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I'm trying to figure out how to use realtime_tools (mainly realtime_publisher&realtime_buffer), but there are to few information about it. I can only find this: ...
joe qiu's user avatar
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Does ROS_INFO break realtime?

Is the realtime lost if I use ROS_INFO inside a ros_control controller update method or inside a ros_control hardware interface write/read method? edit: this question may have different answers ...
Pablo Iñigo Blasco's user avatar
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Real time ROS node without ROS control, orocos?

I have a hardware controller node which controls three motors using SOEM with Ethercat. I use a ROS timer in this node with 500 Hz control frequency. However, I find out that the timer is not accurate ...
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Proper use of ros_control's RealtimeBuffer

I am new to real-time programming, and I am trying to learn how to properly use realtime_tools::RealtimeBuffer in my ros_control controller by looking at source ...
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ros_control and RT

Dear all, The doc for ros_control says controller_manager provides a hard RT loop. knowing that ROS is designed for non-RT OS (plain linux), how is that possible on a non-RT OS? how does that relate ...
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