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Reading from topic once using rospy.wait_for_message()

Hi, I want to read a message from a topic once, thus I tried to use wait_for_message() like this: ...
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check if topic is being published to without subscribing

In our project we want to write a node to check sensor nodes for possible errors. One of the checked criterion is, if the topics of the node are actually published and not just have publisher. Is it ...
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running rosmsg show from code

Hi, is there a way (possibly in Python) to call the command line command rosmsg show from code, passing as an argument the name of the message/service and getting ...
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Webots version 7.1.2 problem with image_raw / Nao Robots / ROS

Hello there, Our group has been trying to get a video feed from a Nao Robot in Webots, using ROS. We've successfully managed to obtain a video image from the top camera (ID:"/CameraTop_frame"...
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How to read a topic last value from a Python script?

Hello. I'm working on a teleop program in Python. I want to change a joint position and add an offset read from the keyboard. So I need to read a topic value to add the offset and send the command ...
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re-publishing data from multiple topics

I've written a node which takes data from node A via a topic, which uses custom messages, does some manipulation with it, then publishes it to another topic. However the node also listens to a topic ...
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Messages lost between rospy and roscpp

I encountered a strange problem of losing some messages between roscpp node and rospy node. I can see my roscpp node publishing my defined message using rostopic echo, but the rospy node sometimes ...
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