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2 answers

Is rospython subscriber thread safe?

Hey I'm trying to write a python node, which has one class and two member functions as callback functions. so a TimeSynchronizer and Subscriber in a node. I saw in this link and tested that python ...
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1 answer

Subscriber in /odom topic from gazebo loses first message

Hello! I have a robot in a gazebo environment that publishes the odometry data on the topic /odom. I have a node that subscribes to that topic and uses the odometry data. I save the data from the ...
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1 answer

rospy Subscriber callback threading test

I try to use rospy Subscriber callback handler to manipulate some object but it doesn't work like i would like to. In,subscriber handler is look like this : ...
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1 answer

Importing a service in python defined by others

I am stuck in something that should be pretty easy... I have a service called "set_odometry", which I can use doing rosservice from the bash. This service is installed from apt-get so I don'...
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2 answers

Using ROS namespaces programmaticaly

It seems like the simple question, but is it possible to control robots with different ROS namespaces in one launch file programmaticaly? For example, i want to move robot1 one meter forward, and ...
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1 answer

Custom ROS message with unit8[] in python!

I have a PacketMsg.msg as follows in my package: uint8[] buf I would like to decode /topic ...
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1 answer

rospy message_converter outputs zero while in the terminal I got different output for the same topic

ROS Kinetic Ubuntu 16.04 Python 3.5 I am using diff_drive_controller to publish rwheel_angular_vel_motor and lwheel_angular_vel_motor topics. My goal is to take messages published by those topics and ...
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1 answer

How to store two data of consecutive frames for computation?

I am using ROS Kinetic on ubuntu 16.04. The application I am trying to do is to obtain messages from the VRPN optitrack system and use these data to construct a data array that displays variables in ...
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subcribing to 2 topics and publishing selected data in same node

hello everyone. i have two messages publishing on their message with their topic name. now i want to subscribe these two topics and publish a new topic which will take some selected data from one ...
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1 answer
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[Theorical] Python use in ROS

Hi everyone, I'm new using python in ROS but I've been developing robots solution for a little time in C++. The thing is that when you want to use a ROS C++ node you must configure CMakeLists.txt ...
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1 answer

Passing Multiple Arguments to Subscriber Callback function in python

Hi All, I am wrote the following code to track position of my robot in rviz using markers. ...
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1 answer

How to connect remote roscore with python in runtime

The following is the implementation using roscpp: std::map<std::string, std::string> remappings; remappings["__master"] = master_url; remappings["__hostname"] = host_url; ros:...
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1 answer

How to pass multiple arguments to rospy node through command line?

I'm looking for a notation like this rosrun my_package arg1 arg2 arg3 That I can cun in the terminal, that will enable me to pass arguments to a ROS ...
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1 answer

Why does rospy::wait_for_message get stucked even though messages are being published?

I am using this method in my python script rospy.wait_for_message("/my_topic", Bool, timeout=None) The /my_topic ...
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1 answer

How to get the Quaternion from Matrix with python

Hello, I found below code which is using for get the Quaternion values from Matrix. Then, I would like to do the same work with it, but it's C++ programming language. I can't find any similar python ...
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1 answer

How to transform a vector in rospy?

I couldn't find any tutorials for my situation. I have a vector (23.7, 0, 0) and I want to transform (only rotation no translation needed) it into another frame which is RPY (0.39, 0, 1.64). I'm ...
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1 answer

Please explain how the Subscriber works

Hello, Could someone explain to me how the rospy.Subscriber('topic', msg, callback) method works. As I noticed we don't need to loop that method to update and check the topic iteratively. It is doing ...
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1 answer
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rospy tf get frame_id of trans, rot

Hey there, Assume I have three tf's: 1): marker_1 relative to world 2): marker_2 relative to world 3): marker_3 relative to world Now I want to get the marker name that is closest to marker_1. Is ...
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1 answer

How to publish sim time at desired frequency

Hi, I want to run the simulated time at frequency of 1Hz by publishing to the /clock topic and set rosparam /use_sim_time to be ...
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1 answer

How to read data from txt file python

I have a python script which reads data from 4 txt files and stores the values in 4 numpy arrays. I put the txt files in the same directory with my python node, but when I run the node the files ...
0 votes
1 answer

Own nav path has closed loop in rviz

Hi, I want to make simple path following for differential drive robot, So, I generated nav.msg/Path with own points and publish it, but in rviz I see my path with connection between start and end ...
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2 answers

check if topic is being published to without subscribing

In our project we want to write a node to check sensor nodes for possible errors. One of the checked criterion is, if the topics of the node are actually published and not just have publisher. Is it ...
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1 answer

no module named rospy after anaconda install

Hello all, I was using ros kinetic with py scipts without problem, but then I tried installing Anaconda 3.5 and all my ROS is messed as you guess. So I uninstalled Anaconda 3.5 and installed Anaconda ...
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1 answer

roslib.message.get_message_class returns None

I'm trying to create a tool that can dynamicly read service call descriptions from a yaml file and call the services accordingly. (in rospy on kinetic) If i try to resolve a non-standard service type ...
0 votes
1 answer

while loop only executes subscriber callback()

Hi, the key code parts: ...
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1 answer

Infinite loop in callback function

Hi there! I want to subscribe to a topic (real_position) and save these data in a variable (julio) in order to process them later in my code. I've tried to use something similar to the tutorial for ...
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1 answer

Error: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I am trying to run the following node using rosrun, to send data through my serial port and I get the error: ...
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1 answer

Error on import ros packages

I`m trying to write a ros module in python, but I'm facing this issue below: ...
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1 answer

Static tf2 transform returns correct position but opposite quaternion

Trying to read the state of my robotic arm, I found that the manufacturer provided transforms for everything up to the flange but not to the center of the closed fingers in the end effector. In the ...
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1 answer

Rospy Parameter KeyError

I cannot get my code to get the parameters on my config file. I just do like it is on the tutorials but it does not work and I do not understand why. I believe it might be a namespace problem with ...
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1 answer
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parse $(find ...) from python?

Hi everyone, how can I make use of the ROS API to parse roslaunch macros like $(find <package>)? Thanks Originally posted by Hendrik Wiese on ROS Answers ...
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1 answer

How to use timer callback in ROS?

I am working with ROS Kinetic. Like in ROS2, we can use a create_timer() function as described here. Similarly I would want to use a similar functionality in rospy ...
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1 answer

genpy.message.SerializationError when calling service /gazebo/set_model_configuration

Hi, I want to implement a node, that calculates random values for the joints of my robot and publishes them. Furthermore, I want to call the service ...
0 votes
1 answer

Check if target joint position is valid

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to check if a goal pose of a planned path (planned in moveit with OMPL) is a valid pose, meaning that joint position constraints, collision, etc. are taken into ...
0 votes
1 answer

tf::Quaternion getAngle() eqivalent for rospy

Is there an equivalent to the getAngle() method of C++ interface of tf in Python version too? Originally posted by smihael on ROS Answers with karma: 45 on 2018-09-10 Post score: 0
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1 answer

Python source for built-in message types

Where can I find Python source code for the built-in message types? I need them for a presentation. I've looked for them but I guess that they are not on GitHub but that they are generated during ...
0 votes
1 answer

writing a service to publish only once in a latched topic

Hello, I am writing a Service which should save a value from a topic to another latched topic so I can use that value later I am using the following code and my topic seems to be not connected to the ...
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1 answer

rospy.init_node in multiprocessing.Process

Hello everyone, I have the following setup: The main thread which starts a ROS node with services, pubs, and subs A multiprocessing.Process which also should start an (anonymous) ROS node that has ...
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1 answer
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Consequence of

Hi, I am currently setting up my first python based node. I have included a into my project and added the "catkin_python_setup()" macro in my CMakeLists.txt. I am now wondering, ...
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1 answer

python rostest fails to import python module

Hello, I'm using ROS kinetic on an ubuntu 16.04 machine and have been trying to use rostest to run unit tests (and hopefully integration tests in the future). I keep running into problems when trying ...
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1 answer

Nodes not deactivated when process is ended

What I am doing I am running the ROS Tutorial Writing a Publisher (python). What I am using Ubuntu 16.04 ROS kinetic Python 2.7 What I want to know I built the code using ...
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1 answer

Logger conflicts with my own logger

When I call rospy.init_node, logging of errors using my own defined logger stops working and nothing is displayed. For example when I call an object without its ...
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1 answer

Rospy publish is unreliable

I'm seeing something real strange involving a rospy Publisher. When I run a rospy node on a development machine (not the robot), messages sent by a publisher may or may not be received by the master ...
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1 answer

big delay between publisher and subscriber?

I made a package to control the nao robot using the Emotic EPOC+ EEG sensor to drive the robot depends on the facial expressions basically my package consist of two nodes 1- Publisher : which read the ...
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1 answer

Roslaunch can't locate node, but rosrun works fine

I'm working on a simple node written entirely in python. To make it work with roslaunch, I made it into a package. I got the package working fine, and I can run ...
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1 answer

Advanced tutorial for rospy services?

Please don't link me to the beginner tutorial. This is beyond the provided examples. Let's define MySrv.srv as: ...
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1 answer

rospy publishers using tons of CPU

I have a node with a number of subscribers and publishers in it. Most of them have no problem, but 2 in particular running at 100hz are taking up about 15% of an i7 CPU set with a queue_size of 10. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Get Arm Gravity Compensation Joint Efforts from URDF, Joint Positions, and Grav Vector?

Given: a URDF the current joint positions a gravity vector I want to calculate the joint efforts needed to compensate for gravity ("achieve weightlessness"). Is there an existing (ROS) ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to dynamically launch and kill nodes?

Is there any best practice and/or guides surrounding how to dynamically launch and kill nodes? I'm building a small Raspberry Pi based robot, and since it only has 1GB of memory and limited CPU, I don'...
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1 answer

Wrong argument type when writing quaternion orientation to pose message

Edit: I tried to just simply copy the quaternion values and hardcode them as an orientation coordinates. Results are the same, so maybe problem comes from another part of my grasp msg? I dumped the ...