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Questions tagged [rosservices]

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How to use ros_gz_interfaces to bridge ign services into ros2 Humble? Only WorldControl service is working and the rest are not

I was able to use ros_gz_interfaces WorldControl service only by bridging ign services with ros2 services. ...
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How to query Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters of a ROS 2 Service from Command line

I know how to list ROS 2 services using the following command: ros2 service list I also know that we can display the QoS properties of a ROS 2 topic using the ...
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How to print out multiple responses from service

Hello, I'm currently trying to create a service which can send multiple responses. I edited the tutorial service ( ) to: ...
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create a service with multiple responses

Hi I would like to write a service in python as described in the .srv file. I read the tutorial but I don't understand how to get multiple response in one service. ...
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Call Time Stamped Services From Node

How can I call a time stamped service from a ROS node? For example, RVZ launches 3 services (regarding logging etc.) but they are all time stamped (or have some other PID) that makes the service name ...
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Send Request Funcion

The add_two_ints_client.cpp file in the ros2/demos repository has the following send request function. Is there a way to make this send request function generic for other services I have created? ...
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How to optimize service calls

I'm trying to optimize my code so I was measuring how long different parts of ROS process take. Specifically ...
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UR10 tool flange 24V power control

Hi, i have been working on controlling a relay with the power output of the UR10 flange connector. i recently got the ur_modern_driver/io_states publisher working and noticed that it does not publish ...
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Call service from arduino?

Hi, I am trying to call a ROS service to turn on/off relays from an arduino. The service works from the command line and also from a python service client call. How do I call a service from an ...
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what is the diffrence between topics and services

Hello! i am pretty new to ROS and i want to know that if we see practically then both topic and service are performing the same task then how we can differentiate between the two in real life robot ...
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using the latest message in a service

I have looked at a bunch of tutorials and read a bunch of similar question about this but am still struggling to figure it out and I would appreciate some insight. I am running a bunch of programs ...
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high-performance status checking

Each time I read and write from and to the servos in my symmetric robot, I want to check a mode that determines which servos to talk to (the frames of this robot can change while it's running). ...
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How do you change a rosservice parameter in python?

I'm using the robot_localization package, specifically the ekf_localization and ...
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rossrv show not showing the service

I have created a service "WordCount.srv", it gave no error while compiling but when I try to run command rossrv show WordCount.srv it doesnt show the ...
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Service is not showing up

I wrote a service but is not showing up when I'm trying to call it. I've modified both my CMakelist and my package.xml but not luck. What am I missing. Here's my service: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix ...
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rqt_graph colors and arrows

What is the color code for rqt_graph? And do the bi-directional arrows mean a service between two nodes or just that the node subscribes to AND publishes to the other node or both? Is there some sort ...
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Get Service type from C++

In this code there is a function to get the type of a Service "get_service_type()": How can I do that ...
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getTopics equivalent for services (C++)

I am using "getTopics" in ros/master.h to get a list of possible topics and their types. There doesn't appear to be any equivalent for getting a list of services and types because services ...
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How to import module to service code in Python?

Hello, everyone! I'm writing a ROS service for my robot in Python. I have one file which contains all code in . The code has become too big and I need to replace a part to another module ...
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Parameters to be included in the following rosservice call:rosservice call /re_comm/request_2d_map

Could anyone please let me know what parameters have to included in the following service call to get 2d map from roboearth: rosservice call /re_comm/request_2d_map I didn't get any result when I ...
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ROS Beginner Tutorials: Examining the Simple Service and Client (python) - need some help with Client 2

Hey guys, I'm following the ROS Tutorials and, using the Python language, I'm currently having some issues trying to solve the item Examining the Simple Service and Client item (http ://www.ros .org/...
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ROS Beginner Tutorials: Examining the Simple Service and Client (python) - need some help

Hey guys, I'm following the ROS Tutorials and, using the Python language, I'm currently having some issues trying to solve the item Examining the Simple Service and Client item ([link text](http: // ...
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ros service - Why do I have multiple definitions of main?

Hello, I'm working on designing a ROS system that monitors various systems in my home. I'm currently setting up my door to work with an RFID reader. The problem I am having is that I am somehow ...
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Roslaunch across multiple machines failing when calling nodes

I currently have a two machine robotic set-up one that is operating internally on the robot itself and an "external" machine which is used for heavier computations and graphical processing. ...
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