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Questions tagged [ros-control]

Questions related to the ros-control framework for ROS 1

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Any good example for ros_control of diff drive robot

I'm looking for examples related to ros_control of differential drive robot. Please list any real or simulated diff-drive robots (with source code references) that use ros_control. Such references ...
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differential transmission with ros_canopen, HOW to?

Hello ROS Community, I have already tried to ask a similar question here: #q304832, however no answer was received so i am trying to ask again from a different perspective. I am working on the control ...
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Does ROS_INFO break realtime?

Is the realtime lost if I use ROS_INFO inside a ros_control controller update method or inside a ros_control hardware interface write/read method? edit: this question may have different answers ...
Pablo Iñigo Blasco's user avatar
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does diff_drive_controller require a hardware interface?

Development Environment: OS: Ubuntu 18.04 ROS version: Melodic Robot: 6 wheel rover (3 wheels each side) TREX Robot Controller: No encoders, but a built in ...
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is it necessary to have URDF model for diff_drive_controller

Hello, I am building a differential drive robot and trying to exploit the power of ros_control by using the diff_drive_controller into my project I have found that I have to fulfill some hardware ...
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interfacing hardware with diff_drive_controller

Hello, I am building a differential drive robot and I want to exploit the power of the diff_drive_controller but I have faced a couple of problems to interface my hardware to the controller I am using ...
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ros_canopen: virtual joints, is it possible?

Hello, Currently I have three working canopen motor drivers, but my system will consists five motors later (the two missing motors have not been delivered yet). I have already tested some basic ...
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How to increase frequency of /diagnostics topic published by epos_hardware node?

Dear ROS community, I am using the epos_hardware ROS package as a hardware interface between an effort controller and a EPOS2 motor controller coupled with a Maxon EC90 motor. The set up is working ...
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[SOLVED] ros_canopen: "Did not receive a response message"

Hello! I have established a working package that drives a servo motor through ros_canopen. The earlier problems with solutions is given in the question: here. Even though i am able to both control the ...
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[solved] Struggling to run ros_control controller in gdb

Hi folks, Intro I am using the guided policy search (GPS) package ( to run the back-end of a ros_control controller for a Gazebo simulation of the KUKA LWR 4+ arm. My ...
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[SOLVED] ros_canopen ERROR after spawning controllers

Hello! The solution is given in the answer section. The original question with different edit parts start here: -------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL QUESTION ...
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CANopen test based on the canopen_test_utils package

Hello, i am trying to communicate with a single motor through CANopen. I had posted earlier about it in this question: #q294210 EDIT (21/06): This question was answered by Mathias Lüdtke. The error ...
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ros control assertion failed

I wrote a custom controller for my robot. I used ros control boilerplate (by dave coleman) for hardware interface. The code compiles but I get the following error. ...
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Unable to load a custom controller

I created a custom controller for my omni wheel drive and listed it in my yaml file. But when I tried to launch, Im getting the following error. Tried searching the forum but unable to find an answer ...
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What is the difference between different controllers provided in ros_control?

As mentioned in the official documentation, the list of available controllers are: effort_controllers joint_effort_controller joint_position_controller joint_velocity_controller ...
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ROS Real Time Publisher

Hi, I am new to ROS and am trying to understand how I can use the real time publishers. I followed this link For using this, would I require a RT kernel or the usual ...
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Help to run diff_drive_controller

I’m trying to launch the diff_drive_controller but I get this message when I run the .launch file. “Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller” " Controller ...
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Controllers fail during execution when using octomap with Moveit

I'm using MoveIt with the default RRTConnectkConfigDefault motion planning library. I have a 6 DoF arm to which I pass target poses using roscpp's ...
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Pick and place execution in Simulation_"Solution found but controller failed during execution"

Hi, I am trying to execute pick and place task using jaco arm in simulation.I am able to successfully send Pickup goals to moveit pick action server.In the Rviz GUI i am able to see the pickup actions ...
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Usage of ros_control

Hi ROS community. I am working on project where the ultimate goal is to build autonomus car. I found out that navigation stack is basically moving a robot by geometry_msgs/Twist. I have also found out ...
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Problem fetching the ros_controller state from controller/state topic

I am using ROS-Indigo on Ubunu 14.04. While using MoveIt! with ros-controllers I wanted to capture the data published on coro/coro_arm_controller/state topic. However while the acceleration and effort ...
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Could not find resource '[]' in 'hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface'

Hello, The answers at questions: 1, 2 etc, does not seem to be solving this. I am having trouble setting up basic controllers in Gazebo. Can you please help me out with this please? When I launch the ...
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Controlling multiple joints at the same time

Hi guys, ROS supernoob here, apologies for that in advance. I am currently trying to implement the end-effector control for a 7DOF robot arm in Gazebo. I have already figured out the inverse ...
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Stop joint_trajectory_controller execution at rostopic event

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo. I am using joint_trajectory_controller to control a single actuated joint robotic hand. After having send a ...
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Controller Spawner stuck while loading

Hi everyone, I am working on a robotics project based in ROS where we started with out simulation in Gazebo and built all our algorithms around the simulation while waiting for our actual robot to ...
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Ethercat interface to elmo motor controllers

Hi all, I'd like to drive an Elmo DC Whistle motor controller via Ethercat in ROS. I've look around quite a bit and found several questions like #q256404, #q240550 or #q199494 which are basically all: ...
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Controlling a robot arm directly

Hello~ I have a UR5 which I would like to control in a more direct and continuous manner than what MoveIt allows. I imagine setting a pose/position for the arm's endeffector and through some kinematic ...
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Error while implementing prismatic joint

Hi,I tried to simulate prismatic joint in Gazebo and getting following error while implementing. ...
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Use of diff_drive_controller to simulate a differential drive in Gazebo

Did anybody manage to use diff_drive_controller in to simulate a differential drive in Gazebo**? Theoretically should work if the gazebo_ros_control ( plug in is used in ...
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Profiling ros_controllers with Valgrind / Callgrind

Hi, I'm trying to proifle my controllers written in the ros_control framework in Gazebo. To this end, I added the following argument in gazebo_ros/launch/empty_world.launch: ...
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Can't find controller with Moveit

As the titles says, I can load the robot model with gazebo, start the controller, and receive the robot position from Gazebo, I even can plan the movement, but the execution fails with message ...
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Joint Torque Control for Universal Robot

Hi All. I’m wondering is there anybody who has tried to do a joint torque control (i.e. effort_controllers of the ros_control package) for the Universal Robot? I believe I could implement the ...
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Error getting controller list

When I attempt to get the list of controllers from the controller_manager in Kinetic, I get an error: ...
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Controlling an industrial servo motor through moveit

I want to control an additional motor along with my UR5 using moveit. I have added new controller to the moveit config controllers.yaml called rail_controller and made necessary changes to the URDF ...
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2 answers

How to change the robot_description paramter for the joint_trajectory_controller

Dear ROS community, i am simulating a ABB IRB2400 robot arm in gazebo controlling it with MoveIt. This is working so far. My goal is to simulate two arms. So i moved them in different namespaces and ...
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MoveIt! with Gazebo, using MoveItSimpleControllerManager, joint_trajectory_controller

Hi, I am trying to use MoveIt! to control a simulated robot in Gazebo, and am at a loss as to how to proceed. The only documentation / tutorial I can find on the subject is this one, which is 4 years ...
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How to propagate actuator commands from actuator to joint space

I'm working in on the kinetic-devel branch, and need to have the transmissions propagate actuator commands from actuator to joint space, but am having trouble figuring out how to make this happen ...
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differential drive + ros_control to move a 2 wheeled base of a robot?

First of all, I am very new to ROS. I would like to perform a simple task of moving the base of my robot. The package that I want to use to move my Robot's base (consists of 2 wheels) is as simple as ...
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How to control a joint with position and velocity using ros_control?

Right now I have postion controllers for all of my joints. I can set every joint to the position I want and It takes the velocity limit into account. But I can't get it to move slower then the limit. ...
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Real time ROS node without ROS control, orocos?

I have a hardware controller node which controls three motors using SOEM with Ethercat. I use a ROS timer in this node with 500 Hz control frequency. However, I find out that the timer is not accurate ...
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Differences between ros_control and arbotix driver package

1, I wonder what are the differences or similarities between ros_control and arbotix driver. 2, Does arbotix driver belong to firmware for harware ? In other words, it belongs to hardware_interface:...
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Prismatic joint with PositionJointInterface interferes with Gazebo physics

I working on a simulation model of a forklift using ROS control and Gazebo. I'm using a prismatic joint to simulate the piston moving the forks up and down. Since I added a PositionJointInterface to ...
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Split joint trajectory controller

I have an arm that uses dynamixel servo motors. I use the dynamixel motor stack along with Moveit! to operate it. The dynamixel stack is structured very similarly to ros_control, however, it is not ...
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Using diff_drive_controller for a robot with off-centre wheels

Hi. I'm attempting to use the diff_drive_controller package in ros_control for a robot which has wheels positioned off-centre (i.e. at the front of the robot). It then has a caster wheel at the back. ...
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Using MoveIt with ros_control - why are /joint_states all zero?

Hi, I'm having real difficulty configuring MoveIt with ros_control for my robot. I have used the SetupAssistant to create a config package, then have made some of my own launch and config files ...
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how to list all the controllers used when running a ros package

im trying to find all the controllers that this package is using (on iris quadrotor, from px4 firmware) i tried rosrun controller_manager controller_manager list ...
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how ros abstract away the underlying hardware and work with generic messages instead

I read the below passage on book, ROS-by-Example Vol1,CH4.14 Once you get used to this style of programming, there are some significant advantages. As we have already mentioned, many nodes can be ...
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How to properly write yaml file for ros control

Isn't their any tutorial to write exactly the syntax/rules to write a yaml file for ros controller launch. I am dealing with this type of files first time, and i didn't found tutorial for this yaml ...
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Correct way to use diff_drive_controller with PID control?

Hi, I am just learning about ros_control and saw the diff_drive_controller plugin. I am wondering how I would correctly integrate some PID control in with this? Would I have to have the write() ...
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Subsribe and publish conversion problem

I'm trying to write an own Subscribe and Publisk node. I would like ti subscribe to the joystick and publish to my motors. For the publish i create with a launchfile to topics, I use the ...
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