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Ros-opencv after few computations cannot see the image

Hi , So i'm trying to detect lines with turtlebot via kinect rgb camera. Everything was working until i added cv2.HoughLinesP() i think it still works but image window comes up as menubar only :) ...
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face_detector not detecting with RGBD camera

I recently installed the face_detector node and compilled it successfully. However, when I run the .launch given in the package I cannot detect any faces. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, ROS Hydro, rosbuild ...
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Possibility of importing and using an external library in ROS nodes

Dear all, I wonder whether it is possible to import & use other external libraries in my ROS's node. In my case, I need to know if I can use this OpenCV library in my kinect node or not. If it is, ...
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ImportError: No module named cv_bridge

Hello all, I am trying to subscribe to a kinect publisher, grab an rgb image and convert it to an ipl image so I can manipulate it with opencv. I am using Fuerte and Ubuntu 12.04 and I am writing the ...
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Get data values from depth image

I'm using a turtlebot (Create base) with a kinect. I need to save images automatically (RGB and depth images) when the turtlebot is in front of a object that is less than 1 meter away. Therefore, i ...
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What is the best way to record RGB and Depth data from a Kinect using Openni?

I'm attempting to record short (~10s) video streams from a kinect. Ideally I'd like to output two video files after recording is finished: one file for RGB and the other file for depth (I can save a ...
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Is it possible to merge multiple Kinect streams using vision_opencv?

Recently it came to my attention that in the later ROS versions much of the complex image processing/handling has been offloaded to other sources such as OpenCV. The camera_pose_calibration package ...
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How to work with kinect frames in RGB color format using cvbridge

I am trying to process color kinect frames following the tutorial from the link working with cv bridge. I have a training image juice_color.png which I can visualize as RGB. I specified the encoding ...
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Problem with converting image from depth to grayscale

I am trying to convert depth image from (/camera/depth/image) to grayscale image (/camera/rgb/image_mono). This is my code. ...
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Converting Kinect depth image to Real world coordinate

Hi All, I need a small help with converting kinects depth image to the real world coordinates of each depth pixel. I used the below mentioned formulae found from a paper. But, I assume the Z value is ...
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Error when converting IR kinect image to CvImage using cv_bridge

Hi guys, I am trying to obtain the IR images (of type const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& image) from the kinect, copy this image to a class attribute ...
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Kinect calibration "Unknown OpenCV format yuv422"

Hi all, I would like to intrinsically calibrate my asus sensor. Therefore I used the "openni_launch/Tutorials/IntrinsicCalibration" page. I calibrated the IR without problems. Now I want to ...
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depth image to CV_16UC1

Hi, I am currently trying to capture images and localizing a colored landmark in the kinect frame. I first tried detecting the color in a downsampled pointcloud but that was just too slow, and so now ...
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OpenCV PinholeCameraModel undefined reference

Hi, I'm trying to the the camera model information by using: void cameraModel_cb(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info_msg) { image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel model_; model_.fromCameraInfo(...
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Create Semantic Maps using RGBDSLAM + OctoMaps?

Hello everyone! I'm interested in using RGBDSLAM and OctoMaps with the Kinect camera to create 3D maps. Using generated 3D maps and combining it with object recognition code I've written using OpenCV, ...
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cv::bilateralFilter segfaults on image from cv_bridge

I have a ROS node that takes in a depth image and converts it to an openCV compatible format. However it doesn't seem to be compatible with all openCV functions. ...
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OpenCV Error with openni_node.launch

Hi, I have a Kinect device, ROS Electric, and I installed the openni package with the ubuntu package ros-electric-openni-kinect. When I execute the launch file openni_camera/openni_node.launch, I get ...
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Get IR stream from kinect

Hi, everybody, I need to capture the IR stream from IR camera of kinect and I have to use OpenCv Library for analizing it. Doing so, I built a subscriber at the topic ...
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camera kinect/video

Thanks, that I have done, now I want to save the images I have listened to from to video using the video writer class, VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera However, I don't want to use the ...
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Capture for Kinect Camera

Thanks, that I have done, now I want to save the images I have listened to from to video using the video writer class, ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: kinect opencv

I'm trying to use the depth data obtained by kinect with C++ program. I've already installed openni_kinect with the guide(, OpenNI itself is installed in this ...
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Camera pose calibration with multiple camera's

Hi, we're using the camera_pose_calibration package and try to calibrate multiple camera's with it. We followed the instructions at - which went well. ...
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