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How to control a loop rate inside a node with RCLPY Rate object

I'm quite new to ros2 and I'm trying to understand how to control the rate of a loop inside the main method of an action server. There are many issues related to this topic but I think that none of ...
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[pointcloud_to_laserscan] publish rate higher than scan_time

Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the "scan_time" parameter from poincloud_to_laserscan package. I was supposing that it was the publish rate of the output (laser_scan). However, ...
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Calling publisher at a specific rate

Hi, I have a node that subscribes to a topic, does some computation and publishes the message on a different topic. The publish is implemented within subscriber callback function. While the subscribed ...
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Rate time of ROS code

Hi, is there a way to see how much time my code is taking to run? I don't mean elapsed time but the rate it is working. For example, I have three topics being published and one subscriber and I want ...
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Fix subcriber rate and drop other messages

I have an IMU topic that is published at ~1kHz and I want my suscriber ton only process 1 message out of 50, discarding the other messages. Is there a c++ way to do this ? I am aware of the throttle ...
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Fix the subscriber rate

Hi everyone, I wrote this code in order to retrieve a sonar range message, calculate a velocity based on it, and send it to my robot. I'm publishing at a 100Hz rate but subscribing at only 10Hz.(I've ...
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is there a way to publish topics of the same node at different rates

I have a single node publishing 5 topics and would like to publish them at different rates. (Python) Originally posted by johnd on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2017-05-14 Post score: 2 Original ...
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Node rate with Turtlebot

Hello everyone, I have a Turtlebot and I want it to track someone. There are two nodes : the first one detects a face with OpenCv and send t the second one the center of the first face the second one ...
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How to redirect a web repository to a local folder in a ROS package?

Hi!!! I'm newbie in this. I'm trying to use the turtlebot packages in a Roomba 600 but I can't. I've found that the default rate is 57600 and I need to change it to 115200. I've saw in the folder &...
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Topic publishing rate slows down after message is lost

I have a node that receives an image topic, then it process the image and publishes a pose topic. From time to time the image is ...
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/joint_states topic and publish rate

I want to read the joint states of a robot from the /joint_states topic, preferably at 1kHz. The problem is that when I increase the publishing rate X of the joint ...
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An outer loop with a slower ros::Rate() and an inner loop with a faster ros::Rate() logic

Consider the situation where there is an outer control loop and an inner control loop. The outer loop runs at 100Hz and the inner loop runs at 500Hz. The inner loop will run 5 times before the outer ...
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Rostopic Hz inaccurate?

Hello everyone. Sometimes when I measure the frequency of messages in a topic, the numbers printed don't make sense. For example: ...
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rostopic hz output more than real frequency

Hi All, I have a callback function that takes point clouds from a openni device at a frequency of 30 Hz. Inside that function I do some computations with it and then I publish the outcome of my ...
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How to change publishing rate of a node to a topic?

hello,here are the publishing rate on the following topics:-- ...
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change publish rate of a topic

Is there any way to change the rate at which messages are published? Edit: To update with more information. I would like to know all ways to throttle a node without using programming practices that ...
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amcl publish frequency map-> odom

Hello! in my tf tree I have that between /map and /odom there's amcl that publish at 20Hz. How to increase this speed rate? Originally posted by alex920a on ROS Answers with karma: 35 on 2014-09-05 ...
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heart rate monitor

Hello, I want to connect a heart rate monitor device to the ROS by using the Bluetooth and stream the data. Is there an available code for this? Originally posted by Behzad on ROS Answers with karma: ...
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Can also link yaw rate sensor data with map

I am using gmapping to map the aera with my robot, I am presently using odo data and data from kinect for mapping. update after dornhege answer I get the odo ticks from the robot, which I convert to ...
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local cost map not updated

Hi, All, I am using a 6m laser range finder to generate local cost map. (Hokuyo URG). I found the the local cost map was not updated promptly. what happens is that, whenever an obstacle occurs in the ...
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How to change default baud rate? From 115200 to 19200

Hi, How to change default baud rate? From 115200 to 19200 Instead USB-COM converter I have Arduino. I've checked it from Windows and Roomba was controlled by me. SW: Ubuntu Precise 12.04 ROS Hydro ros-...
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dynamixel_controller update rate

hi, I interact with dynamixel motors using dynamixel_controllers. Is it possible to make the servos sending feedback at different rates ? For example i want the legs of the robot to send feedback more ...
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Why isn't rospy.Rate.sleep() terminating?

Hi, I have written a python script which takes two tf frames and writes the transform between them to a file. The abbreviated code of the script looks like this: ...
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Reduce frame rate FPS kinect openni_launch

Hello everybody, I am running two programs at the same time so the computational cost is too high. Hence, i thought in reducing the frame rate of the kinect. I am using openni_launch and fuerte. Does ...
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Wrong publishing rate using ros::Rate

Hi, I was trying to use ros::Rate to control the publishing rate. However for some reason, the publishing rate obtained is not the one I expected. Here's my code: ...
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negativ update rate in .world file

Hi guys, what does a negativ update rate in a .world file mean? i was told that the simulation then runs as far as possible in order to provide nearly realtime simulation.But i cant find a ...
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Too much latency for a publisher working with sound_play

Hey all, I have a subscriber written in Python and subscribes to some sensor msgs. It uses sound_play to perform speech synthesis and inform the user about the information received by the sensors. My ...
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