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where is the beginner_tutorials.srv file in the add_two_ints tutorial?

I am learning ros noetic on the page ( the scripts/ file within the beginner_tutorials package, there is a ...
Yongxue Law's user avatar
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rospy.init_node() stuck in loop

I had a problem with initializing a ROS node in python in a larger project. The following minimum reproducible example has the same issue: ...
Kriseiks's user avatar
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Using .pyc files instead .py with roslaunch [closed]

I am working on a docker and using ROS 1 noetic as of now. For certain reasons I do not want to distribute .py files as end user do not need to understand what is inside there. So I am using .pyc ...
aarsht7's user avatar
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Custom ROS Service Cannot be Imported

I have created a simple custom ROS service for ROS Noetic. My import line is: from fishbot_ros.srv import chess_service, chess_serviceResponse The file structure ...
sheep_skins's user avatar
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unable to publish Path waypoints for pure pursuit

These are the initial line of my rospy code: ...
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how does one index array in rospy?

I need the size of a custom array msg type. (The type is geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] PoseStampedArray.) I need to iterate on the msg if it is not empty and I would very much like to get the last ...
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Importing a service in python defined by others

I am stuck in something that should be pretty easy... I have a service called "set_odometry", which I can use doing rosservice from the bash. This service is installed from apt-get so I don'...
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Smach get value from subscriber topic

I'm pretty new to ROS, and I'm working with SMACH. I have an Arduino UNO with 4 LEDs (green ,yellow, red and blue) and one button. What I'm trying to achieve is a sort of traffic light simulator. My ...
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parse $(find ...) from python?

Hi everyone, how can I make use of the ROS API to parse roslaunch macros like $(find <package>)? Thanks Originally posted by Hendrik Wiese on ROS Answers ...
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Wrong argument type when writing quaternion orientation to pose message

Edit: I tried to just simply copy the quaternion values and hardcode them as an orientation coordinates. Results are the same, so maybe problem comes from another part of my grasp msg? I dumped the ...
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Error on action_client as topic callback

I'm trying to implement a node that subscribes to a topic to get a list of geometry_msgs/Points and then send it to ...
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Hi I have got a problem with publish data. I want to publish msg.linear.x and msg.linear.y to V-REP via ROS. When I write in terminal ...
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JointTrajectory Python interface

Hi, I am trying to make my own environment that will be used for reinforcement learning training, with the help of gym-gazebo. I want to train a floating gripper to pick up an object from ground. The ...
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ROSSerializationException while publishing TFMessage

Hi everyone, When I'm trying to publish tf2_msgs/TFMessage message, I got the following error: ...
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How can I check if a service exists from Python?

This question has an answer for roscpp; what is the equivalent solution for Python? EDIT: I do not want to wait for the service. I want to take one action if the service exists and a different action ...
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Rospy isn't catching KeyboardInterrupt on the second iteration of the loop

I've written a publisher in Python to publish joint angles to a simple robot. The program only catches KeyboardInterrupt on the very first loop before I've ever published anything. However, as soon as ...
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Can I use the Python Ros bag API without making a workspace?

I'm using roscpp, but I'd like to make a transferrable python script for working with bag files. However, the docs only tell me how to do it through a catkin workspace. Is there a way to import the ...
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Python OpenCV namedWindow and imshow freeze

Hi there, I try to view a subscribed image via cv2.imshow() like the following: ...
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rostest fails when run using "catkin_make run_tests"

Hi all, I have a node and some_test.test file like this: ...
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Hello, everyone. I have the next equipment: , and raspberry pi. I want to control the dc motors via ROS and Python. Is it ...
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Can't import rospy

Hello, I have a ROS aplication in Python and Qt, and when I run it from the terminal all is ok, but I try to run with double click (the script with the permissions and Nautilus configuration ...
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3 answers

point_cloud2.read_points and then?

I have a topic publishing a point cloud of type sensors_msgs.PointCloud2. I can subscribe to it and read it using ...
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How to exit a ROS node on keyboard interrupt?

How do you write a Python ROS node so that it exits in response to a KeyboardInterrupt exception? I have a trivial node like: ...
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How to write to a text file in python in a ROS node?

I need to record a topic message called "message" only when a "message sent" button is pressed. I have made a separate node for GUI that has "message sent" button. I ...
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rospy.wait_for_message is unable to subscribe to a message continuosly

Hi everyone. I have a question about rospy.wait_for_message. In my program, I use rospy.wait_for_message(topic, data type) to wait for a message published by other node. The first program will wait ...
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Rviz markers with rospy

I am trying to visually represent a "robot" as a sphere marker from the visualization_msgs, but I am unable to publish my self.robotMarker. When I rosrun this script I am able to see the ...
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Passing arguments to callback in Python

Hi! I have a problem passing arguments to a callback function when Subscribing a ROStopic. The code below is what I do have now. But I only received error messages when I tried to pass arguments to ...
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Python import: rosrun works well but roslaunch reports error

Hi, I'm writing some rospy nodes recently and some import errors ocur when I utilize roslaunch to start my node. ...
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Printing and searching python namespaces from rospy.get_param()

I am catkin-izing, updating, and making revisions to the nxt ROS packages. I have hit an issue that seems basic but I could use some help to get through it. Searches for accessing Python dictionaries ...
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Crash when calling init_node while holding GIL

I'm getting a crash when trying to invoke rospy from within an embedded Python interpreter. Ubuntu 14.04LTS Python 2.7.6 rosdistro: jade rosversion: 1.11.16 The following C/C++ file duplicates the ...
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Use C++ camera_info_manager yamls with camera_info_manager_py, and vice versa?

I'd like to run camera_info_manager_py saveCalibrationFile in a python file and then load the same yaml in in C++, but it appears the yaml dump is saving like this: ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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One big subscriber vs. multiple small subscribers?

I'm using rospy. I have several nodes that need camera image and point cloud. each of them needs to get the rgb image and point cloud in real time. I'm thinking about 2 structures 1. Create one node ...
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Transform a pose to another frame with tf2 in Python

I have a pose stamped given in camera frame. Now I want to transform the pose to get its coordinates in the base_link frame. Originally posted by fivef on ROS Answers with karma: 2756 on 2015-12-10 ...
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Get information about topic message at runtime

I am trying to build an interface that universally bridges ROS topics to another system. I am importing the message type at runtime: ...
Christian's user avatar
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Python shutdown node

How i can shutdown a node in python? In c++ is ros::shutdown() but in python i didn't find it. Thanks Originally posted by Porti77 on ROS Answers with karma: 183 on 2015-09-25 Post score: 2
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Adding __package__ to ROS Python scripts breaks import

I wanted to do a relative import from my Python ROS node. So I added a __package__ = 'my_package' specification to the beginning of the file (right under the ...
Martin Pecka's user avatar
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Python rospy Script doesn't end running

Hey there, i already talked to some guys in #python irc channel. My aim was to close a while loop with ctrl-c so i used a try - exception statement. The problem is that the while loop doesnt really ...
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Error tf2_ros StaticTransformBroadcaster API in Python

Update: In an attempt to get around losing the ability to pub latch transforms in the API in python I have tried doing the following which does not seem to work. Anyone have a way to do this? And in ...
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Playback of rosbag file at the same rate that messages are stored in rospy

Hi, I am trying to playback data that I have stored using rosbag in rospy. Is it possible to playback the rosbag file in rospy at the same rate that it is recorded? I know that I can do this from the ...
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CMakeLists.txt: Install Python

What is the best way to install python libraries with a package? This tutorial says how to do Python scripts, and I know you also need a, but I'm having trouble running ...
DLu's user avatar
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How to use variable's value (subscriber function) in another function

Hello all ! I want to pass the variable which is set to its value when called the callback function. and then want to use the value of the variable in another function. ...
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Is it possible to launch multiple nodes from one python script?

I see that rospy.init_node() can only be called once per process in the official documentation on nodes. I'm trying to write a script that allows for two-way ...
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Multiply two tf transforms converted to 4x4 matrices in python?

I want to do something along the lines of: ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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How to read a topic last value from a Python script?

Hello. I'm working on a teleop program in Python. I want to change a joint position and add an offset read from the keyboard. So I need to read a topic value to add the offset and send the command ...
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import rospy when calling a python script from a c++ executable

I have a Robai Cyton gamma arm that I'm attempting to connect to with ROS by trying to call a Python script from a C++ program. What I want to do is use C++ and OpenCV to get a video from an Xbox ...
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Unable to install or run rospy

I've just installed the latest drcsim. From what I've read, a way to use python scripts is included in the ros package it comes with, rospy. However, when I try to use rospy, the terminal does not ...
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Using pypy with ROS for better performance?

How can I use pypy instead of the default python interpreter for a ROS node written in python ? I tried: cd /path/to/node pypy script/ But I'm getting an ...
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ROSSerializationException while publishing PointCloud2 Message

Hello everyone, when my node is publishing a PointCloud2 message I get the following error: ...
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ROS hokuyo_node LaserScan Subscriber msg data class python

Hi I am trying to subscribe to a laser scan of the hokuyo_node. I am a bit new to ROS, here is my code so far. I have read the python subscriber tutorials but they don't tell how to subscribe to ...
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Creating custom message and service for groovy, using them with Python

Hello, I am discovering ROS groovy and I try to create a custom service. I followed the tutorial on creating a service with Python and did a Python node. But when I run my Python node, I get 'from ...
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