but, for unknown reasons, I can't. I calibrated ...
crackanddie's user avatar
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3D LiDAR synchronization with RGB Camera

There's a general procedure for estimating projection transformation between camera and 3d LiDAR but there's a secondary problem which is associating pixels with depths in a grid which isn't uniformly ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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robot_pose_ekf won't publish any messages

I am having trouble getting the robot_pose_ekf package to publish messages. I launch it with this launch file. ...
Doug's user avatar
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