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Kinetic error: opencv2/core/core.hpp No such file or directory

I am working with ROS kinetic on ubuntu 16.04 after a system update with Software-Updater i get an error while catkin_make-ing. worked like a charm before. ...
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find position of object in a bag

Hi guys, I need to find(estimate) the 3D position of the 'people in the scene' -- (this is in the bag file) with respect to the camera. My code is : (I didn't write it) ...
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Could not find a package configuration file provided by "opencv2"

I was following the Converting between ROS images and OpenCV images (Python) tutorial and i came across the following problem while running catkin_make. I am new to ros and i am still finding my way ...
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Book: Learning ROS for Robotics Programming; Chapter 5 homography.cpp:16:39: fatal error: opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp: No such file or directory

Hello, I am studying the book for beginners to understand ROS. When I compile chapter 5 tutorials, I face this problem. ...
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Working with cv_bridge and OpenCV correctly

Hello, I am struggling to use cv_bridge correctly. Do I have to convert the cv_bridge to a cv::Mat, before I can use OpenCV's functions? My situation is the following: I wrote a simple OpenCV ...
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Help in making node with OpenCV/cv_bridge and ROS Indigo

Greetings, Running ROS Indigo, Ubuntu 14.04 and catkin_simple. My system has downloaded: <...
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Is it possible to convert depth messages as Ipl image using CvBridge

I could convert RGB messages in to picture but says that the "[32FC1] is not a color format. but [mono8] is. The conversion does not make sense". Is there anything else i should be doing? my ...
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How to extract depth data from rosbags(contains depth and RGB data) as picture frames

I have a Bagfile containing Raw depth and RGB data. I converted the RGB data into images using the tutorial But when I used ...
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build errors when trying to use CVbridge with ROS Hydro

I'm trying to follow this tutorial - to stream images to a node. After I added the node ...
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vision_opencv can't be found by ROS but it's installed

I was trying to make a package using the catkin_create_pkg but later it gives me an error for a package I have. My command was: ...
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Streaming RGB with asus and using houghlines algorithm

Im currently using Ubuntu and running on ROS groovy. My intention is to live stream RGB images from Asus Xtion pro and run the houghlines transform algorithm from opencv. I created my own package and ...
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add opencv to indigo

The Opencv packages aren't built in the ROS Indigo anymore. So what should I do if I want to add opencv2? Originally posted by hsoltani on ROS Answers with karma: 70 on 2014-07-07 Post score: 4
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opencv undefined reference problem

I am trying to build learning_image_transport from image_transport tutorial on Gumstix Overo which has ros groovy running on linaro. However, one of dependencies of learning_image_transport -- opencv2 ...
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OpenCV CMake Error

I have been using OpenCV without issue for months, but today when I catkin_make my workspace I now get the error: -- +++ processing catkin package: 'clam_vision' -- ==> add_subdirectory(...
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Opencv2 include problems

Hello, I am using fuerte an Ubuntu 12.04 and have an include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> which can't be resolved (...
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Error when converting IR kinect image to CvImage using cv_bridge

Hi guys, I am trying to obtain the IR images (of type const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& image) from the kinect, copy this image to a class attribute ...
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OpenCV with ROS Groovy

Hi, I'm trying to use opencv library in ROS Groovy but I doesn't find how exactly it's working. A lot of time I have some errors like this: ...
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Catkin-izing OpenCV-based package

I converted my package that relies on OpenCV to catkin but I am getting lots of OpenCV errors. Is there somewhere that documents the required OpenCV changes to port to the new version? catkin_make is ...
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Cannot Use OpenCV With -std=c++0x/gnu++0x in Fuerte

Compiling against OpenCV/FLANN in Fuerte/Ubuntu 12.04 amd64/gcc4.6 fails when using -std=c++0x due to this issue which has yet to be integrated into ROS; are there plans to pull this fix into ROS any ...
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Is this the right approach for modelling a simple scene in 3d out of 2 images?

I'm new in this field and I'm trying to model a simple scene in 3d out of 2d images and I dont have any info about cameras. I know that there are 3 options ( ): Or I have two images and I know the ...
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