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Why would we solve AX=XB instead of just using the Kabsch algorithm?

I have a high precision stereo camera and a robot which are independent units (the camera is not mounted to the robot). I wish to compute a transformation from the camera frame to the robot base frame....
Alexander Soare's user avatar
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Trouble aligning/calibrating camera with laser scanner

I have a robot which has 2 multi-spectral cameras and 1 laser scanner attached. In the end I would like to have the images from the cameras aligned with the scanner so that I can have spectral ...
Steve Ahlswede's user avatar
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camera_calibration opens gui window but freezes

I'm trying to run the camera_calibration node. I run this command: ...
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Using camera calibration results in OpenCV

I've calibrated Kinect intrinsics (both depth and rgb) using camera_calibration module and saved a bunch of rgb images afterwards (calibration file was detected successfully; subscription to kinect1/...
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OpenCV get topdown view of planar pattern by using intrinsic and extrinsic from cameraCalibrate

Originally I have a image with a perfect circle grid, denoted as A I add some lens distortion and perspective transformation to it, and it becomes B In camera calibration, A would be my destination ...
ricecakebear's user avatar
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Are homogeneous coordinates represented by appending image coordinates with a 1 in camera imaging

In camera imaging, there are several terms for point coordinates. World coordinates: [X, Y, Z] in physical unit Image coordinates: [u, v] in pixel. Do these coordinates become homogeneous ...
Jogging Song's user avatar
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normalized point coordinates in undistortPoints function

In undistortPoints function from OpenCV, the documentations says that where undistort() is an ...
Jogging Song's user avatar
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image_geometry projectPixelTo3dRay World Coordinates

Good evening, i have a problem and i need help as fast as possible. For a tracking program i try to subscribe from two image_rect_color + their ...
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What does projection matrix provided by the calibration represent?

I'm using such a tool from ROS/OpenCV in order to perform the camera calibration. The procedure ends up providing: camera matrix, distortion parameters, rectification matrix and projection matrix. As ...
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Kinect calibration "Unknown OpenCV format yuv422"

Hi all, I would like to intrinsically calibrate my asus sensor. Therefore I used the "openni_launch/Tutorials/IntrinsicCalibration" page. I calibrated the IR without problems. Now I want to ...
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camera_calibration: checkerboard target not found

Hello everyone! I am having a really hard time calibrating my Videre Design stereo cameras within ROS. My driver node is publishing the appropriate CameraInfo and Image messages, but the calibration ...
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3D calibration in OpenCV without chessboard images?

It takes me a long time to get functions to work in OpenCV so I'd like to know whether my overall plan makes sense before I dive into the details of trying to make it happen. (Open CV 2.3.1, Windows ...
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OpenCV circles grid calibration

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has had experience with the new OpenCV circles grid calibration pattern. Any better results? Any worse results? Sad that your beautiful metal checkerboards ...
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Camera pose calibration with multiple camera's

Hi, we're using the camera_pose_calibration package and try to calibrate multiple camera's with it. We followed the instructions at - which went well. ...
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