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rqt_reconfigure window is totally empty

Hi, rqt_reconfigure looks working badly on my computer. It shows a totally empty window. It is showing no parameter, no grid, and no command window. Nothing. I was trying to reconfigure the parameter ...
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rqt Fatal IO error 2

When i try to use the command: $ rqt_graph or any other rqt command i get the error: ...
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How to run rqt_graph in ROS2?

Hi, I have seen rqt_visualization and found that rqt_graph is already ported for the Crystal. I have run rqt_graph by rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph command in ROS1 (...
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RQT: setNativeLocks failed

Hi, I am using ROS Kinetic in Ubuntu 16.04 I find that if I use any of the rqt_* commands such as rqt_graph, the terminal hangs and I get a continuous error as under ...
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Custom rqt plugin unable to load resource image

I have been following this tutorial on creating an rqt plugin. I have designed the .ui file of the plugin in 'QT 4 Designer', and created the resources there. My custom plugin contains a button with a ...
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Best way of implementing a GUI

Hey everyone, I've spent the better part of last week trying something with no success, so I've figured I'd ask the experts: Currently I'm working with a roof-mounted laser scanner. I've managed to ...
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rqt - python: Fatal IO error 2 (No such file or directory) on X server :0.0

I am learning ROS Kinetic by following the tutorials. I am running Ubuntu on Windows 10 and using Xming for GUI. All was going good until I reached Using rqt_console and roslaunch tutorial. When I ...
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rqt plugin not listed

Hi, I tried everything mentioned in other posts and I still can't see my own plugin in rqt. I did --force-discover, I deleted the config file but it won't show. I am wondering if I am missing some ...
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Couldn't find executable named rqt_graph

I'm running on ubuntu 14.04 indigo. since I don't have Internet access from the computer that I am working on, therefore I cannot use sudo apt-get ... commands. ...
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where is indigo rqt source

Hi, I am using ubuntu 14.04 and indigo devel. I am trying to build rqt from the source and on the github [link], it doesn't have indigo branch, so where can I download the rqt for indigo from the ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: roslaunch rqt

Hello, Is it possible to perform a .launch with rqt? I can use my puglin with rqt and I use two terminals, one for call rqt and the other to call a .launch. I want to include rqt in my .launch, is it ...
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Renaming rqt package [Kinetic]

I'm attempting to renamed my package from rqt_truckee_gui to rqt_truckee but it causes the following error: ...
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RQT command does not display plugins after clean install

Hello, I am working with Ubuntu 16.04 and ros kinetic. I am trying to experiment with Ros QT for designing an interface for my project. I haven't been able to get the rqt command to display the ...
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what is a y-axis in /joint_states/velocity[5] in rqt_plot?

hi . in rqt_plot => /joint_states/position[5] The x-axis is time in seconds and the y-axis reflects joint position in radians . but what is a y-axis in /joint_states/velocity[5] in rqt_plot ? ...
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rqt_ on a remote machine?

I am running roscore and a couple of nodes and dynamic parameter servers on machine A. I want to modify the parameters from machine B by rqt_reconfigure (ROS and ...
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Pushbutton in GUI in ROS

I need to trigger a specific function in my ROS node by the user. There a simple pushbutton function that can be setup within the rqt dynamic reconfigure? Currently I am just using a workaround of ...
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QXcb Connection

Hello!I'm learning ROS for a college project and I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 off WSL as I'm not allowed to dual-boot my laptop. I don't have a spare machine lying around atm, so I'm running it like this. ...
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rqt: label of plugin is not shown

I have created some rqt plugins, but the plugin label is not shown as expected in the rqt GUI. See this image: The first 3 plugins are homemade, the last one is the ROS standard image view plugin. ...
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RQT Custom Plugin: undefined symbol

Hi everyone, I am trying to have a simple RQT template to use in the future whenever I need to create a new GUI. The main idea of my minimal (not) working example (MNWE) is to have: TemplatePlugin ...
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Could not find class in rqt plugin

I am developing rqt plugin. For this purpose, I initially created a python script called and wrote rqt code into it. It was working fine. Later on, I ...
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rqt: a tabcontrol container for plugins

I really like rqt with its plugin system. My rqt plugins are growing in numbers and can no longer coexist in one view. Has anyone created a tab control where multiple rqt plugins can be organized on ...
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Show matplotlib plot in rqt

I have a plot in matplotlib, which I am using to control the robot. I have plt.connect('motion_notify_event', self.moveRobot) function, which controls the robot. ...
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actionlib and rqt

Hello, I'm learning ROS now and trying to create an action client in my rqt plugin. No problem to catkin build the plugin. But when load the plugin, I got error as below: ...
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remove rqt left corner 'x - []' icons

I plan to use rqt on a raspberry touch panel which is apparently smaller than a pc. I'd like to realize two modifications, Let the rqt automatically fit to the size of the raspberry screen once ...
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Segmentation fault with graphic object in Rqt plugin

I am building my own rqt plugin. I found this attitude indicator widget and I managed to include it in my rqt plugin. As creators said, it "uses a lot of CPU power", but I managed to have it ...
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RQT main window configuration

Hello. I gonna to use RQT main window with plugins written by myself. I wonder if it is possible to remove menu bar from RQT main window without recompiling or not? Thanks. Originally posted by a....
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rqt-graph error

I have installed, uninstalled, reinstalled the rqt packages using "sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rqt" i also did the same for the common-plugins. I keep getting the following: nvidia@...
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rqt based UI and different screen resolutions

I've created a UI using rqt, and store the UI as a perspective. My problem is that individual components in the UI don't render at the same location if a different screen resolution is used. The UI ...
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rqt_plot value vs other value instead of timestamp

Hi, Is it possible to have rqt_plot to have just a static plot based on vector of values. So instead of having the timestamp on ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: rqt compass

Hi! I want to make a compass plugin in rqt, but I'm finding it quite hard since it's not a widget for compass in qtCreator. Have anyone done this before or have any suggestions on how to do it/where ...
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Problem with rqt, siplib.c - KDE Neon

Hi, I'm use KDE Neon as main system and have the problem with rqt. Launching any rqt program I have thу same answer. $ rqt python: siplib.c:12299: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `sipTypeIsEnum(...
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ROS Answers SE migration: rqt freezes

I am creating a GUI for a robot using rqt_gui, both connected together by the same WIFI network. The plugins in my rqt_gui are 1) RVIZ, 2) Image_view and 3)dynamic_reconfigure. Whenever i run the ...
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dyn_recfg c++: compiling but no items in rqt_reconfigure

HI, I try to get the dynamic reconfigure to run in c++. My Project is compiling without problems, but the variables do not appear in rqt? I have a class based structure like following: //Class ...
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rqt crash when subscribing to any topic

Fresh install of ubuntu gnome 16.04 apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full ros-kinetic-ros-control ros-kinetic-ros-controllers ros-kinetic-moveit ros-kinetic-moveit-ros ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros run ...
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rqt topic monitor failled AttributeError cStringIO.StringO

Hello every body, A problem with rqt and topic monitor shows up this morning after an update/upgrade of my system (ubunut 14.04 with ros-indigo) Since that upgrade I can't monitor any topic without ...
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Close Rqt Plugin from a button

Hello everyone I want to know how I can close my rqt plugin when I push a button on it. I tried with exit(0) but it close the plugin like if it was an error in a thread (My plugin doesn't use threads) ...
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subscriber in rqt plugin python

I'm writing a rqt plugin in python, but can't get the subscriber to work. I want the string from "controller/mode" to show in "lineControlMode". For some reason this doesn't happen....
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rqt segmentation fault following tutorials

Hi everybody I just installed ROS Kinetic Kame on Ubuntu 16.04 following the tutorials. When I get to the 6th beginner tutorial (Understanding ROS Topics,
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qt_gui_main() found multiple plugins matching

The error in the subject prevents the rqt plugin from running. ...
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How to plot position(x y z) and velocity of fixed frames(end-effector) in rqt?

hi . i need answer to complete my Master's thesis. i want plot position and velocity of end effector that have fixed joint using rqt. How to plot position(x y z) and velocity of fixed frames(end-...
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what is a number in joint_states/positions[2] in rqt?

hi . For show plot of my robot I want use joint_states/positions[2]. what is 2 in command? The two refers to the third joint in URDF ? Originally posted by zakizadeh on ROS Answers with karma: 217 on ...
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Can't run rqt after removing plugin package

I've been trying to make my own rqt plugin. After a lot of back and forth, I finally got it to build. The problem now is that rqt won't run. I get the message listed below. In the last line, ...
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dynamic reconfigure callback happens automatically when a node is launched without rqt client

I am using dynamic_reconfigure in my node to adjust some params dynamically. I found that the first callback for dynamic reconfigure happens when the node is launched, specifically when I define the ...
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rqt plugin Qt5 and 16.04

I'm trying to create a rqt plugin. I've tried to mimic the rqt_image_view package as much as possible. When I open rqt and try to open the plugin from the drop-down menu, I get the following error in ...
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rqt with topic monitor

Hi! I'm new to the ROS community, and is currently working on drone related projects. Somebody hinted me to check the syntax and available messages to be published/subscribed with the use of rqt with ...
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Can I write an rqt plugin with QML?

Hi, I'm interested in writing a virtual gauge plugin for rqt. It seems the easiest way to do this would be the "Circular Gauge" QML type. And I have seen that @Boris wrote a ROS interface ...
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rqt_plot does not see backends

I have installed QWT and its' bindings for both python2 and python3. Moreover I have installed pyqtgraph but no one of them is available in settings. So I stuck to matplotlib which is extremely slow. ...
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Debugging a rqt plugin in PyCharm

Hey guys, I am developing a rqt plugin in Python at the moment and I am using the recommended IDE PyCharm. When I get errors I always try to debug with print messages. I am wondering is there a good ...
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How to choose a fixed location for created bag files?

Hey guys, I am creating a rqt plugin at the moment in Python and I am working with bag files. In the rqt plugin I create new bag files with rosbag.Bag("file_name", "w") and close ...
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rqt_graph rqt_tf_tree issue | ros indigo

Hello all, I am facing an issue with the packages rqt_graph and rqt_tf_tree. When I run the mentioned packages I get the following error: ...
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