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Error when compiling cv_bridge in Raspberry Pi 4B with Raspbian buster and ROS Noetic

Im using Raspberry Pi 4B, with Raspbian Buster and ROS Noetic. When I tried to compile my catkin ws with a cv_bridge package I got the following error: CMake Error at vision_opencv/cv_bridge/...
bob's user avatar
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Obstacle avoiding by Pi camera [closed]

I designed a mobile robot with my colleagues for our graduation project, the purpose of it is to detect mines (metals) in a specific area We are programming the robot using Python on Raspberry Pi 3 ...
Mahmoud's user avatar
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How to check lane departure in OpenCV?

I'm using OpenCV 3 in Python 2.7 on a Raspberry Pi 3. My project's aim is to build an autonomous lane departing robot that can detect the two lanes on its sides and continuously correct itself to ...
SidharthM's user avatar