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Accessing rviz view (Camera + Marker) in rospy

I want to get the rviz view, which is showing me visualization marker on the top of camera view in a single image. Please see below the rviz view: I tried to view the image topic but it doesn't ...
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How to plot the path and the movement of a robot?

I am using turtlebot in gazebo and rviz. The robot moves from A to B, and I am wondering if there is an easy way (without the need to use matlab) to plot the path that robot finds (e.g. based on the ...
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Can I use the Python Ros bag API without making a workspace?

I'm using roscpp, but I'd like to make a transferrable python script for working with bag files. However, the docs only tell me how to do it through a catkin workspace. Is there a way to import the ...
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How can I dynamically get the coordinate of a model from gazebo?

I'm using Gazebo/ROS with TurtleBot. My robot needs to find the distance from itself to all the obstacles that exist in the environment. I believe Laserscan has this information, but I am not sure how ...
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ros python creating strange side effects

Ubuntu 16.04 ROS Kinetic I have been working on a program in python. Created my package just like I always do. This time I thought I would give dynamic reconfigure a try. I did the tutorial and ran ...
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Python OpenCV namedWindow and imshow freeze

Hi there, I try to view a subscribed image via cv2.imshow() like the following: ...
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is rospy.Publisher.publish() thread safe?

Want to publish() in main and also in child thread on one rospy.Publisher(),is this safe? Originally posted by dyan on ROS Answers with karma: 7 on 2017-03-17 Post score: 0
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how to close subscriber

After rospy.Subscriber(),after a period of time or after an event this may no longer need,how to close this subscriber Originally posted by dyan on ROS Answers with karma: 7 on 2017-03-16 Post score: ...
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catkin rospy package structure

Hi have been writing a ros python package with the following structure (I checked my structure against moveit_commander). ...
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How to obtain list of all available topics [python]

In my gazebo model I have 9 differential drive vehicles. When I execute rostopic list i get ...
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Controlling each UAV separately in a UCTF project

I have a multiple UAV launched in Gazebo world using the UCTF project which launch two groups of gold and blue colors which compete against each other in a game cube and grass pitch in the Gazebo ...
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How to process PointCloud2 message data in python?

I am trying to save a pointcloud data using python. Bu I haven't been able to import pcl. I am no sure if my installation in correct as I keep getting this error : ...
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subscriber cannot receive topic on rospy

I made a node which has 1 action client, 5 subscribers and 1 publisher. I wrote its pseudo code is following. When I tried a certain sequence, one of the subscribers sub1 did not call its callback cb1 ...
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Interrupting rospy.spin() or writing a custom loop that does the equivalent

Hi, Is there a way to exit the rospy.spin() loop without completely shutting down the node? Or possibly is there a way to write my own equivalent rospy.spin() loop which answers service calls ...
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import tf2/StaticTransformPublisher in Python

I'm following this tutorial[1] and having trouble with importing. [1] ...
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How does rospy.Timer behave if it triggers while the previous callback is still busy?

I'm using a rospy.Timer (periodic, not one-shot) to handle a long-running process in a non-blocking way. I only want one instance of the process to be running at ...
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speed up RViz/MoveIt

I am working with a KaWaDa nextage robot using rtmros_nextage and Moveit via the moveit_commander python interface like this: ...
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Best way to get FK for many different joint-states

Hello! I am trying to calculate the end-effector pose for a huge amount of different JointStates. The two ingredients to do that are my URDF and the numpy array that contains the joint angles. I am ...
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rostest fails when run using "catkin_make run_tests"

Hi all, I have a node and some_test.test file like this: ...
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image_transport republish One Time Use

Folks, I have several rosbags, 8 seconds long each, which only contain compressed depth images. Since rospy does not support compressedDepth (as far as I know) I am using ...
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how to open/close nextage grippers in simulation

I am using rtmros_nextage in simulation and would like the robot to pick up objects. So far I cannot even open or close the grippers. Minimal example that does not do anything: rtmlaunch ...
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running rosmsg show from code

Hi, is there a way (possibly in Python) to call the command line command rosmsg show from code, passing as an argument the name of the message/service and getting ...
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What should be the messageType for a custom message?

HI, I created a custom ROS message: string message int32 a int32 b I will need to publish the messages from the web browser (roslibjs) and show it on the terminal, ...
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Delay incoming messages

Is there a way in Rospy to delay incoming messages? Specifically, I wish to delay incoming velocity commands for teleop. I can't use a sleep because I still need my program/node to run other processes....
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Pass parameters to a service handler in rospy

In rospy, message callbacks can have additional parameters, which allows me to write only one callback for different subscribers. For example: ...
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delete TransformListener object in python to release computational resource

Hello! Recently I notice that, after I create a TransformListener object in a class in python, e.g.: = TransformListener(), the created tf object gets stuck in the memory, even I try deleting ...
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Calculating Mass Inertia Matrix in Joint Space

Hi, I am doing simulation of Baxter Robot. Hence I need to calculate Mass Inertia Matrix in Joint Space. I have Baxter URDF files. I see here that Mass Inertia Matrix in Joint Space is defined in ...
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Using MoveIt programmatically and integrating with ros_control

I have a question about using moveit for my custom 6 dof manipulator robot. I am pretty new to ROS, and I really hope to learn from the community. Basically I want to go from a URDF file to actually ...
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Issues with header seq value (first value in rospy is 1, first value in roscpp is 0, access from roscpp)

I was planning to use Header seq value to verify that communication in my system of ROS-nodes (using ROS Indigo) is synchronized, however, I discovered a couple issues with that value. If that's a bug,...
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How to call a rosservice within a python code?

I am trying to write a code in python where I want to be able to run a node or a launch file, and do a rosservice call with an argument. I am trying to find some examples , please kindly guide me if ...
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Access AR.Drone camera with OpenCV while connected to ROS

Hi, I am having an issue where by I am unable to connect to the AR Drone camera when the drone is connected through ROS using the ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch. I think the issue is due to the fact ...
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Hello, everyone. I have the next equipment: , and raspberry pi. I want to control the dc motors via ROS and Python. Is it ...
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Transform geometry_msgs/TransformedStamped() to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 on rospy

Hi people, I have a geometry_msgs/TransformedStamped() vector which I am trying to translate to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. I have looked aroun in the rospy api docs but nothing clear comes out strking. ...
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Callback function not updating values (Rospy)

I have a program used to read in command velocities from two sources (teleop/navigation), blend them, and then publish the blended velocity to the Turtlebot. While debugging, I noticed that the code ...
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How do you modify the velocity multiplexer for turtlebot?

I have a Kobuki Turtlebot and would like to publish to the multiplexer on my own topic. The official documentation hasn't done me well explaining how to modify the parameters. Where can I find the ...
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tf::TransformListener gets wrong tf

Hello, TL;DR tf::TransformListener gets a different transform than shown in RVIZ I am having quite a strange problem. I am using a rosbag file to playback recorded data and I am adding new transforms ...
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Getting 'rosgraph resource not found' when trying to get turtlebot local_plan?

Hi, I'm trying to get the 'geometry_msgs/Poses' message from the '/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/local_plan' topic for the Kobuki ...
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Can't import rospy

Hello, I have a ROS aplication in Python and Qt, and when I run it from the terminal all is ok, but I try to run with double click (the script with the permissions and Nautilus configuration ...
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How to programmatically attach link to a model during simulation?

Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 with Gazebo 7.3 and Python 2.7 I have non-colliding URDF models to be used as markers in Gazebo. The markers will be attached to objects to be grasped, and their positions ...
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Deleting Gazebo model causes Python to freeze

Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 with Gazebo 7.3 and Python 2.7 Whenever I call the Gazebo model deletion service, Python freezes. No errors or special messages appear when the deletion code runs. This ...
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point_cloud2.read_points and then?

I have a topic publishing a point cloud of type sensors_msgs.PointCloud2. I can subscribe to it and read it using ...
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tf.LookupException: "base_link" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist

Hello together, I am new with ros tf's and already worked myself threw the tf tutorials. (I am using ros indigo) As my first test with tf's after the tutorial I wrote 2 small nodes. The first one is ...
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Waiting for "gazebo_msgs/GetLinkState" causes Python to freeze

ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 with Gazebo 7.3.0 and Python 2.7: I have an issue withs starting a Gazebo service proxy for getting link states programmatically from a Python file I run after running the ...
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Python Import not being recognized

Hi guys, I'm currently working through a textbook call Programming Robots with ROS. There is a chapter that goes over a simple movement code for a turtlebot simulator. The code is pasted below. ...
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How to convert slot_types of messages to actual data types

Hi All, I am currently implementing a little python script that takes parameters for actions from a string and automatically populates an action goal to send it to the action server. The goal ...
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How do you implement a rospy KeyboardInterrupt without killing the node?

I want to run a process in a while loop that prints to screen, and exit the while loop by pressing a key or 'Ctrl+C'. But I don't want the same key press to also kill the ros node - I just want to ...
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How do you change a rosservice parameter in python?

I'm using the robot_localization package, specifically the ekf_localization and ...
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How to exit a ROS node on keyboard interrupt?

How do you write a Python ROS node so that it exits in response to a KeyboardInterrupt exception? I have a trivial node like: ...
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How to write to a text file in python in a ROS node?

I need to record a topic message called "message" only when a "message sent" button is pressed. I have made a separate node for GUI that has "message sent" button. I ...
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Unable to read a file while using relative path

Hi, I want to read a file inside python script in ros indigo in the following way - file_name = rospy.get_param("~file", None) Below is the snippet of ...
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