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How does ROS_control compute the dynamic model of the robot?

Suppose I want to use a torque control of the form : $$ \tau = J^T(q) \left( K_p (p_d - p) - K_d \dot{p} \right) + g(q) $$ given that: $$ M(q) \ddot{q} + C(q, \dot{q}) \dot{q} + g(q) = \tau $$ where $...
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Understanding ackermann_steering_controller in ros2_control

I'm currently working on an Ackermann Steering Vehicle simulation in ROS2 with Gazebo. I'm currently trying to use the ackermann_steering_controller from ros2_control to control the steering. However, ...
Lucas Mazz's user avatar
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ROS2 Control Not Working with Gazebo and URDF

I am working on a project using ROS2 Humble and Gazebo, and I am facing an issue where the ROS2 control is not working as expected. Here are the details of my setup and the problem I am encountering: ...
hoonle135's user avatar
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Approach for a bimanual robot ROS controller? Impedance control

I'm working in a Cartesian impedance controller based in ros_control. So far I managed to programme a controller and load it in a panda robot and it works. Now I wonder about the approach in order to ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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How to command ros_control joint commands other that publish to the /command topic of the joint

I'm using ROS Noetic, Gazebo 11.11 As the title states is there any other way to command the joints interfaced with ros_control in a gazebo simulation here in my case (effort_controllers/...
RoopanJK's user avatar
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couldn't start diff drive controller: Could not find resource 'Joint1'

while launching diff drive controller i'm getting this kind of erros: ...
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Initialization Error for 'effort_controllers/JointGroupPositionController'

I see that effort_controllers/JointPositionController looks for the particular joint and assigns the corresponding PID value to the control_toolbox::Pid variable. effort_controllers/...
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Attempt to spin a callback queue from two spinners, one of them being single-threaded

Hello, I followed this guide to implement a controller for my rotary stage. Everything works just fine, but when I launch my controller, I get the following error (which does not impair the ...
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What is the difference between different controllers provided in ros_control?

As mentioned in the official documentation, the list of available controllers are: effort_controllers joint_effort_controller joint_position_controller joint_velocity_controller ...
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Ros_control cannot be found (Kinetic)

Hello, I am using ROS Kinetic and today I tried to create a package (labrob_control) to implement the necessary controllers for my actuators with the following dependencies: ros_control, ...
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ros_controller not making -indigo

Hello, I am trying to make my own costume robot in gazebo. I have been following this tutorials
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IMU_sensor_controller publishes incomplete covariances

I am trying to use ros_control to publish IMU data, with the eventual goal of combining this with odometry from the robot's encoders in robot_localization. Currently my hardware_interface is largely ...
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Unexpected Link Position Reset When Launching Controllers

Hello everyone, I am simulating a simple manipulator in Gazebo, and controlling joints via ros_control using a simplified version of this controller class. The robot model spawns normally in Gazebo ...
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Getting controller_manager to recognize new controller

Hello everyone, I am trying to write a new controller as simply as possible and get it working with Gazebo, but now that I have everything set up, my new controller does not seem to register with ...
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steered wheel controller wheel joints not working

I am trying to use steered wheel base controller for my four wheeled mobile base. I was trying to implement steering joints as position controlled and axle joints as velocity controlled. My problem is,...
Sreevishnu's user avatar
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How to aggregate command hardware interfaces in ros_control?

I would like to know what workarounds can be used to allow a controller to command more than one hardware interface in ros_control. The hardware interfaces could be homogeneous or heterogeneous (e.g. <...
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Proper use of ros_control's RealtimeBuffer

I am new to real-time programming, and I am trying to learn how to properly use realtime_tools::RealtimeBuffer in my ros_control controller by looking at source ...
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What is the purpose of RobotHW?

I am currently working on a robot with several subsystems. For simplicity, let's say it has a robotic arm and a drive system. These things need to be modular, so if we removed the arm (for example), ...
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Implement MoveIt! on Real Robot

Hi all, Unfortunately I am really struggling with implementing MoveIt! on my custom hardware. Basically I am stuck in connecting to an Action Client. I have been successful in using a driver package ...
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rc_control controllers modes

Dear all, I am currently checking the ros_controllers and I am not sure I understand the way the different modes are organized. From the ros_control wiki I read the controllers can be either: ...
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Controllers are unable to fight gravity in Gazebo simulation

I am currently trying to simulate a robot in Gazebo using the ROS framework. I used this ( Tutorial to get an existing robot model running ...
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Am I using the JointVelocityController correctly?

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, ROS Hydro beta, and Gazebo 1.9.0 (the one that is installed with Hydro). When I use a JointVelocityController, I get the following error: [ INFO] [1376543194.963746055, 0....
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