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Create self-contained standalone ROS1 application for Windows

I created a ROS Noetic package that grabs data from some cameras and performs pose estimation of objects in the field of view (using OpenCV). Simultaneously, IMU data is measured and fused with these ...
masteryoda436's user avatar
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cv2.stereoRectify works only when the rotation and translation are from camera 2 to camera 1

I am using the euroc-mav dataset to create a disparity map from stereo images: In this dataset the cameras are already ...
Idan Aviv's user avatar
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ArUco Markers Distance Estimation Accuracy Difference

The distance estimated (in cm: Because input size of ArUco Markers in cm too) using the code line after importing math module: ...
Mhd Afz's user avatar
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2 answers

Switching between 2 cameras (using opencv)

I have a manipulator in ROS and 2 cameras attached on it. I want to switch the frames of cameras every 5 seconds Both cameras work fine. I do not want to close the window and reopen it (if it is ...
user37201's user avatar
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Converting a ros2 bag of color raw images to image files or video

This is using ros2 Humble in Ubuntu 22.04 and native Python 3.10 Eventual goal: capturing depth aligned RGB and Depth streams from Intel RealSense D435 camera and converting them to RGB and Depth ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Detecting door blockage using computer vision

I want to detect door blockage on a camera. Basically if the exit door is blocked by an object, it detects it as an anomaly. How can we do it? Is it possible to do it using OpenCV? Remember, it doesn’...
Tina J's user avatar
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WEBOTS - Connect a external Tkinter Script to main controller?

I have a WEBOTS Simulation with an automobile. Now while WEBOTS provides a camera overlay, I want to display the result of image processing along with sensor data in a comprehensive manner. For this I ...
senSMEM8's user avatar
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Vision programming with OpenCV

I am currently working on a project on NiryoOne which requires facial detection of a person through NiryoOne camera (ELP SONY IMX). The code that I am using works on my laptop running Ubuntu. However, ...
astabc44's user avatar
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Path planning for robot car on grid

I am currently doing a project as my hobby. I am trying to simulate a robot car in a grid arena. Below is the image of the arena: The start point of the car is the bottom-right corner(dark green ...
UJM's user avatar
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OpenCV4.2 and Ubuntu16.04 with python2.7?

Summary: I'm using new vision of opencv, opencv 4.2 with ubuntu 16.04 and python 2.7 After built cv_bridge, the output is: ...
Redhwan's user avatar
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How to find visual odometry by video from cellphone camera mounted on robot?

I am writing codes in python for visual odometry from single camera. I used cell phone camera for testing. I took video of 35 sec with camera moving. I used code below to read first image ...
Vinitha Patil's user avatar
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Make robot drive as far from obstacles as possible

I am trying to make robot drive around the room, avoiding obstacles with pathfinding. The problem is I get few waypoints from pathfinding algorithm for robot to drive to (green dots), but it drive a ...
Name's user avatar
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Image data fusion

I have three cameras separated by some distance, looking at a scene. I have calibrated them using checkerboard and I have their respective intrinsic parameters and their pose and rotation matrix, I am ...
Rajat Girhotra's user avatar
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How to select version OpenCV in ROS?

Hi, My name is Junifer. I am a student at a university. I am working with ROS and OpenCV. I installed 2 version of OpenCV and Python in my computer. OpenCV 3.4.3 - Python 3 OpenCV 2.4.8 - Python 2 ...
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Fixing robot orientation using AR

I am creating a project where a robot needs to face a control panel and do some specific tasks. Some reference tags will be placed on the panel. I want to use the tags as AR reference and fix my ...
Ahmed Sadman Muhib's user avatar
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camera_calibration opens gui window but freezes

I'm trying to run the camera_calibration node. I run this command: ...
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Determine the relative camera pose given two RGB camera frames in openCV-python

I would like to determine the relative camera pose given two RGB camera frames. I assume there's overlap in field of view between the two cameras, what I am looking for ultimately is the rotation and ...
chibro2's user avatar
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Drone Feedback: Object Detection / Color Detection [closed]

I have been working on a code where an A.R Drone 2.0 will detect color and put a red dot in the middle of the image. I am using streaming for the drone. The goal is for the drone to detect a white ...
Rob's user avatar
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For dynamic reconfiguration, which is the main file? In these tutorials, they have shown to create 1) a config file 2) a client file 3) a server file I want to dynamically reconfigure the HSV values for ...
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Obstacle avoiding by Pi camera [closed]

I designed a mobile robot with my colleagues for our graduation project, the purpose of it is to detect mines (metals) in a specific area We are programming the robot using Python on Raspberry Pi 3 ...
Mahmoud's user avatar
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Converting Image Coordinates to (x, y) Position for Robotic Arm

I have a Robotic Arm with a camera mounted above it looking down at a slight angle. Assuming I know the height of the camera, the angle of tilt and the small distance from the center of the robot ...
N.Zano's user avatar
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Problem Listener with

Good morning people I did a listener for the camera/image_raw node republish (camera/image_test, but the following error appears: Client [/ QR_Listener_5598_1492006578702] wants topic /camera/...
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Python OpenCV namedWindow and imshow freeze

Hi there, I try to view a subscribed image via cv2.imshow() like the following: ...
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Problem viewing images using python-opencv

I have trouble viewing color images from R200 realsense camera using the python-opencv interface. The window is blank when I run this script. When I comment out'cv2.namedWindow("Image window"...
user avatar
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Ros-opencv after few computations cannot see the image

Hi , So i'm trying to detect lines with turtlebot via kinect rgb camera. Everything was working until i added cv2.HoughLinesP() i think it still works but image window comes up as menubar only :) ...
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How to publish images quickly

ROS Indigo, Python, OpenCV (cv_bridge) I wrote a node that does differential imaging on the webcam feed from a Kinect, but when I publish the final images and try to view them in image_view, the frame ...
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Identify the white section of a binary image

I want to track the white section of the binary image. When the white section is detected (which is cuboid in my case) it should get the height and width and the value of left and top most pixel. Then ...
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New C++ API Documentation for OpenCV

Hi,I have 3 questions: Is it possible to use the old API C++ for OpenCV while writing code in ROS? If is not, does anybody know where can I find good documentation for the new OpenCV C++ API? some ...
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Changing python version in ROS

Hi, How to change the Python version in ROS, I installed EPD (Enthought Python Distribution) and it seems my ROS has used this version, instead of Python 2.7 which is installed by default ... I want ...
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opencv pixel locations

Hi all, I have an image that looks like this: From this image, I want to get a list of all of the pixel locations for pixels which are nonzero (white). I'm using OpenCV in Python, and I don't have a ...
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Opencv python LineIterator returning position information?

In the python sample for InitLineIterator here: Copied below for convenience: >>> import cv >>> img = cv.LoadImageM("building.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) >>> li = cv.InitLineIterator(img, (100, 100)...
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