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PID package with PID controllers specified in URDF

I am trying to tune the PIDs of my robot with this package: by running the node "autotune". My PIDs are specified as usual: a config.yaml file with the list of ...
dodo's user avatar
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How to integrate omnidirectional base and redundant manipulator

I have been working on integrating a panda (from Franka Emika) and a summit-xl-steel in ROS noetic. I am not an expert on ROS, but I have integrated the two xacro files, and now I get an error saying ...
Markus Simonsen's user avatar
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Launch two urdfs under same spawner giving issues with different descriptions

I'm trying to launch two robots (panda and iiwa) under the same urdf spawner node. Both robots have a different robot description that I pass to the node as a parameter. My issue is that for some ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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gazebo URDF collapsing - need tips for inertia (solved)

Hi, I have a problem with gazebo spawning the links of my URDF model not correctly. So figured out that it is still a problem with the inertia. -I tried to fix it but could not make it stable. When ...
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differential transmission with ros_canopen, HOW to?

Hello ROS Community, I have already tried to ask a similar question here: #q304832, however no answer was received so i am trying to ask again from a different perspective. I am working on the control ...
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Four-Wheeled Skid Steering in Gazebo and ROS using gazebo-ros-control

I having an issue simulating skid steering on a four wheeled rover on gazebo. The issue is that at 90 degrees and multiplicates, the rover seems to get stuck at the axis .. Here's a video showing the ...
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Problem with the robot model collapsing

I'm a beginner in the robotics/ROS/Gazebo world. I started to work in a robotics research lab in my university, and I have to model an Hexapod. Apparently, the URDF Xacro is alright: the visuals, ...
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