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Issues with asynchronously handling a Subscriber callback

I am trying to create a listener that sends a message through a Discord webhook to my Discord server. The issue that I am encountering at the moment is that I do not know how to create an asynchronous ...
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Wait for subscriber callback to receive message - best practice

Hello, I am wondering what is the best practice in python to wait for a subscribed topic to start publishing, before using its messages in the spin method. An simplified example of what I am doing ...
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publish after processing data from 2 synced subscribers (rospy)

I want to make one node to subscribe 2 topics synchronously, process those data, and publish it. I know that publishing and subscribing data with single node is possible, but have never seen any ...
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subscriber callback in a python class is overwriting the class variables with the most recent data before the first callback processing finishes

I am on ROS Melodic. When a subscriber is receiving data at a faster rate than it could process, the class variables are being updated before the callback process is finished. For example, when I run ...
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message_filters doesn't call the callback function

I'm trying to use the message_filters in order to subscribe to two topics. Here's my code ...
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How to set callback queue size in rospy

Hello, I'm currently working on a project where I use a network written in TensorFlow to segment some point clouds. I have created a node which subscribes to the point cloud topic. The callback ...
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callback models for roscpp and rospy

For example, I have a ROS node that has several callback and timers. Those callbacks and timers need to read or modify the same global variable. Should I use mutex or other locking mechanism to ...
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Subscribers not making callbacks

I have a listener function that subscribes to two topics as shown below, but the callbacks (which I confirmed are updating) don't seem to update some variables in the listener. I confirm that the ...
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How to execute subscriber callback on some condition?

Hi all, I am working on a small project in Python and ROS Indigo. To implement a small functionality, I have created a node in which the node has a subscriber (queue size 10) and corresponding ...
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subscriber cannot receive topic on rospy

I made a node which has 1 action client, 5 subscribers and 1 publisher. I wrote its pseudo code is following. When I tried a certain sequence, one of the subscribers sub1 did not call its callback cb1 ...
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How does rospy.Timer behave if it triggers while the previous callback is still busy?

I'm using a rospy.Timer (periodic, not one-shot) to handle a long-running process in a non-blocking way. I only want one instance of the process to be running at ...
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Callback function not updating values (Rospy)

I have a program used to read in command velocities from two sources (teleop/navigation), blend them, and then publish the blended velocity to the Turtlebot. While debugging, I noticed that the code ...
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Passing arguments to callback in Python

Hi! I have a problem passing arguments to a callback function when Subscribing a ROStopic. The code below is what I do have now. But I only received error messages when I tried to pass arguments to ...
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PyQt Signals for ROS callbacks in RQT Plugin

Hi everyone, while writing a RQT plugin I had a hard time to figure out, how to connect a rospy callback to a PyQt SLOT in order to update the UI in a correct way. The ROS WIKI only tells you, that ...
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How to use variable's value (subscriber function) in another function

Hello all ! I want to pass the variable which is set to its value when called the callback function. and then want to use the value of the variable in another function. ...
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Collect messages

I need to collect messages from a topic, that is, subscribe to a topic, and then do something with some condition about the message is met (a flag on the message) with all the messages recibed ...
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[rospy] How do you unsubscribe to a topic, from within the callback?

In a previous answer a similar issue was addressed but solved in another manner, however the solution suggsted: ...
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