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Questions tagged [opencv]

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a cross-platform library of programming functions for real time computer vision.

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detect post-it from an image of a visual management Board [closed]

'm trying to detect all the post-it in an image and get them into an arrayList. I tried many alternatives (removing backgroud -> detecting contours, haar Cascade classifier, detecting rectangular ...
medAziz's user avatar
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Send a video from ROS to OpenCV app

Hello, I want to publish a .avi/mp4 file through ROS to my OpenCV app. How do I do so? Originally posted by Zig on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2017-02-22 Post score: 0
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Error: no matching function for call to 'ros::Nodehandle::advertise()'

Error ...
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Problem viewing images using python-opencv

I have trouble viewing color images from R200 realsense camera using the python-opencv interface. The window is blank when I run this script. When I comment out'cv2.namedWindow("Image window"...
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CMakeLists pkg-config opencv C++

I made program with "opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp" like this include. #include "opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp" When I compile the program, I ...
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Noise Image_raw from video stream

I have 2 cameras looking at an object, estimating the transformation between two camera images using OpenCV feature matching. I have ROS driver for 2 cameras (gscam). When receiving new image topic (/...
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Problem even catkin_make'ing my ROS Images to OpenCV node -- Library issues?

I am trying to create a node that will help me take an ROS Image and convert it to an OpenCV image. I am following the "Converting between ROS images and OpenCV images" tutorial. At step 9, ...
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Writing a Simple Image Publisher (C++) tutorial Segmentation Fault

I am running ROS Kinetic full desktop install on Raspberrypi 3b running Debian Jessie. These are fresh installs with nothing else added. I followed the Simple Image Publisher/Subscriber tutorials ...
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Stereo Camera calibration with different camera types

I'm trying to perform stereo camera calibration, rectification and disparity map generation. It's working fine with normal sample data. However, I'm trying to use the dual cameras on an iPhone 7+, ...
Davido's user avatar
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Update OpenCV version in ROS

Hello, I checked my OpenCV version discovering that is 2.4.8. I want to update it to 2.4.13 (at least 2.4.9) but I don't want to stop to use it in ROS Indigo too. Since OpenCV is not a system ...
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Transforming Point Cloud to get Top Down Image [closed]

My task: I have a task where I am asked to track parcels(carton boxes) of different dimensions moving on a conveyor. I am using Asus Xtion pro camera mounted on top of a conveyor in any inclined ...
Fracedo's user avatar
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Access AR.Drone camera with OpenCV while connected to ROS

Hi, I am having an issue where by I am unable to connect to the AR Drone camera when the drone is connected through ROS using the ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch. I think the issue is due to the fact ...
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Opencv in ROS: fatal error: opencv3/opencv.hpp: No such file or directory compilation terminated

EDITED: Hello, I just started using opencv with ROS and I am trying to to write a program using the default opencv3, which comes with ROS Kinetic. I have the following inclusions in my .cpp file: <...
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Save Depth Map Video

I have recently purchased an Orbbec Astra camera, which uses the same technology and produces the same style depth map as a Microsoft Kinect. What would be the correct file format to save the depth ...
James Mallett's user avatar
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Having trouble using CUDA enabled OpenCV with kinetic

Hello everyone. I started a new install of ROS Kinetic, and I was hoping to use a few CUDA features from OpenCV. I have successfully compiled and tested CUDA and OpenCV (which is installed in /usr/...
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Add OpenCV window as panel to RViz

The kinect_tracking node finds a specific point inside the picture and paints it into each frame. I do create the Window with openCV like: ...
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Destination encoding for ros image to opencv image conversion

I am trying to create an OpenCV image from a ros image using this . I am subscribing to a topic /camera/depth/img_rect_color which is of the type ...
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Opencv no rule to make target

I am trying out the example to convert ros image to opencv image from here. I am creating a new package roscv_conv and using a zed camera with ros indigo, on a <...
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py-faster-rcnn network detection runs on CPU through ROS callback function

Hi there, I'm trying to test my trained py-faster-rcnn network for object detection through ROS. I have a node running with many similarities to Included in the class are commands to execute ...
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Ros-opencv after few computations cannot see the image

Hi , So i'm trying to detect lines with turtlebot via kinect rgb camera. Everything was working until i added cv2.HoughLinesP() i think it still works but image window comes up as menubar only :) ...
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CompressedImage to an Image in a node

Update Hey I have the following subscriber on Nvidia TX1 board running on an agricultural robot. we have the following issue with subscribing to Sensor_msgs::Compressed: ...
JTIM's user avatar
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Stereo Vision Using Compute Module: Pi camera synchronization

Good day, I am currently working on an obstacle avoiding UAV using stereo vision to obtain depth maps. I noticed that the quadcopter would sometimes not steer to the correct direction. I am using ...
user123456098's user avatar
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Image encoding problem

Hello I have a cv::Mat of depth CV_8UC1 (that I know for sure it is this since it what the camera streams). In the camera driver I can do cv::imshow and display this CV_8UC1 image and I see it right: ...
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source install + opencv source install

I'm installing ROS Indigo from source on Fedora 23 and I also have a source install of openCV 2.4.12. After I compiled everything when I try to run rosrun rviz rviz ...
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Which ROS version to use with opencv

Hi. I would like to use the feature detection library from opencv to detect an object and then navigate the mobile robot to the center of the object . I dont know only which version of ROS should ...
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I need help with an error when run an OpenCV program

I am sorry if my subject is not clear but I am not sure how to describe this problem. Below is the error I receive when I try to run my node: ...
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Opencv installation, usage with and without ROS

Hello, I have OpenCV 2.4.8 which was installed along with ROS Indigo on an Ubuntu 14.04. My project requires use of OpenCV 2.4.9. I have limited understanding of how this installation works. I have ...
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Can't visualize image in opencv. what is problem?

I tried to run ros opencv tutorial program: converting converting between ros image and opencv image using cv_bridge. but after i ran the command: rosrun opencv example input:=/camera/image_raw than ...
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Could not find a package configuration file provided by "opencv2"

I was following the Converting between ROS images and OpenCV images (Python) tutorial and i came across the following problem while running catkin_make. I am new to ros and i am still finding my way ...
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which version of Opencv should I use?

Hi everyone, I'm a beginner in ROS. Currently, I'm trying to use a camera to locate and identify the color balls by the OpenCV package, but depend on my research I found that there has two version of ...
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How to link opencv to ROS indigo (catkin) with CMake (ubuntu 14.04)?

Am so far not able to use cv_bridge. Am getting this compilation error ...
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How to start using OpenCV and ROS

Hi Im new in OpenCV and would like to learn using it with ROS fuerte. I am using Ubuntu 12 and 14 and ROS fuerte and Microsoft Kinect. Any good tutorial to start install OpenCV in ROS and start using ...
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pcl library linking problem

Hi, I am facing a linking problem between pcl and ROS. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and QtCreator. I am trying to convert the laser data to OpenCV image, now I have the pointcoud2 so I need to convert it ...
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ROS indigo and opencv seems not to work correctly

I'm trying to check if I could use opencv with ROS Indigo and also with PCL 1.7, based on this tutorial here, and it seems there would open a window to show the Image, but nothing happens in my ...
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Extract video from PointCloud2

I have a rosbag file with sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 data. I want to extract a video from these data. All the ROS tools I found is related to the extraction of video from an Image topic. Is it possible ...
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Which single board computer should I chose?

Hi ros community I' m working with ros to make a robot which can go itself with image proccessing. I am using lots of hardware in this project and I used pcduino V3 until this time. But I want to ...
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Problem of using Turtlebot to process image

Hi, everyone ! I'm doing image processing using turtlebot right now, and I have completed programming on VS Windows, it is going perfect, but when I transformed it to ROS, it just went wrong. I am new ...
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Real-time object classification for an indoor autonomous quad-rotor

I am designing an indoor autonomous drone. I am currently writing an object classification program in OpenCV for this purpose. My objects of interests for classification are: ceiling fans; AC units; ...
Vino's user avatar
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Do all of the OpenCV functions work fine on ROS?

I decide to do some image processing on ROS, and first I did the same job on VS2013 with OpenCV2.4.9 on windows, I am wondering if it is true that almost every functions like cvCvtColor or every data ...
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Suggestions on object types (features) to track from ARDrone 2 camera

UPDATE I have aded 50 bounty for this question on the StackOverflow I am trying to implement object tracking from the camera(just one camera, no Z info). Camera has 720*1280 resolution, but I ...
fiz's user avatar
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Getting coordinates through comparing .pgm files using opencv

1 - Generated the .pgm files through gmapping using LIDAR data. -- One with partial map -- One with map of the whole area Trying to: 2 - Use opencv to compare the maps 3 - To get the coordinates of ...
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cv::KalmanFilter not working [Solved]

I'm trying to use kalman filter in ROS with OpenCV library, but I'm getting error. below is the error that I'm getting while compilation. error: ‘KalmanFilter’ is not a member of ‘cv’ cv::KalmanFilter ...
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why RGB and depth Image synchronization not working? [Solved]

why this works ? but not the bottom one? ...
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How do the YAML Parameters relate to Pinhole-Model

I try to make sense of the YAML Matrixes below and so far know that camera_matrix holds intrinsics distortion_coefficient is ...
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Convert cv_bridge Image to cv::Mat image

I would like to have a pure OpenCV version cv::Mat of the Image on which I can do further modifications. I tried ...
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Book: Learning ROS for Robotics Programming; Chapter 5 homography.cpp:16:39: fatal error: opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp: No such file or directory

Hello, I am studying the book for beginners to understand ROS. When I compile chapter 5 tutorials, I face this problem. ...
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Multiple static target position estimate

An aerial vehicle captures images of the ground, using a down facing camera, in order to detect some static ground targets. Using opencv I created a node that detects those targets and converts their ...
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Problems integrating OpenCV with ROS Indigo

I am trying to build a simple program to start working with OpenCV with ROS Indigo; however, whenever I try to build the code (catkin_make) the build fails and returns " undefined reference to '...
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image_geometry projectPixelTo3dRay World Coordinates

Good evening, i have a problem and i need help as fast as possible. For a tracking program i try to subscribe from two image_rect_color + their ...
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Tracking objects from camera; PID controlling; Parrot AR Drone 2

I am working on a project where I should perform object tracking using the camera of Parrot AR Drone 2.0. So the main idea is, a drone should be able to identify a specified colour and then follow it ...
fiz's user avatar
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