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Unable to use functions from custom imported module

Hi there, I'm a novice experimenting on making and using custom modules (python) having functions that is required for my rosnode. I can do the same in normal python, but I am struggling with the ...
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Simple local planner in Python?

Hello everybody, I would like to implement my own local planner using Python for exercise purposes. Therefore, I make no use of move_base and the ROS navigation stack at all and try to implement those ...
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Get timestamp of current message starting from zero in rospy

I seem to have a misunderstanding regarding time in ros, especially sim-time. Aim I process a rosbag that contains many pointcloud2s and want to transform the timestamps of the incoming pointcloud to ...
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custom messge usage in python

i wrote a smal python node ...
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Subscriber in /odom topic from gazebo loses first message

Hello! I have a robot in a gazebo environment that publishes the odometry data on the topic /odom. I have a node that subscribes to that topic and uses the odometry data. I save the data from the ...
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How to start a ROS image_raw subscriber python code in boot up

I am a using ROS Noetic in ubuntu 20.04. I am creating an application to read camera and save . i have two launch files to read camera and publish to ros, then I created two python codes to subscribe ...
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async/await in subscriber callback

I have a ros node that needs to communicate with a non-ros over a tcp asynchronous socket connection. This node will be subscribed to a variety of topics and needs to send data over the socket ...
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Using Rospy to check on empty topic

Hi, I want to code a simple publisher and subscriber. However, I realized that whenever Ros is subscribing to a topic, e.g.: rospy.subscriber("/chatter",string,callback) it will always wait ...
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How to use ROS in Colab?

Now I'm a complete newbie when it comes to both ROS and Colab. I found this code a while ago, and I want to use it in Google Colab because using the drive makes things easy due to the immensely large ...
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unknown error handler name 'rosmsg'

I m trying the rosserial tutorials from the official site in ros melodic. While running the I m getting this error : ...
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how does one index array in rospy?

I need the size of a custom array msg type. (The type is geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] PoseStampedArray.) I need to iterate on the msg if it is not empty and I would very much like to get the last ...
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Rate and sleep function in RCLPY library for ROS2

Recently I started learning ROS2, but I've encountered one issue, I've created a package & defined a node. ...
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rospy Subscriber callback threading test

I try to use rospy Subscriber callback handler to manipulate some object but it doesn't work like i would like to. In,subscriber handler is look like this : ...
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Missing packages after installing rosdep based on python3-rosdep2 in Noetic

After the installation of Noetic on ubuntu 20.04, I started to redo the tutorials. When I wanted to see the dependencies of beginner_tutorials package, I couldn't use the #rosdep command! ...
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Importing a service in python defined by others

I am stuck in something that should be pretty easy... I have a service called "set_odometry", which I can use doing rosservice from the bash. This service is installed from apt-get so I don'...
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How to deal with multiple subscribers and callbacks for different topics in rospy?

Hello I have a code snippet here which 8 subscribers for 8 different message types. Earlier I used to have only four subscribersand it used to run very fast but with 8 subscribers the subscription of ...
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Smach get value from subscriber topic

I'm pretty new to ROS, and I'm working with SMACH. I have an Arduino UNO with 4 LEDs (green ,yellow, red and blue) and one button. What I'm trying to achieve is a sort of traffic light simulator. My ...
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How to access ChannelFloat32 in python?

Hello, I'm on melodic and try to subscribe to a ChannelFloat32 message, but I neither can import the type nor have an Idea how to access that. How can I do that? Originally posted by bionade24 on ROS ...
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Best way of publishing to /clock topic type rosgraph_msgs/Clock?

Ultimately I need to publish an accelerated time to the /clock topic which the rest of my simulation nodes are using. I have managed to concoct two separate launch files; the first launch file ...
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Import error for rospy in Python3.6 script

I've tried import rospy into a python script that requires python3.6, but it gives me the error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rospy' I'm able to successfully import the rospy into a python3.5 ...
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Using ROS namespaces programmaticaly

It seems like the simple question, but is it possible to control robots with different ROS namespaces in one launch file programmaticaly? For example, i want to move robot1 one meter forward, and ...
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subscriber callback in a python class is overwriting the class variables with the most recent data before the first callback processing finishes

I am on ROS Melodic. When a subscriber is receiving data at a faster rate than it could process, the class variables are being updated before the callback process is finished. For example, when I run ...
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Custom ROS message with unit8[] in python!

I have a PacketMsg.msg as follows in my package: uint8[] buf I would like to decode /topic ...
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Service Server and Client not working when launch by launch file

Hello all. I am using a pandas data frame to format instructions and the data frame is hosted in a service server. I then have a client that is imported into a position supervising node. The client is ...
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OccupancyGrid not getting published - Python

Hi, so I want to publish an occupancy grid of a map.png file I have. After running this node, I do rostopic list but it doesn't show me any published map. Can someone tell what am I doing wrong? ...
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get all the active namespaces rospy | roscpp

In my project, multiple robots may be spawned both at launch and at runtime, each under a certain namespace. Generally, that is 'robot_ID' where ID == a robot-...
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Link in rviz teleports between original and transformed position with tf2

Here's a video of what I'm referring to. I'm using rviz to display a transformation using a tf2 broadcaster, but link1 keeps popping back and forth between its specified location from the URDF, and ...
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Moveit Commander Plan Fail

I'm using rospy and moveit_commander to control a robot. It works wonderfully, except I cannot find a way in the API to handle a path planning failure. The ...
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rospy message_converter outputs zero while in the terminal I got different output for the same topic

ROS Kinetic Ubuntu 16.04 Python 3.5 I am using diff_drive_controller to publish rwheel_angular_vel_motor and lwheel_angular_vel_motor topics. My goal is to take messages published by those topics and ...
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How to store two data of consecutive frames for computation?

I am using ROS Kinetic on ubuntu 16.04. The application I am trying to do is to obtain messages from the VRPN optitrack system and use these data to construct a data array that displays variables in ...
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subcribing to 2 topics and publishing selected data in same node

hello everyone. i have two messages publishing on their message with their topic name. now i want to subscribe these two topics and publish a new topic which will take some selected data from one ...
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Cancel rospy action with Ctrl+C

Hi to everyone, i'm using a class in which some methods call actions as SimpleActionClient. I create a node in the same executable i create the class instance and leave if the signal handling. When i ...
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[Theorical] Python use in ROS

Hi everyone, I'm new using python in ROS but I've been developing robots solution for a little time in C++. The thing is that when you want to use a ROS C++ node you must configure CMakeLists.txt ...
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python node bad interpreter

the c++ version is working but python shows the following : rosrun hello_world /opt/ros/lunar/bin/rosrun: /home/kamal/catkin_ws/src/hello_world/script/ usr/bin/env: bad ...
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Difference between rospy.spin and rospy.sleep

Hi There! Whats the difference between rospy.spin nad rospy.sleep? Does rospy.rate affect rospy.spin? Originally posted by Marseiliais on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2019-09-02 Post score: 3
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Passing Multiple Arguments to Subscriber Callback function in python

Hi All, I am wrote the following code to track position of my robot in rviz using markers. ...
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Importing std_msgs.msg with Python

Hi guys, I am following the ROS Beginner's Tutorials, on the part Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber (Python). In the publisher code given, there is a line which says from std_msgs.msg import ...
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How to connect remote roscore with python in runtime

The following is the implementation using roscpp: std::map<std::string, std::string> remappings; remappings["__master"] = master_url; remappings["__hostname"] = host_url; ros:...
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Where I can find a list of dependencies?

I don't know where find or what dependencies to use when I will create a package dependencies. It's possible create a depends? For example, in the Tutorial I see rospy, roscpp and std_msgs. Where I ...
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How to pass multiple arguments to rospy node through command line?

I'm looking for a notation like this rosrun my_package arg1 arg2 arg3 That I can cun in the terminal, that will enable me to pass arguments to a ROS ...
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How to get the Quaternion from Matrix with python

Hello, I found below code which is using for get the Quaternion values from Matrix. Then, I would like to do the same work with it, but it's C++ programming language. I can't find any similar python ...
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Why does rospy::wait_for_message get stucked even though messages are being published?

I am using this method in my python script rospy.wait_for_message("/my_topic", Bool, timeout=None) The /my_topic ...
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How to transform a vector in rospy?

I couldn't find any tutorials for my situation. I have a vector (23.7, 0, 0) and I want to transform (only rotation no translation needed) it into another frame which is RPY (0.39, 0, 1.64). I'm ...
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Please explain how the Subscriber works

Hello, Could someone explain to me how the rospy.Subscriber('topic', msg, callback) method works. As I noticed we don't need to loop that method to update and check the topic iteratively. It is doing ...
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rospy tf get frame_id of trans, rot

Hey there, Assume I have three tf's: 1): marker_1 relative to world 2): marker_2 relative to world 3): marker_3 relative to world Now I want to get the marker name that is closest to marker_1. Is ...
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How to publish sim time at desired frequency

Hi, I want to run the simulated time at frequency of 1Hz by publishing to the /clock topic and set rosparam /use_sim_time to be ...
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How to read data from txt file python

I have a python script which reads data from 4 txt files and stores the values in 4 numpy arrays. I put the txt files in the same directory with my python node, but when I run the node the files ...
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Own nav path has closed loop in rviz

Hi, I want to make simple path following for differential drive robot, So, I generated nav.msg/Path with own points and publish it, but in rviz I see my path with connection between start and end ...
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How to read msg from /odom at time series n and (n-1)

Hi there, I hope to compare the message from the consecutive time series n and (n-1) from /odom in python. I am confused about how to store the msg at time n-1 and time n at the same time, especially ...
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message_filters doesn't call the callback function

I'm trying to use the message_filters in order to subscribe to two topics. Here's my code ...
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