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Questions tagged [roshydro]

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How long is support for ROS Hydro?

I am in doubt to use ROS Hydro for this year in my project at the university, once I dont know for how long the support will continue. I could move to Indigo, but with what I have already developed, ...
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Can I use Stage 3.x.x with ROS Hydro?

Most of the tutorials I found is for stage version 3.x.x.. But Since Fuerte stage version is 4.x.x. I use Ubuntu 12.04 and on this version ROS Electric can not be installed. Originally posted by ...
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sicktoolbox baud rate

Hello, I am using UDOO board and a sick lms 200. I get an error when i run the sicktoolbox_wrapper which says "failed to detect baud rate". If not that the program waits indefintely at ...
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Could not clear the obstacle_layer of costmap_2d package in ros hydro

Hi all, I have followed the navigation tutorial for ros hydro this link and other link. I can see the obstacles are updated in the obstacle_layer. However the "clearing observation" task is ...
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Kinect for Windows Install Ubuntu 13.04 w/Hydro

Good day everyone, I've been trying different settings to achieve this, with no success. My settings are as follow: Ubuntu 13.04 ROS version Hydro Medusa freenect_stack install as in (can't insert ...
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Non-existent package gazebo in ROS hydro

Hi All, I am using rosmake a package in ROS hydro, but it gives me below errors: ...
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Copy Hydro (ROS-Comm) from another drive

I had to reinstall my Ubuntu 13.10 but am able to recover files from the previous hard disk. Thus I am trying to set-up my ROS Hydro install (ROS-Comm compiled from source) by copying files across ...
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Create Topic using an existing library C++

I am taking part in a robotics project that is introducing ROS into its development. I have an existing library of classes that are used to pass information. My task is to integrate this library into ...
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Graspit installation package for Hydro?

Hi, I have been trying to install Graspit simulator for some research work and got my Ros Hydro distro installed yesterday on ubuntu Precise. Could you please tell me if there is any way to install ...
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How do I write my own launch files in Hydro?

Does this have to be done through the catkin process or can you simply create a necessary folder structure with the requisite files? If so, how do you add it so that Hydro will recognize it since ...
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Same launch file error even after changing ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

I just want to be able to use my custom launch files and am not having much success getting them to work. Since I'm still new I didn't want to mess with the .bashrc file yet. Edit: I added this to the ...
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