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Questions tagged [robot-description]

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What is the requirement of setting the parameter robot_description in the parameter server?

I have just started using ROS and I was going through a few online tutorials. I understand that in order to visualize the robot in rviz plugin a parameter called robot_description is required to be ...
Vinu Raja Kumar C's user avatar
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Error when trying to parse robot_description in YAML format

I've tried to follow the Articulated Robotics tutorial on ros2_control (in the real world) but I'm stuck when launching the package. Apparently, it's trying to parse the robot_description parameter ...
Flamethrower's user avatar
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"" executable not found

i have created a workspace in ros2 humble in Ubuntu 22.04 and i am trying to spawn the robot in gazebo empty world using the following command: ros2 run gazebo_ros launch -topic ...
Yukta Dodia's user avatar
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ros2 ackermann robot not moving forward, left and right

I am working on a ros2 ackermann steering robot with 4 wheels. Issue: The robot is not moving forward, left and right. Although its wheels are turning left and right. The robot is moving in reverse ...
Pratham's user avatar
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How to define zero joint state reference value in URDF/XACRO?

When defining the robot URDF/XACRO file we set links and joints. By default the joints states are zero on spawning. Is there a way to redefine the reference value of the joints states, essentially ...
vibrantcloud's user avatar
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How to set initial position between two links connected via a floating joint?

When I try to use the origin tag withing the joint, it doesn't affect the child link position. How can I change the initial position of the floated link? ...
vibrantcloud's user avatar
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xacro processing in ROS 2 YAML launch files (or XML)?

I'm trying to use YAML launch files for a Gazebo simulation project I'm working on, but it doesn't seem like there's a lot of documentation beyond the basics here. I need to process a robot ...
danzimmerman's user avatar
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Unable to parse URDF using command line but can do it in launch file

Hi, I am beginning to learn ROS and have encountered a strange issue. I have created 2 packages called, my_first_cpp_pkg and urdf_example, which contain xacro xmls of their own for URDF creation. I am ...
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Overwrite robot_description

Hi, I am using the original franka_ros packages (that I do not want to modify) with my custom packages. My problem is that the original franka_control.launch file ...
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[Talos] I am trying to launch talos in simulation but gazebo Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Hello, I was trying to play with talos robot in simulation. I have installed the simulation using this tutorial in ros-melodic ubuntu 18.04. got some errors but I was able to solve it. I have error ...
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/tf suddenly missing

Hi, I'm using a robot run with Raspberry Pi 3, and I'm controlling it from my computer using ROS_MASTER_URI. As usual, after loading my robot_description parameter and run robot_state_publisher node, ...
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ROS Noetic xacro issue - Cannot load command parameter [robot_description] returned with code [2]

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.13.0-35-generic Architecture: x86-64 ROS distro: ROS Noetic I am trying to launch my turtlebot3 for a school assignment in the gazebo ...
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robot_description not found on parameter server while launching the controller

Hello everyone, I have one own created controller for one crane arm. Here you can find the necessary information from controller yaml file, ...
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How to simultaneously load 2 completely different urdf in robot_description param

I want to spawn 2 different robots. one is a DRONE and another is a MOBILE ROVER. Both have no joint mutual in between. I need to control them via ROS simultaneously. The major problem is I cannot use ...
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gazebo URDF collapsing - need tips for inertia (solved)

Hi, I have a problem with gazebo spawning the links of my URDF model not correctly. So figured out that it is still a problem with the inertia. -I tried to fix it but could not make it stable. When ...
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param robot_description not found by searchParam()

I am running ROS Melodic and I'm trying to create a launch file to run multiple Turtlebot3 that share a map. I have created a one_robot.launch file that launches a ...
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Failed to initialize joint_names. Aborting

Hello, i am using the staubli industrial robot driver. In the past it was working perfectly fine but this morning I got the following error message, when I tried launching the driver: ...
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Modify the robot_description parameter at runtime

Hello, I am trying to put identified offsets to the nominal URDF-values of my industrial robot. Since I do not want to modify the support package of my robot, I thought a good way to insert the ...
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Can anyone help me solve the error related to robot_description on parameter server?

The error exactly is ...
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Unable to launch Fetch simulation in Gazebo 7 - ROS Kinetic

Hello, I recently found an updated GitHub repository for the Fetch simulation on Gazebo here The release notes mention that this repository is now ...
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Load a urdf/xml file as rosparm from a c++ ros node

I have followed the rosparam tutorial. But it dosent show how to load a xml/urdf file as a rosparam. Specifically, I want to set "robot_description" parameter from a c++ ros node not from a ...
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Loading robot_description dependent on rosparams

There are a few dimensions of my robot model that are subject to change at runtime, and so I would like to use the param server to set and get those values. It was easy enough to set the values, but ...
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How to change the robot_description paramter for the joint_trajectory_controller

Dear ROS community, i am simulating a ABB IRB2400 robot arm in gazebo controlling it with MoveIt. This is working so far. My goal is to simulate two arms. So i moved them in different namespaces and ...
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How to put urdf in parameter server?

Is it possible to use the urdf format robot in parameter server similarly like xacro format like below? : ...
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Robot semantic description not found

I am not able to use this command on baxter. : ...
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Turtlebot RVIZ visualisation opposite from real Robot

Hi, I am currently facing an RVIZ problem. The turtlebot robot model on RVIZ displays itself as backwards to that of the actual robot such that when I use keyboard teleop to control, the actual robot ...
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set robot_description in program?

Can I read in command argument and set robot_description in c++ program? Originally posted by DamnItROS on ROS Answers with karma: 47 on 2015-11-01 Post score: 0
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xacro problem: Invalid <param> tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]

Just like the topic I posed, when I try to use roslaunch command to run in the terminal, I met this problem (as followed): ...
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Converting Collada to urdf

When running rosrun urdf check_urdf my_collada.dae, I get this error. ...
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robot description problem!

Hi, I have written a robot description for our robot which is consist of urdf of a pantilt,kinect and the robot's base platform! The problem is that when i am running robot_description in a remote pc ...
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Robot_description not found

I installed Fuerte using 'sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-pr2-desktop' I can rosmake various packages, including arm_navigation/planning_environment. However, when I run 'roslaunch ...
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Load SDF (.model) into robot_description

In the past and currently, you can load a URDF/XACRO file into the parameter service via something like: ...
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COB in RVIZ without meshes

Hello, I'm working with COB (Care-O-Bot) simulations. Unfortunately my computer doesn't have enough RAM so I'm running Gazebo headless (without this feature simulation eats all my memory). But when I ...
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