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cv_bridge.h not found ROS2

I need cv_bridge on my cmakelist.txt. Cmakelist shows a path for cv_bridge.h, however there is no file on that name at that path. I have opencv 4.5.4,ros2 humble. I tried to install cv_bridge by ...
Zehra N.'s user avatar
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AttributeError when trying to reinsert modified images into ROS2 bag file with Python

I'm currently working with ROS2 and Python to process image data stored in a ROS2 bag file. My task involves extracting images from the bag, performing modifications, and then reinserting them. I am ...
franzele's user avatar
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ROS2 CV2 imshow and publish in the same loop fails

I attempted to publish and display an image from a video using cv2 and ros2. Although the code compiled successfully, running it consistently resulted in a memory allocation failure. Could someone ...
Oskar Osinski's user avatar
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Converting a ros2 bag of color raw images to image files or video

This is using ros2 Humble in Ubuntu 22.04 and native Python 3.10 Eventual goal: capturing depth aligned RGB and Depth streams from Intel RealSense D435 camera and converting them to RGB and Depth ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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CMake detects intended OpenCV+CUDA, but runtime does not use intended OpenCV version

CMakeLists.txt contains ...
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ROS2: How to publish cv Mat image?

I'm having trouble understanding how to publish a cv::Mat image in C++, and I can find very little documentation about this. Here's my publish code. I based it on this tutorial:
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv_bridge' IN windows10 running foxy

I was following this tutorial to implement a simple ros2 image publisher and subscriber. everything was built but ...
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cv_bridge and OpenCV both define Exception class

I am trying to use cv_bridge in my project on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2017. When I try to compile my code, I get the following errors: ...
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Combines message for image and information gives "invalid initialization error"

Hello, I am currently trying to implement a message that includes the images as well as the detected bounding boxes. The publisher works very well, but the subscriber gives me the following error ...
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Image overlay with transparency (sensors_msg/Image) on mapviz

Hi everyone, I've written a simple node which reads in a png file with transparency and publishes it to a certain topic. The topic is then subscribed by mapviz to display the image as an overlay. ...
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How to specify my own OpenCV3 for cv_bridge

The ROS1 package cv_bridge can be downloaded here: and be found at ...
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image stream using camera

Hello guys, My question might seem easy for many since i am still fresh in Ros and Opencv. I am following the tutorials provided on Ros Website. I am going through the tutorial ''Converting between ...
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Conversion from 32FC1 to mono8 using cv_bridge

I am trying to use cv_bridge to convert an image from /disp_map/image (32FC1 encoding according to msg->encoding ) to an ...
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Is ROS Kinetic compatible with libopencv-dev-2.4.9?

The REP link suggests to use opencv 3.1.x with ROS Kinetic. However, since the system package libopencv-dev 3.1.x version isn't available in the upstream ubuntu repository yet, I had installed ...
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Problem viewing images using python-opencv

I have trouble viewing color images from R200 realsense camera using the python-opencv interface. The window is blank when I run this script. When I comment out'cv2.namedWindow("Image window"...
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Convert cv_bridge Image to cv::Mat image

I would like to have a pure OpenCV version cv::Mat of the Image on which I can do further modifications. I tried ...
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opencv3.0 ros indigo

Hi, I want to use opencv 3.0.0 in ros but I have troubles linking my code. When install ros-indigo-desktop-full there are dependencies to opencv2.4 for some pkg like cv_bridge or image_pipeline. When ...
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At an impasse using OpenCV

Hi all, I have this snippet of code that was copied from one of the tutorials on cv_bridge: ...
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CvBridge conversion problem: Asus Xtion depth image to OpenCV

Hi, I have a Asus Xtion sensor being driven by the Openni2_launch package. I subscribe to the "/camera/depth/image" topic and attempt to convert the ImageConstPtr& data type to an OpenCV ...
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How to publish images quickly

ROS Indigo, Python, OpenCV (cv_bridge) I wrote a node that does differential imaging on the webcam feed from a Kinect, but when I publish the final images and try to view them in image_view, the frame ...
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Sensor msg to an opencv image

I am attempting to convert a sensor_msgs/Image msg into something displayable in opencv. I am using cv_bridge to accomplish this conversion. When I catkin build, I get: ...
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Working with cv_bridge and OpenCV correctly

Hello, I am struggling to use cv_bridge correctly. Do I have to convert the cv_bridge to a cv::Mat, before I can use OpenCV's functions? My situation is the following: I wrote a simple OpenCV ...
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Unable to view camera output while using cv_bridge

I am using ROS Hydro in Ubuntu 12.04 which is installed in Virtualbox. I am trying to use cv_bridge to convert my ros images to opencv images captured by Logitech C270. Being a novice to this field, I ...
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Black image for an Image publisher with image_transport

I made a node retrieving an image with openCV explained on this ROS tutorial. The image is ten converted into a format suitable for ROS, using CV_bridge functions. Problem is, there is no image that ...
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Is it possible to convert depth messages as Ipl image using CvBridge

I could convert RGB messages in to picture but says that the "[32FC1] is not a color format. but [mono8] is. The conversion does not make sense". Is there anything else i should be doing? my ...
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streaming AR.Drone 2.0 images to OpenCV

I'm following these tutorials to stream images to OpenCV format from the /ardrone/image_raw topic.
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ImportError: No module named cv_bridge

Hello all, I am trying to subscribe to a kinect publisher, grab an rgb image and convert it to an ipl image so I can manipulate it with opencv. I am using Fuerte and Ubuntu 12.04 and I am writing the ...
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sensor_msgs::CvBridge’ has not been declared

Im currently using Ubuntu and running on ROS groovy. I just started using ROS and opencv. Trying to capture image using my Asus Xtion Pro and using opencv codes. Im starting on tutorial: Running the ...
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No image display window in cv_bridge tutorial. (Does compressed image matter?

Hi, I'm following the cv_bridge tutorial The code is correct(I just copy the code and change the topic name to mine /camera/image ), also modified the CMakeLists....
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How to work with kinect frames in RGB color format using cvbridge

I am trying to process color kinect frames following the tutorial from the link working with cv bridge. I have a training image juice_color.png which I can visualize as RGB. I specified the encoding ...
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harris detector in callback

I have been trying to implement Harris corner detector. But the result are pretty skewed. There is always some symmetry in the detected corners as shown in the image below which definitely is not true....
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How to realize image processing with ROS and opencv

Hello, I try to realize image processing with ROS and opencv, and I follow the tutorial of cvBridge. Then I really want to know, whether it is true that we can only do the image processing in the ...
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Can't process image using cv_bridge

I'm using a library called 'tpofinder' to recognize textured objects,but it can only work using opencv's videocapture() function,and it's very slow,about 1 fps or less. I'm using CMake to build it,in ...
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Error in using cv_bridge: communication ROS - OpenCV

I'm using OpenCV in order to elaborate frames of a video stream acquired from a simulator (vrep) through ROS Topic: as suggested by the ROS guide i'm doing that via cv_bridge. In that example the ...
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Storing sensor_msgs::Image from cv_bridge

Hello everyone, I am having some trouble to store the result of cv_bridge::CvImage::toImageMsg() as a sensor_msgs::Image. The reason why I want to do this is because the sensor_msgs::Image belongs to ...
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ERROR: Cannot load message class for...Are your messages built?

hi, i'm trying to use this simple program to acquire an image from a ROS node (in gray-scale), convert it via cv_bridge (in order to elaborate it through OpenCV), find the middle point of some stains ...
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error: cannot convert ‘cv::Mat’ to ‘const CvArr* - Video from ROS node to OpenCV

hi, i'm trying to receive a video from a ROS node and elaborate the data of the frames and publish some stuff. this is my code (i'm using cv_bridge as suggested by ROS documentation in order to ...
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Coding using OpenCV2 ROS

#include stdio.h> #include iostream> #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include &...
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Query a frame from a video passed as a message by ROS to OpenCV

hi everybody, I'm trying to extract a frame from a video passed by a ROS node to OpenCV. Obviously I made the necessary conversion (via cv_bridge) exactly as suggested in
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Error when converting IR kinect image to CvImage using cv_bridge

Hi guys, I am trying to obtain the IR images (of type const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& image) from the kinect, copy this image to a class attribute ...
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Corner detection using opencv and ROS

Hi guys, I have implemented an algorithm that uses the opencv2 Harris corner detector. I have a few questions, but first let me explain my system: I have copied the opencv2 Harris corner detector and ...
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Error building cv_bridge on RaspberryPi

I am trying to build some libfreenect drivers (for the kinect) and I do a rosmake and it fails in cv_bridge complaining about some image formats (e.g., CV_YUV2RGB_UYVY, see below for more). ...
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cv::bilateralFilter segfaults on image from cv_bridge

I have a ROS node that takes in a depth image and converts it to an openCV compatible format. However it doesn't seem to be compatible with all openCV functions. ...
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cv_bridge and IplImage -> Mat when going from OpenCV 2.1 to OpenCV 2.3?

Hello, I am trying to use some of the newer Python sample code included with OpenCV 2.3 while also using cv_bridge in ROS Electric. It appears that most of the sample code (such as the ...
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OpenCV Error: Image step is wrong () in cvInitMatHeader

Name : left_mat_ Details:{flags = 1124007936, dims = 2, rows = 480, cols = 752, data = 0x80b6bc8 023"..., dataend = 0x8110bb8 "", datalimit = 0x8110bc8 "", allocator = 0x0, ...
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cv_bridge and OpenCV 2.3.2

Hi! im using ROS Electric installed from sources and OpenCV from svn and its has version 2.3.2 but if im trying to make cv_bridge rosmake cv_bridge it want to use ...
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openvc/cv_bridge encoding

Which encoding is most appropriate for using cv_bridge to convert cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3d> matrices into ros images? Originally posted by Aditya on ROS Answers with karma: 287 on 2011-09-21 Post ...
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How to synchronize image and marker display between two ROS nodes

I have two ROS nodes, a "display node" and a "detector node", that both use cv_bridge and subscribe to the same image topic. The detector node publishes an array of ROI boxes ...
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Convert from a sensor_msgs::CompressedImage message to IplImage

I'm saving test videos in a JPEG compressed bag file. Then I try to use it as input to a subscriber that listens to the "/camera/image/compressed" topic and convert it to OpenCV's IplImage ...
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