Questions tagged [pepper]

About Pepper robot, by SoftBank Robotics.

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2 votes
1 answer

Get the arm joint angles with kinect 1

I am Carlos Barreiro and I am studying a Robotics Master. Now I am working with my Thesis. The project consists in the teleoperation of the a robot with Kinect (model 1). More specifically, I am ...
0 votes
0 answers

Error: Session is already connected

I am trying to connect the pepper robot with ROS. and I have installed all the required drivers for it. When I enter the command from the terminal to connect the pepper robot, it's showing as the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Connecting PEPPER with ROS

I am facing several problems using ROS and trying to connect it with PEPPER, I am using ros-noetic w/ python 2.7, I can’t import the naoqi module, neither the qi, I don’t really know what to do, I am ...
1 vote
0 answers

Controlling Pepper using ROS

I am trying to implement FastSLAM 1.0 and I am using sensory and control data acquired from Pepper via ROS to evaluate my implementation. However I am having major issues when I try and control Pepper'...
3 votes
1 answer

Can I "shape" the sound of words spoken by Pepper with Phonetic transcription?

I am using Aldebaran/Softbank Robotics Pepper with Choregraphe software. There are some loan words in my dialogs. When Pepper say these words they often don't sound natural. e.g. the german word ...
1 vote
0 answers

Make Pepper understanding and speaking German or other none-english languages [closed]

I am using the "Choreography" software to interact with Pepper. I can create english dialogs there. But I have problems to change the language to (e.g.) German. In the settings of a Dialog I can ...
0 votes
1 answer

Apps for Pepper robot [closed]

I recently googled about Pepper robot and I wonder how one could write apps for it and get money for them. As far as I know they have app store, but does it sell apps or give them for free? (All info ...