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Questions tagged [opencv]

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a cross-platform library of programming functions for real time computer vision.

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Where's the install location of the ROS indigo's opencv

Hi, all, My OS is ubuntu 14.04, I had installed ROS indigo (Desktop-Full), where's the install location of the ROS indigo's opencv ? I coudn't find it in "/opt/ros/indigo/lib" Could ...
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what is the first step of doing image processing with ROS?

hi i am beginner with image processing and want to start that with ROS but i dont know what is the first step ? for example should i first install OpenCV? or its not important ? and may be i should ...
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How I can run contour_moments.cpp OpenCV example?

I don’t know how to run the file contour_moments.cpp that’s able in this github link: I’m working ...
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Setting up Catkin Baxter Environment Error - INDIGO

Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTE I'm trying to setup a workspace to simulate Baxter in gazebo with Ros Indigo. When I run catkin_make in my workspace i get the following error: ...
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OpenCV in ROS indigo

Hi Ros users: I have a script where I use OpenCV functions and ROS functions. But I have a problem when I run this script. Mi question is: What version of OpenCV have I to install to work with Ros ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: OpenCV imread

I was following these examples; More specifically, let's look at this piece of code: ...
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image_proc not working as expected

Hello everyone, I'm trying to use image_proc to rectify my image, coming from a folder. Here is my launch file: ...
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How to use opencv-contrib modules in ROS Indigo?

I am using ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04. I installed the OpenCV 3 for ROS with apt-get: sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-opencv3 However, I would like to use modules ...
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what's confidence level? and how can we use it for vehicle detection using OpenCV?

I'm working on project for the Autonomous vehicle, and i want to know what's confidence level means and how can we use confidence level for vehicle detection in OpenCV ?
assam alzookery's user avatar
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ROS example program doesn't work with the Laptop webcam

I have been trying to work with the example program for ROS - OpenCV integration. When I run the program, there is no progress. I am not getting any response. I dont have any external or USB webcam. I ...
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Building Ros 2.0 without OpenCV?

I'd like to build Ros 2.0 without having to have OpenCV installed. Is this possible / How would I do this? Originally posted by Sam101 on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2015-09-11 Post score: 1
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Package for TLD algorithm in indigo

I found TLD algorithm package in github but it is for groovy. is there any indigo package for TLD algorithm or any similar object tracking algorithm ? Originally posted by Kishore Kumar on ROS ...
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2D image point to 3D

Hey! I have a setup with a bottom camera (simple webcam pointed at the ground). Along with the camera is an IMU, which means that I have the attitude of the camera. I also have an estimation of the ...
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Use ros-indigo-opencv3 alongside 2.4.8?

Maybe it is brand new but I've recently noticed I can install ros-indigo-opencv3. It installs into the /opt/ros/indigo. There is also a opencv 2.4.8 already installed into the system outside of /opt ...
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Has anyone used the KalmanFilter Opencv libraries inside ROS?

Hi, I was wondering if someone has used the Kalman filter of Opencv inside ROS. The "normal" Opencv program works perfectly, but when i use it inside ros (The same code), it throws me the ...
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opencv3.0 ros indigo

Hi, I want to use opencv 3.0.0 in ros but I have troubles linking my code. When install ros-indigo-desktop-full there are dependencies to opencv2.4 for some pkg like cv_bridge or image_pipeline. When ...
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How can I add C++ optimization flags to ROS

I am running an opencv code on ROS and I really need to turn on the -O3 optimization flag. Originally posted by adnansousi on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2015-07-15 Post score: 0
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Kalman filter of opencv doesnt work in ROS

Hi, im trying to adapt a Kalman filter cpp code to a node cpp in ROS, but in the very beginning, the initialization goes wrong, more precisly, when i try to set the matrices, this is the relevant ...
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At an impasse using OpenCV

Hi all, I have this snippet of code that was copied from one of the tutorials on cv_bridge: ...
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CvBridge conversion problem: Asus Xtion depth image to OpenCV

Hi, I have a Asus Xtion sensor being driven by the Openni2_launch package. I subscribe to the "/camera/depth/image" topic and attempt to convert the ImageConstPtr& data type to an OpenCV ...
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How to publish images quickly

ROS Indigo, Python, OpenCV (cv_bridge) I wrote a node that does differential imaging on the webcam feed from a Kinect, but when I publish the final images and try to view them in image_view, the frame ...
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Where do I save an Image for calling it with cv::imread

Hi! I'm using opencv for reading an image that later I'm going to use as a reference in my ROS node, the problem is that my code isn't reading it. I saved it in the src folder inside the package ...
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Sensor msg to an opencv image

I am attempting to convert a sensor_msgs/Image msg into something displayable in opencv. I am using cv_bridge to accomplish this conversion. When I catkin build, I get: ...
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What is the package in Indigo supports webcam in laptop?

Packages available for webcams are only for usb webcam and few for laptop cams but i cant find any Package for Indigo rather than Hydro, so what is the Indigo package supports laptop webcams ...
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face_detector not detecting with RGBD camera

I recently installed the face_detector node and compilled it successfully. However, when I run the .launch given in the package I cannot detect any faces. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, ROS Hydro, rosbuild ...
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How do I use nonfree opencv Libraries in ROS

Hello, I need to use a SURF feature detector in ros. I succeded when I used it outside ROS, but when i try to make a code for a node in ROS, the compiler shows me this: ...
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cv_bridge: sensor_msgs::Image to sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr

Hi there! I've been having some real trouble with cv_bridge (and, I guess c++ in general); I'm really stumped as to how to solve this issue but I suspect it's down to a fundamental misunderstanding of ...
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Working with cv_bridge and OpenCV correctly

Hello, I am struggling to use cv_bridge correctly. Do I have to convert the cv_bridge to a cv::Mat, before I can use OpenCV's functions? My situation is the following: I wrote a simple OpenCV ...
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movement detection in ROS

Hello Everyone, I tried a program on OpenCV about movement detection and It works pretty well since it's capturing 2 camera frames and making differentiation between them (from image to grayscale then ...
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Optical flow with bottom camera on aerial vehicle

I'm interested in obtaining an estimation of the linear velocity of the vehicle using optical flow, so which are the best packages for optical flow using the bottom camera of an aerial vehicle? (the ...
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Showing image with 2 channels

Hi, I'm using goodFeaturesToTrack() method to locate corners from an image. However when I try to view the image, using imshow(), I get an error: OpenCV Error: Bad number of channels (Source image ...
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Unable to view camera output while using cv_bridge

I am using ROS Hydro in Ubuntu 12.04 which is installed in Virtualbox. I am trying to use cv_bridge to convert my ros images to opencv images captured by Logitech C270. Being a novice to this field, I ...
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Why prefer to use uvc_camera instead of cv::Capture when working with OpenCV?

Hi! ROS offers its own way of grabbing data from cameras (for example: a normal web cam most of us have integrated in our notebooks) using the uvc_camera driver. Now I'm not asking why use this at all....
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undefined reference to symbol 'cv::cvtColor(cv::_InputArray const&, cv::_OutputArray const&, int, int)'

I am trying to convert RGB image to Grayscale in ROS, but I am getting the error as below: ...
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"ReInstalling" openCV after installing ROS

Hello everyone, I installed ROS Indigo some time ago and in that time I was going to install Opencv separately to learn about this library, however a professor told me that once I install ROS, I also ...
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OSX indigo opencv linking problem (cv_bridge, image_view)

I'm trying to install indigo from source on a mac recently upgraded to yosemite (10.10). I've had a few issued but managed to build everything up to cv_bridge. cv_bridge has a linking error with ...
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Ros not responding to keypress to WaitKey

Hi guys.. I am using openCV to run some video processing, in which i switch 2 algorithm, and the switch is performed by the user, from a key press.. The only problem is though i am not able it make ...
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Problem when compiling OpenCV with ROS

I am using rosbuild to build a project with OpenCV and ROS. The OpenCV version is 2.4.9, built and installed from source. The ROS version is indigo. When I include the nonfree module of OpenCV (has ...
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Why is my callback function not called

I trying to understand why my subscriber isn't outputting anything.. It seems like, it doesn't get called, but it doesn't make sense why it doesn't... Anyone who could explain?? ...
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Configure Eclipse to work with ROS and OpenCV

How to configure Eclipse Luna to work with ROS and OpenCV? I followed the ROS IDE instrucitions and I have succesfully set up an eclipse project. On the OpenCV website in step 8 they tell to click on ...
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ros with Aruco Tags

Hello I'm trying to use this pkg: I installed OpenCV and Aruco 1.2.4. I tested the Aruco and It works. Problem: In step 7 I get this error ...
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Help in making node with OpenCV/cv_bridge and ROS Indigo

Greetings, Running ROS Indigo, Ubuntu 14.04 and catkin_simple. My system has downloaded: <...
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OpenCV4Tegra and ROS - HowTo? (Jetson TK1)

Hi all, I'm trying to "force" ROS to see OpenCV4Tegra as the official OpenCV installed on my Jetson TK1 so that cv_bridge does not install libopencv-dev from Ubuntu repo. I tried to follow ...
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[SOLVED] opencv my awesome library problem

I have a problem when trying to run catkin_make, i am trying to build a package that uses opencv, i have added in CMakeLists : find_package(OpenCV) include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) ...
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Stereo to point cloud

Hi, I have a calibrated stereo camera and I would like convert images to point cloud. I'm going to do this with opencv, with the function reprojectImageTo3D, but I need the Q matrix. I found another ...
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Possibility of importing and using an external library in ROS nodes

Dear all, I wonder whether it is possible to import & use other external libraries in my ROS's node. In my case, I need to know if I can use this OpenCV library in my kinect node or not. If it is, ...
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pixel coordinates to 3D

Hi, I have a stereo camera mounted in a UR5 and I want to detect the holes of a work piece and move the tcp near the holes. I detect the centre of the holes with opencv and but I don't know how to ...
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opencv compilation error

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Black image for an Image publisher with image_transport

I made a node retrieving an image with openCV explained on this ROS tutorial. The image is ten converted into a format suitable for ROS, using CV_bridge functions. Problem is, there is no image that ...
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AR DRONE 2.0 Tracking

Hello, I'm using ROS, OpenCV and Eclipse with an AR DRONE 2.0. My question is: How can my drone follow an object? I installed ardrone_autonomy and tried some tutorials to convert my video on image to ...
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