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Help with robot bimanual manipulator impedance controller

I have question with how should I focus the development of a impedance controller for two robots. I already built a controller for one arm but after a thorough search if literature or examples I didn'...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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Transform between odom and base_link is faster than in real life [Solved]

i have a differential drive mobile robot and i want to add him the navigation and the localization satck. Currently it's controlled by a teleop. But when i look the transform between odom and ...
Josselin's user avatar
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Differences between ros_control and arbotix driver package

1, I wonder what are the differences or similarities between ros_control and arbotix driver. 2, Does arbotix driver belong to firmware for harware ? In other words, it belongs to hardware_interface:...
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KUKA LBR iiwa real-time control

Hi, I want to setup the new KUKA LBR iiwa arm for (soft) real-time control (at around 100 Hz for now) in Gazebo and on the actual robot. I was thinking of using ros_control and I'm interested in ...
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