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Questions tagged [rospy]

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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why is ROS1 Message Generation Slow in Python?

I hit a performance issue when trying to use a custom message type in ROS 1 Noetic in Python. My custom message was defined like this: ...
Marc Micatka's user avatar
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Collision Checking using Moveit (python wrapper) for a set of Joint Positions

I have a set of robot joint positions which I found by sweeping through the allowed joint positions with a fixed delta. This gives me about a set of ~2 million joint positions. Now, I want to check ...
robot_collision's user avatar
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ROS1 Custom messages generates strange memory graph pattern when using multiple string types

In ROS1 Noetic, I have the following custom message named Test.msg: int32 did string a string b And I have another custom message TestList.mgs: Test[] testList In ...
Enikő's user avatar
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Call rosservice clear with rospy

I am currently using clear_bg = rospy.ServiceProxy('/clear', std_srvs.srv.Empty) clear_bg() Which is said to be working on previous posts. However this is not working for me. Why?
wwww's user avatar
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Node initialization blocks with rospy for UR5e Robot Arm

I am having trouble to remotely control the UR5e robot arm using code. I am using ROS Noetic and trying to run present in Universal Robots' repository ...
Fernando-iTEAM's user avatar
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Python Multi-Robot ROS 1 environment: defining multiple robots in class form (each with their own ROS node) and accessing their class objects?

I'm interested in building a multi-robot learning environment using a simulator such as Gym for the environment and ROS 1 for handling communication between robots. I'd like to set up my environment ...
tt32440bzsr's user avatar
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where is the beginner_tutorials.srv file in the add_two_ints tutorial?

I am learning ros noetic on the page ( the scripts/ file within the beginner_tutorials package, there is a ...
Yongxue Law's user avatar
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Possible wrong ussage of transformPoint method from tf

ROS VERSION: Melodic OS VERSION: Ubuntu 18.04 package tf version: 1.12.1 I'm trying to create a node that processes a PolygonStamped object and transform each point of it to a especified frame_id in ...
ÁngeLoGa's user avatar
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How to publish images of a file.bag on a topic with python?

I'm a beginner with ROS, so i thank you in advance for your answers. I have a file.bag (Video) available and I would like to publish the various frames on a specific topic at defined moments of time ...
oliver's user avatar
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Issues with asynchronously handling a Subscriber callback

I am trying to create a listener that sends a message through a Discord webhook to my Discord server. The issue that I am encountering at the moment is that I do not know how to create an asynchronous ...
Pogo's user avatar
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How to use ROS in Colab?

Now I'm a complete newbie when it comes to both ROS and Colab. I found this code a while ago, and I want to use it in Google Colab because using the drive makes things easy due to the immensely large ...
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Is rospython subscriber thread safe?

Hey I'm trying to write a python node, which has one class and two member functions as callback functions. so a TimeSynchronizer and Subscriber in a node. I saw in this link and tested that python ...
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