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ROS Melodic ORB SLAM 2 Map point vector is empty

I am trying to run ORB SLAM 2 with frames being published of a video I need to map however all parameters I have tried have lead to no features being detected even with some aggressive parameters as ...
Jack Duffy's user avatar
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Create self-contained standalone ROS1 application for Windows

I created a ROS Noetic package that grabs data from some cameras and performs pose estimation of objects in the field of view (using OpenCV). Simultaneously, IMU data is measured and fused with these ...
masteryoda436's user avatar
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cv2.stereoRectify works only when the rotation and translation are from camera 2 to camera 1

I am using the euroc-mav dataset to create a disparity map from stereo images: In this dataset the cameras are already ...
Idan Aviv's user avatar
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Video from dron camera to RTSP

I am a newcomer to using ROS and am facing the challenge of obtaining a video stream from the camera topic of my robot in Gazebo and transmitting this video via RTSP. I have attempted to use the gi ...
Jazx Jazx's user avatar
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reading depth in mm from ros depth image

I want to read a depth image from ros. I subscribe to the /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw/compressed topic published by a intel realsense D435i camera. I ...
Franci's user avatar
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Calibration of camera using ROS, without camera info

As part of a college project, I need to communicate with a TM5-700 robotic arm developed by Omron, and implement, for now, a pick and place pipeline. For that, I am required to access the camera ...
noobcoder's user avatar
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Segmentation fault in cv::findContours call

I am struggling to debug a segmentation fault. Any help is appreciated! The node just crashes whenever I launch it and following is the seg fault I am getting when running through gdb: ...
nebula's user avatar
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Convert CameraInfo K & D to OpenCV format convenience functions?

Are there existing functions to convert from camera info arrays of K and D to intrinsic and distortion cv::Mats that can be passed into opencv functions like ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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Vision programming with OpenCV

I am currently working on a project on NiryoOne which requires facial detection of a person through NiryoOne camera (ELP SONY IMX). The code that I am using works on my laptop running Ubuntu. However, ...
astabc44's user avatar
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upgrade opencv version in melodic

Hello, i want to upgrade opencv version to over 3.4 in Melodic. Melodic installs opencv 3.2 originally, so I tried to uninstall opencv 3.2, and re-install opencv 3.4 But some packages which are ...
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Error when compiling cv_bridge in Raspberry Pi 4B with Raspbian buster and ROS Noetic

Im using Raspberry Pi 4B, with Raspbian Buster and ROS Noetic. When I tried to compile my catkin ws with a cv_bridge package I got the following error: CMake Error at vision_opencv/cv_bridge/...
bob's user avatar
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Noetic python raw Image publisher (from video)

Hi everyone, I have spent nearly 2 full days with this problem now and have some extensive research, but just can't figure it out. My apologies for being a burden, I ussually hesitate to waste anyones ...
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Image Subscriber Lags (despite queue_size=1 and buff_size=2**30)

Hi, I have been working on a Python class that will allow me to spawn an object in gazebo, take an image of the object, and then delete that object, for a given number of objects that I provide. I am ...
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Does a stable library exist for docking robots using images?

I built a mobile base from scratch, and now I am focused on getting the robot to charge. The robot is using an on-board webcam (and PC) to detect a QR barcode on the charger unit. Using OpenCV I find ...
Mike's user avatar
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Implementing PID on a line following bot using turtlebot

I am using ROS melodic,turtlebot 2 on Ubuntu 18.04. The idea is to create an environment consisting of lines as a path (slightly curved), and to program the turtlebot to follow the lines. Basically, a ...
satan 29's user avatar
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Reflective surface

Have you encountered the problem of reflective surfaces for realsense camera (d435 or t265) and lidar (A1 or A2). I would like to know what are the ways to solve problems with reflective surfaces for ...
Splinter1984's user avatar
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Eliminate grey space around the saved map

I have mapped my Gazebo environment using the slam_gmapping node. On running ...
skpro19's user avatar
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Finding OpenCV Paths in ROS Builds

Short version: How do I find the path to haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml provided by opencv? Long version: I'm working on getting the ...
DLu's user avatar
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openCV transform datatypes to ROS msg tf/goal

Hi, Iam looking for the best practice to make a openCV transform (getAffineTransform() ) into a pathplanner goal message (angle, translation). I dont really understand all the different datatypes used....
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Best OpenCV version for ROS Noetic

I ran this command to find out if my OpenCV version was 4: kg-config --modversion opencv4 The outcome was: 4.2.0 I also tried ...
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cv_bridge and OpenCV both define Exception class

I am trying to use cv_bridge in my project on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2017. When I try to compile my code, I get the following errors: ...
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OpenCV4.2 and Ubuntu16.04 with python2.7?

Summary: I'm using new vision of opencv, opencv 4.2 with ubuntu 16.04 and python 2.7 After built cv_bridge, the output is: ...
Redhwan's user avatar
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How to get OpenCV 4 working with ROS Melodic?

I'm trying to run ROS Melodic with Opencv 4.2.0 on windows What is wrong with my CMAKELISTS? I have added opencv to my system path, but Catkin_make always gives this error: ...
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How to change OpenCV version of any ros package?

Example ; ...
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catkin_make opencv version conflict

Hello everyone ; When I write catkin_make it gives such a warning. ...
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Is there a way to publish a video file so it can be displayed with a camera display in RViz? (solved)

I have recorded videos I want to display in RViz with a camera display so that I can overlay them with my other plugins. Is there a way to do that? I tried with the video_stream_opencv plugin already ...
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rosrun can't open my video (ROS OpenCV)

Hi guys, I'm trying to stream some video file (.mp4). I wrote a node: ...
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Not able to publish image to std_msg/Image

I am trying to run a publisher code that publishes an Image to a topic. But, whenever I run the code, I get an error. The code I have written is below - ...
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I cannot install ROS Kinetic desktop following the tutorial

No way to install ROS Kinetic with OpenCV in RPi4, I followed the official guide, from a fresh install, with swap, with -j1,-j2... Did somebody get install Kinetic with openCV? i got install OpenCV 4....
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Display image in RVIZ

Hello Is there any way to send a captured image to the rviz and display it in a certain position? similar to a Basic geometric markers for Rviz (visualization_msgs / Marker.msg)... The idea is to use ...
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How to calculate the distance to object with orbbec astra camera

Hello, I am using orbbec Astra camera in order to get the distance to the already detected object. I have detected the object by using OpenCV and /brg/image_raw topic from Astra camera. Now I want to ...
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ROS Melodic OpenCV xfeatures2d

On ROS Melodic ros-melodic-opencv3 doesn't exist anymore as e.g. on ROS Kinetic. Instead it is recommended to install libopencv-dev , however, this package ...
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Image overlay with transparency (sensors_msg/Image) on mapviz

Hi everyone, I've written a simple node which reads in a png file with transparency and publishes it to a certain topic. The topic is then subscribed by mapviz to display the image as an overlay. ...
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How to select version OpenCV in ROS?

Hi, My name is Junifer. I am a student at a university. I am working with ROS and OpenCV. I installed 2 version of OpenCV and Python in my computer. OpenCV 3.4.3 - Python 3 OpenCV 2.4.8 - Python 2 ...
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[SOLVED] Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv?

Hi, so I'm making a video publisher that stores frame from webcam as OpenCV image to be HSV-filtered, eroded, and dilated then convert it to a ROS image to be published to a subscriber. The code is ...
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Images from fisheye camera are displayed correctly with BGR8 encoding but not with MONO8

Hi, I want to output grayscale images from a fisheye camera (FOV < 180 degree). I understand that ROS currently doesn't support fisheye distortion models. However, I see that if I use a BGR8 image ...
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How to specify my own OpenCV3 for cv_bridge

The ROS1 package cv_bridge can be downloaded here: and be found at ...
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point grey camera withe jackal

Hi, I am using the jackal for my university project. I have attached a camera to collect images and am using the cv bridge library to get snapshots. On the desktop and simulation environment, I use ...
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Using opencv tracking with ROS kinetic

Hey, i want to use the tracking packageof opencv3 contrib in my ROS package. The tracking packagee seems to be installed correctly, i can find the tracker.cpp in my opencv folder and also use other ...
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error: variable cv::cuda::GpuMat has initializer but incomplete type

I'm trying to use the CUDA implementation for OpenCV on the NVidia TX1. Using cv::Mat, the minimal example below works, but with cv::cuda::GpuMat it returns errors when comiling: ...
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Install opencv_contrib Tracking package

Hey there I simply want to use the tracking package of the opencv3 contrib package in my ros kinetic. I figured already out that in particular the tracking package is not contained in one of the ...
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How to tell Catkin_make to use opencv with gpu?

Hi. I have same trouble with this Having trouble using CUDA enabled OpenCV with kinetic. My trouble is catkin_make is looking into only non-cuda function for ros-kinetic even I use NO_MODULE to tell ...
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what is the use of " .format(**config)) " in this link ^, they have this piece of code (shown below) ...
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For dynamic reconfiguration, which is the main file? In these tutorials, they have shown to create 1) a config file 2) a client file 3) a server file I want to dynamically reconfigure the HSV values for ...
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Using image callback and videocallback OpenCV Kinetic

Hi all! First question in the site! Hope you guys can help me out, I've got a problem by trying to use an image inside a function. In this function I got an example of edge detector from the camera. I ...
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how can i capture an image from camera using opencv c++ code in ROS?

This is my code: but I don't how to use it in ROS.Please help me step by step. ...
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add local opencv to path

I want to compile my ROS node with the opencv which is at /usr/local/ I have tried the following rosanswers I could compile my code without errors. But when i run the node, i get the following error. <...
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Transport Image tutorial issue: subscriber doesn't show image

Hello everyone, I tried to do the tutorial " Running the Simple Image Publisher and Subscriber with Different Transports " image_transport/Tutorials but I encountered an issue. When I run ...
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what is core?

hi guys, i am using opencv with ros environmnt and after many trials ,, a file named core is created !! and is of size 185 MB and i am wondering what is the need of this ??? its just got generated ...
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transform (x,y,z) coordinate from kinect to /map frame using tf

Hi, I'm tracking an object using a kinect and trying to publish the tf transform of that object in a "/map frame. I'm able to return the object's x, y and depth data using OpenCV. However, I'm ...
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