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Robot simulated in gazebo using ros control, goes in one direction only once

I implemented Ros control in a robot, it is a 4 wheel steering robot. It has a urdf with transmission added to all the joints and ros control yaml file and I am using a 4 wheel steering controllers ...
Mathew's user avatar
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Move_group not publishing to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal

I'm basically trying to connect my robot (meca 500) and simulate it both in gazebo and rviz. I was able to achieve this using Moveit Setup Assistant. However when I try to move my robot in rviz, my ...
Sanjay's user avatar
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Issues with legs vibrating and contact flickering in gazebo ros noeitc

I am having issues with simulating my custom robot. The video can be seen here video. I have no clue why the legs are shaking. Here is the limit of revolute joints. ...
Dev Manek's user avatar
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The appropriate robot controller

Good afternoon, Im new to ros, started working on gazebo simulation for construction machinery, excavators in particular. the manipulator excavator I'm trying to simulate uses oil pressure to move ...
nizar mhatli's user avatar
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How to integrate omnidirectional base and redundant manipulator

I have been working on integrating a panda (from Franka Emika) and a summit-xl-steel in ROS noetic. I am not an expert on ROS, but I have integrated the two xacro files, and now I get an error saying ...
Markus Simonsen's user avatar
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Issues when using namespace in a launch file

I've created a workspace where I launch a panda robot with a custom controller (CartesianImpedance_trajectory_controller) from
mikel lasa's user avatar
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Help with robot bimanual manipulator impedance controller

I have question with how should I focus the development of a impedance controller for two robots. I already built a controller for one arm but after a thorough search if literature or examples I didn'...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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How to command ros_control joint commands other that publish to the /command topic of the joint

I'm using ROS Noetic, Gazebo 11.11 As the title states is there any other way to command the joints interfaced with ros_control in a gazebo simulation here in my case (effort_controllers/...
RoopanJK's user avatar
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Robot model explodes in Gazebo

I am currently working on developing a model of a robot that moves in space (gravity=0) in the Gazebo simulator. The robot is based on a body with one continuous joint and two revolute joints. Jount1 ...
Yuki's user avatar
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Basic example project of a gripper holding an object in Gazebo

I am searching for a working example of a gripper that can hold an object in Gazebo / Gazebo Classic. The example should ideally: use a 1-DOF gripper with two fingers where one is mimicked use Python ...
geko's user avatar
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ros2_control state interfaces not showing up

i am having problems with my robot simulation with gazebo and ROS 2 Humble and hope someone can help me. I already have the URDF setup for gazebo and ros2_control, however every time I launch my ...
Diego Carvajal's user avatar
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Difference between the gazebo plugins "ros_control" and "gazebo_ros_control"?

Any kind human is able to explain to me the difference between "ros_control" and "gazebo_ros_control" in simple words? Many thanks. Originally posted by iceberg on ROS Answers ...
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Moveit Custom Controller

I'm trying to use Moveit and Gazebo with a custom controller provided by my robot's manufacturer. When I launch both moveit(+ rviz) and gazebo and try to plan, I get the following error: ...
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Velocity controller does not stop on Slopes

Hi, I am currently working with ROS Kinetic and Gazebo 7 in a vehicle model. To simplify things, the model has 4 continuous joints to apply a certain velocity to the model. With the ...
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[solved] Struggling to run ros_control controller in gdb

Hi folks, Intro I am using the guided policy search (GPS) package ( to run the back-end of a ros_control controller for a Gazebo simulation of the KUKA LWR 4+ arm. My ...
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Pick and place execution in Simulation_"Solution found but controller failed during execution"

Hi, I am trying to execute pick and place task using jaco arm in simulation.I am able to successfully send Pickup goals to moveit pick action server.In the Rviz GUI i am able to see the pickup actions ...
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Could not find resource '[]' in 'hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface'

Hello, The answers at questions: 1, 2 etc, does not seem to be solving this. I am having trouble setting up basic controllers in Gazebo. Can you please help me out with this please? When I launch the ...
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Error while implementing prismatic joint

Hi,I tried to simulate prismatic joint in Gazebo and getting following error while implementing. ...
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Use of diff_drive_controller to simulate a differential drive in Gazebo

Did anybody manage to use diff_drive_controller in to simulate a differential drive in Gazebo**? Theoretically should work if the gazebo_ros_control ( plug in is used in ...
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Profiling ros_controllers with Valgrind / Callgrind

Hi, I'm trying to proifle my controllers written in the ros_control framework in Gazebo. To this end, I added the following argument in gazebo_ros/launch/empty_world.launch: ...
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Can't find controller with Moveit

As the titles says, I can load the robot model with gazebo, start the controller, and receive the robot position from Gazebo, I even can plan the movement, but the execution fails with message ...
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MoveIt! with Gazebo, using MoveItSimpleControllerManager, joint_trajectory_controller

Hi, I am trying to use MoveIt! to control a simulated robot in Gazebo, and am at a loss as to how to proceed. The only documentation / tutorial I can find on the subject is this one, which is 4 years ...
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Differences between ros_control and arbotix driver package

1, I wonder what are the differences or similarities between ros_control and arbotix driver. 2, Does arbotix driver belong to firmware for harware ? In other words, it belongs to hardware_interface:...
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2 answers

Prismatic joint with PositionJointInterface interferes with Gazebo physics

I working on a simulation model of a forklift using ROS control and Gazebo. I'm using a prismatic joint to simulate the piston moving the forks up and down. Since I added a PositionJointInterface to ...
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Spawning and controlling two different robots in Gazebo

Hi! Currently there's an UR5 robot, which is working and doing it's stuff (with moveit). My task is to have a robot that goes around in circles near the UR5 (so later the UR5 can do stuff with it). I ...
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ros_control without gazebo?

I've used ros control multiple times for commanding joint positions in gazebo mainly following the rrbot example, but never in a real robot or a stripped down non-gazebo simulation. How is it done, ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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ros_control makes Gazebo abort

Until last week, I was working on a robot simulation in Gazebo, with the ros_control plugin, without problems. But after a few days ago, Gazebo just started to abort with the folllowing error: ...
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ros_control actuators and transmissions

I am controlling a dynamixel based SCARA arm (4 revolute joints) using ROS (MoveIt + ros_control + dynamixel_controllers). Before controlling the actual arm, I attempted to test the system with Gazebo....
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ros_controller not making -indigo

Hello, I am trying to make my own costume robot in gazebo. I have been following this tutorials
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ros_control packages missing from Jade

I've just updated to Jade, and I'm having trouble running a Gazebo simulation using my previously working packages. Right now I'm focused on this error: File "/home/sam/aav-ros-car/aav_car_ws/src/...
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2 answers

ros_control questions

I have been studying ros_control and how to use it for a while now, but I still have a few questions. I have made a list of the questions I have been unable to answer, and I would appreciate it ...
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Controllers are unable to fight gravity in Gazebo simulation

I am currently trying to simulate a robot in Gazebo using the ROS framework. I used this ( Tutorial to get an existing robot model running ...
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Gazebo: how to control robots models?

Hi. I see a bunch of robots model in Gazebo and I wonder if it is possible to control them. I read the tutorial explaining how to adapt a robot model to do that. Since there are many models in Gazebo, ...
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