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Autoware.Auto ROS2Bag compatibility with Point Cloud Map Builder

We have a Livox Lidar which we plan to use to map out a route which can be used with the Autoware.Auto track. We noticed that using this tool: ...
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How to read a point cloud (.pcd) file and send it to a rosbag

Hello, I just started using the Point Cloud Library. I followed some initial tutorial here on how to use it. I am trying to send a point cloud file ...
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How to create a map using raw point cloud data?

Hi, I have a raw point cloud data stored in a rosbag file. How can I generate a map from this rosbag file? Also, that raw point cloud data has redundant information. How can I extract only the ...
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Save PointCloud2 data

I am running Hokuyo UTM-30LX in real time and getting PointCloud2 published. Each time I move the laser, the previous PointCloud data is lost. How can I save parts of pcl assembled scan? Originally ...
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bag_to_pcd failed to contact master

i'm trying to run 'bag_to_pcd' from the terminal but keep getting the following error.. ...
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Exporting RGBD-6D-SLAM scanned data to meshlab

I'd like to know if there is a way to export the Point Cloud acquired with RGBD-6D-SLAM to a format usable in meshlab. That way I can triangulate it into a mesh and export it to whatever tool I want, ...
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